The Power of Pre-Work - August 18-20, San Francisco

Lisa Heft lisaheft at
Tue Jun 29 20:27:35 PDT 2010

Hello, dear colleagues - I invite you to join me for this learning  
experience - and thanks in advance for sharing the word - through  
email, tweets, other social networks, or face-to-face over a good  
beverage with your friends, clients and colleagues. I look forward to  
seeing some of you there - Lisa

- - - -

(As I write this, I reflect upon some of the diverse dialogue events I  
have facilitated and the elements of pre-work that led to their  
success - including a multi-language, multi-culture national immigrant  
and refugee farmer conference, a series of 2000+ participant youth  
ministry conferences, a national conference which introduced dialogue  
to help participants name diverse and conflicting points of view in  
their field, a meeting of international health workers sharing best  
practices across country and culture, a retreat for a global  
information technology department generating ideas for their corporate  
strategic plan, environmental advocates birthing a new global  
organization, HIV/AIDS educators developing mission, vision and a  
shared values statement for their non-profit organization, six  
international agencies collaborating on how to spend a billion dollar  
budget - and other examples of high productivity, creativity and  
partnership and meaningful outcomes in meetings based on dialogue  
methods and processes.  What supported the success of these events?   
Not my magic jewel-like words and insights - instead, a thorough  
analysis to select the appropriate tool, plus ongoing conversations  
with the client teams about everything from issues and objectives to  
site, food, documentation, invitation and outreach, follow-up and more  
- with every one of these elements affecting or supporting dialogue.   
To me, the pre-work is essential - and yet, everyone tells me they do  
not get this sort of training in their academic programs or other  
facilitation training. So I decided to host a workshop to share best  
practices and lessons learned about the pre-work.)

- - - -

Join us - register now - for
The Power of Pre-Work
For people of all levels of experience

August 18-20, 2010

San Francisco, California USA

Facilitated by Lisa Heft
Fellow, Columbia University's Center for International Conflict  
Adjunct Faculty, Sonoma State University Organization Development  

- - - -

Facilitating staff meetings, community gatherings, planning sessions,  
conferences and committees:

It is not just about showing up and doing some sort of magic  
facilitation on the day of the event.

Learn how thoughtful, thorough pre-work can support the success of a  
dialogue event.

For people of all levels of experience - although you will be able to  
retain more of your learning about pre-work if you already do some  
facilitation work

Whether you facilitate using Open Space Technology, the World Cafe,  
Future Search, or other tools, processes and methods with and without  
names - everything in the full system of your event affects and  
impacts everything else. Share what you have learned and learn more  
about all of the elements of Pre-Work. It is all part of an ecology of  
interrelated elements.

Pricing - as always - is flexible - custom tailored to what you as an  
individual can contribute and afford.

For more information on content, schedule and pricing overview and to  
Contact me directly at
lisaheft at

I look forward to learning with and from you,


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space
lisaheft at

Ask me about the The Power of Pre-Work workshop for facilitators - 
August 18-20, 2010 - San Francisco
and the Open Space Learning Workshops - October 15-18, 2010 -  
Medellin, Colombia and December 15-17, 2010 - San Francisco

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