SOS for OS!

Lisa Heft lisaheft at
Sat Apr 8 07:49:53 PDT 2006

Hi, Dear Frank -


You wrote:

< I am feeling disillusioned and frustrated. And my attempts at having
conversations about Open Space have not been very productive..

1) I could use something like a script sheet to talk about OS with these
folks--like step by step instructions. 

2) I could use some list advice on how to function as an OS individual in a
non-OS meeting while maintaining some sense of integrity and respect. >


Frank, sometimes when I have found myself to be 'Mrs. Crankypants' * I have
tried to walk back into the conference (or whatever) practicing sort of a
meditation, if you will, of appreciation.  For the people, for the parts
that are marvelous, for the excitement that they feel.even if I am not
feeling it.  Sometimes I even try to volunteer more for the conference, to
help them do what they do (because if I'm not interested in it myself, maybe
I can help them by serving them).  


Some other times I deliciously and delightedly use the Law of Two Feet.  I
go for wonderful walks, butterfly around into marvelous conversations, take
luxurious naps.and periodically pop back into the conference to see if my
feelings or the conference have changed.


Maybe if you think of the principles of Open Space, that will help you.  


Whoever comes.  


So when you post a topic and you are the only one to come to your group,
what are your choices?  To be upset - sure, if you want to - if that serves
you in some way.  To wait a little longer and see what happens.  To write
and write and write, and post your notes as Breaking News.  To disband your
little group of one and go enjoy something else.


Whatever happens.


No matter what you think should, would or could have happened, what is
happening is the only thing.  Sometimes it helps to step away from the
would/could/should - which is not what is currently happening - and step
back into the Now.


Whenever it starts.


Is this the time it should start, just because YOU are ready?  Maybe you are
a visionary ahead of your time.maybe it is the right method but this is not
the time for them to know it.yet.


When it's over.


Be there as long as it works for you.  Think of things you can do next - for
that community or for yourself.


.just playing with these ideas but see what you think.


<I think developing some kind of OST emergency action kit would be a good
topic for an OSonOS.>


Hmmm.  What would go in that kit?  Comfortable clothes to help you relax.  A
clown nose to help you see the humor.  A piece of fruit to give you
nutrition.  Oxygen to help you b-r-e-a-t-h-e.


Oh.  You mean an emergency kit to push Open Space?  I mean sell it? I mean
use it?


You have all those tools.  Ideas, passion, invitation, and maybe a few
pieces of paper to post on the wall if you wish to create some stealth


It's not always easy being a visionary. 





* For those of you for whom English is not a first language, 'crankypants'
is just a made-up word - 'cranky' - if you are using the term for boats: is
tender, tippy (tilting; falling over easily); for people: easily irritated
or annoyed; for roads: full of bends and turns.  Of course 'pants' is what
you wear on the lower half of your body (or maybe, dear reader, you wear
them on your head as a particular style).  So saying I'm 'Mrs. Crankypants'
is like saying I am all edgy and easily irritated and I have this little
conversation running around in my head that is negative and withdrawing from
the group and making judgments about everything.  I wonder if maybe the best
thing to do is use the road definition - as perhaps around the next bend or
turn, things may improve.



L i s a   H e f t

Consultant, Facilitator, Educator

O p e n i n g  S p a c e

 <mailto:lisaheft at> lisaheft at






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