[OSList] For those who "train" others in OST

Bhavesh Patel bhavmail at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 01:00:28 PDT 2011

Hi Friends,

Below is a recent exchange between me and Diane that may have useful ideas
for you.

Smiles Bhav....


Hi Bhavesh,

Thank you for giving us such good news about your OST Learning workshop.
Good for you for creating such an inspiring learning opportunity for so many
people! Thank you also for sharing your process.

Your timetable reflects a process that I have been moving towards more and
more ie starting the OS experience even before lunch - gives more time after
for participants to anchor and build their learning...which makes learning
more meaningful. I do keep a short convergence phase for personal action the
next morning. It allows participants to experience this focussing process as
well as living evening News the day before (as oppose to only the closing)
and Morning News. They can also feel the benefits of the overnight
reflection and incubation ( a valuable experience to help clients understand
the added value of more time) and the more relaxed transition to convergence
when the logistics are dealt with overnight.

The best to you in the new space and life you are moving into.



Brilliant, that is the bit that I was missing.... I did some convergence and
then closed..... but your idea makes more sense...... what if we even put
the action planning phase as the final part of Day 3, and so they would
reflect taking the learning from the whole workshop into action, and finish
with a closing circle.

So start with OST - then have a more workshop based approach - and then
finish with OST.... YES, that might work!




About your idea of action planning at the end of the workshop, here are the
distinctions I make between the two moments of action planning during the

- I do action planning at the end of the workshop in relations to their next
steps for deepening their learning of OST - that is, an individual
reflection and some sharing in duos or with the group if time permits. Doing
action planning about the theme of the first day would not have relevance
for them at this point and would likely feel disconnected.

- At the end of convergence on the morning of day-2, the action planning is
related to discussions they just had related to the theme of the live OS, as
in any real OS event. This action planning is not about the OST method. The
theme of the experiential OST can be about a variety of subjects..anything
other than the Open Space method which is something they will have more to
say about after the experiential OS.

Hope this is useful,



Thanks Diane. I played about with the ideas you mention below when I was
designing the workshop. Let me share with you some of my thoughts:

   - If I was running the OST workshop for a single organisation, then I
   felt I could have an OST on a real issue and so there would be plenty of
   possibilities for action planning
   - However this workshop was public and attracted a diverse bunch and so I
   assumed that the best goal would be meaningful conversation, a touch of
   convergence in terms of noticing patterns of interest and energy, and then
   stop there
   - I also decided the theme for them, which worked quite well. In a past
   workshop I have worked with participants on a theme, and then run the OST on
   that theme and found that it lacked some energy

However I think I will try your method next time. End Day 1 with some
convergence and an evening circle, and then open Day 2 with action planning
and a closing circle, have a cup of tea and then get into workshop format.

What do you think? Smiles Bhav.............


Hi Bhavesh,

What you described in your last email is familiar. For public workshops, I
also send out the theme a couple of weeks in advance so they can prepare
mentally as for any OS event. I keep the theme broad enough so that
participants can explore it from a personal perspective or an organizational
or societal perspective.

I plan to experiment with a shorter experiential OS all completed on day 1
with convergence (OS on action) after lunch for a smooth transition (with
enought time to finish reports and set up the new logisitc). This will give
more time for exploring learning questions of interest.

For organizations who have recently help an OS, I offer a 2-day training
(the experiential part being already covered). This way they have addressed
an issue they needed to address and they can add a less expensive learning

Got to go - summer is calling. It's been nice exchanging notes.


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