[OSList] Open Space on private Mediation in Portugal on 3. /4. Febr. - coming soon!....

Lisa Heft lisaheft at openingspace.net
Mon Jan 30 20:16:25 PST 2012

Junta - I agree with my colleagues that whoever comes and however many  
will be perfect.
Gail's thought calls to mind invitation strategy. Who cares, who else  
is in the system, who thinks wonderfully differently than majority,  
who may be affected or impacted by the issues or decisions, who else  
can inform the situation, and so on. That is the mapping out of the  
'who'. Then there is the 'how' - what makes this accessible to those  
people you are inviting, is it in a location or on a day that makes it  
easy, do they need rides, whatever your core planning team identifies.  
Then it is also about relationship.  What language speaks to each  
different kind of person, who might personally invite each different  
person or each group, do they feel there is something in the text of  
the invitation that inspires them to be there (and that part is  
usually now about process - it's about what everyone is gathering  
together to do and why). Then it is also responding and interacting  
with each individual who shows an interest - to build community and  
help each person feel they are welcome. And I do not know about your  
particular event - did the participants ask for this? or are the  
coordinators hoping to draw people to this? Because sometimes that  
makes a difference as well - is this the first small gathering perhaps  
where participants might share thoughts about having a larger  
gathering, and so on.

So it is outreach, strategy, relationship, language, community,  
diversity, access, inclusion, registration as a relationship, and more.
The actual numbers? I have facilitated Open Space with 2500 and with  
1.  If you are ready to take it wherever it goes - trusting the people  
and the process - it is a wonderful journey...

Then there is also region-specific culture and region-specific  
relationships.  You might talk with the folks at Open Space  
Institute / Portugal and see if they have done other work with similar  
individuals or groups in organizational, professional or community  
groups...Artur Silva and Veronique Santos - you can reach them through instituto-ost at instituto-ost.pt

Let us know how it goes,

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