OSonSO Proceedings - Day 2, Part 1

Alan Chilton achilton at ns.sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 5 19:10:13 PDT 2005

Greetings to all on the OSList!  


Here are the proceedings of Day 2 of the conference... well at least this is
the first half of them!






Name of Topic:  Beyond Ego Mind


Name of Convener:  Christine Whitney Sanchez


Name of Participants:  Deirdre Knowles, Eddie Palmer, Allie Middleton, Cathy
Carmody, Michael Spencer, Eva P. Svensson, John Engle, Kerry Napuk, Eric
Lilius, Robyn S. Berkesiel, Bill Mahoney


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:  


Have you had the experience of transcending ego mind in open space or
another group setting?

*	In and out as a child – a matter of getting out of the way
*	On Having No Head, Douglas Harding,  <http://www.headless.org/>

*	Boundless original face – when I’m looking at you, it’s face to no
face.  If we are all no face at the same time we could have the experience
of collective transcendence.


Has anyone had the experience of collective transcendence?

*	In Zen Enlightenment Intensive

*	Koan after koan – Who am I?  What is another?
*	As soon as student has the answer, she/he is given another koan.
All students came up with the same answer.

*	When we keep trying to answer with intellect, it eventually shuts
down and then the answer comes.  (Like the quote from this morning – “I used
to think the brain was the most wonderful organ in the body.  Then I
realized who was telling me this.”  Emo Philips)
*	In Open Space we are reminded of the quality of unity consciousness
– much like the state that can be induced when we cross our eyes.
*	Like wilderness work where people experience vast amounts of
physical space around them, OST can dislodge the familiar.
*	Concern about maintaining the vastness as we shift from large to
small spaces in OST.


How can we frame an invitation poetically to maintain the sense of vastness
and one eye?

*	Resonance/field/energetic connection is charged with ritual and
*	The expectation of this carrying over to the small groups – this has
not been explicitly addressed in the OST community.


What forms can we offer for progression?

*	As facilitators, our passion is about the process
*	Change begins at the level of the individual.
*	It’s not how good you are, it’s about how inviting you can be.
*	“OS Online was more powerful because I was faceless – I felt
strengthened and egoless.”


Do people become disinhibited because they are not face-to-face?

*	“In a similar experience, not OS, in a group that I did know
face-to-face, being online gave me time to form my words.
*	Disinhibition produces a flurry of feeling and thought that gets
*	OS exists on many levels. 
*	When a group sets the intentions/expectations/fantasies, everyone is
set up for disappointment.
*	When we are looking for “respect” or “transformation,” ect., there
are different movies in people’s heads rather than true shared meaning.
*	Be open to outcomes


What would happen if we just stop?

*	It’s hard for us to stop.  People think that only talking leads to
*	“I’m interested in hope.”


What if we just stop, right now and open to five minutes of silence?

*	Five minutes?  Is that negotiable? (laughter -----then silence)



 “How many cultures before us were comfortable sitting in silence in circles
and being okay with whatever emerges?


“We don’t have to talk to feel/be aware of our connection.”


“I’m grateful for the suggestion” (to stop, to sit in silence)


“Can we set aside time in large groups to have people greet each other

*	Anything like that is best when it comes from someone within the


How can we invite the quality of listening to silence?

*	In Native circles, the pipe might go around several times before
anyone speaks.  Whatever is spoken after the silence is met with the respect
of silence.
*	If there are many real levels and we can find an attunement, we
might get a chance of experimenting with another movement.
*	Otto Sharmer is a good model for how to retain a sense of stillness.
*	Back to one less thing to do so that we can be attentive, listen to
the silence and hold the space.
*	Picture the circle as a psychic cauldron.
*	Reflections on the shamanistic aspects of OST
*	Hawaiian spirit “Huna” has the lower self which executes everything
on this level, the middle self and the High Self which is connected to all
other High Selves.  The middle self communicates with the low self first.
*	What time is it?  Where are we?  How can we remain here?


Where from here?


§         Higher aspects are always available – we must remember to invite
them in, not necessarily in words.


Who could assist?

§         Each of us can ask for help from a no one at home, no face place.



Name of Topic:  Extreme Open Space – Very large or otherwise extreme 



Name of Convener: Diane Gibeault, Peggy Holman



Name of Participants: 


Daniel Gingras, Piret Jeedas, Sherry Modrow, Michael Pannwitz, Paul Everett,
Marei Kiele, Christine Whitney Sanchee, Tree, Liiel K., Peggy Holman, Diane




Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


What is a large OS event? It could be 800, 1000, 2000 + or a few hundreds
with little time (less than a day) or 


Peggy showed pictures and told the story of the OS she facilitated with 2000
street youth of Columbia. See her website for full story (including work
with sponsor and teachers) and pictures:
<http://www.peggy@pencirclecompany.com/> www.peggy at pencirclecompany.com



For the pictures, video and notes on the 2000 + participants’ OS Michael
Pannwitz and Harrison Owen facilitated in Germany, see Michael’s web:
<http://www.michaelmpannwitz.de/> www.michaelmpannwitz.de


A large OS event is the same as a small OS. Only a few logistical details
vary. These are a few examples of logistical adjustments Peggy made - some
were based on the German OS and others, from advice offered by the OS List


*	Circular rows for people to sit on the floor and 6 aisles were
created with masking tape. The aisles were for participants to move to the
center to announce topics but they didn’t line up in Columbia – they all
went into in the centre.


*	There was one distinct topic wall per day.


*	Instead of Post-Its for time and place: within each of those big
walls (1/day), one section is allocated for each session time. Each session
time section takes the form of a matrix with a number of boxes that
corresponds to the number of expected topics (in this case, 80 for each of
the six sessions – approximately 400 or one fifth of participants.) Each box
has at the top a number under which participants will post their topics in a
way that the number remains visible as an indicator for where the discussion
will take place. 


*	One volunteer at each session wall to help orient participants if


*	In Germany, balloons identified the discussion sites. 


*	Center was smaller (approximately 20 feet in diameter). Participants
come to the center to announce their topic.


*	Paper and markers were distributed by volunteers clearly identified
who stood in the aisles.


*	Facilitator held microphone (versus giving it to participants) for
topic announcements (340 in 40 minutes).


*	Reports: participants could enter reports in 40 computers or give
their notes to teachers who did the entry. Many did graphics – drawings as a
report. The report ended being 1200 pages.


*	Closing circle: an invitation to those who feel they have something
valuable to the group in the next 45 minutes. Began with a moment a silence
for people to reflect.



Pictures really help in getting a feeling of the experience. Do visit the
websites mentioned above.



Name of Topic:   Open Space in Canada 
What’s happening? / 

    Forum Ouvert au Canada. Qu’est-ce qui se passe?


Name of Convener: Diane Gibeault, Larry Peterson


Name of Participants:

Allison Hewlett, Michelle Cooper, Becky Peterson, Joe Szostak, Evan Throop
Robinson, Barbara Schnerder, Michelle Dunphy, Tracy Boyer, Andre Chiasson,
Daniel Gingras, Larry Peterson, Karen Fish, Rosemary Nichols, Donna Clark,
Karen Davis, Audrey Coward, Fremy Cesar, Christopher Comeau, Diane Gibeault.


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


A brief presentation and exchange on the history of Open Space Institute of
Canada (OSIC) and how it operates.


Each was invited to talk about what is happening around them with OST and
what they wished for in the future regarding OST:

*	Offers OST to international partners and soon internally to own
*	Sensing a readiness from organizations to try OST, e.g. in health.
More people are “getting it”, have a greater consciousness of OS helping
them. Ontario government is integrating OST as its participatory structure.
Wish: more OS on Line and more training and collaboration opportunities to
work on larger projects together.
*	Facilitates with OST and is committed to continue to work on
integrating it in the university despite the resistance at the higher
*	Facilitates using OST.
*	Brings OST in classroom and wants to research how to bring it even
more in schools.
*	Uses principles of OST in her teaching.
*	Uses OST for structural change in the corporation at work.
*	Works with a community group that uses OST on different themes, e.g.
youth.  Used not just for process but for culture change. Wish: have a
regular OS event, e.g. every 3 months.
*	Facilitates OST as a consultant. Wish: make OS known to the
community and organizations.
*	Consultant using OST for e.g.  in strategic planning.
*	More people see the value of OST for change and for project
acceleration. The Ontario government has a better understanding of OST now
but younger managers don’t know about it and want to micro manage,
especially in an environment that is very filled with fear. Teachers,
non-profit groups and others are using OS. There are centres of excellence
developing in various parts of Canada: Halifax, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver,
Calgary. Wish: opportunities to continue to grow, ie, people want to go
beyond the event, see how OS can inform how to operate in their
*	Doing many little OS events. Integrated OS in a conference of 350
people – it was wonderfully exciting! Wish: More work with OS. Just love how
the agenda arises from the group.
*	Am a mediator-facilitator. So many people in Halifax are using OST
in different ways.
*	Took training, facilitated about 40 events (federal gvt &
non-profit). Working with OS in education, business and unions, on a big
project with an employment equity federal program and with the Neighborhood
Work Program which is training internal facilitators to use OS in the
workplace. Is documenting organizational transformation. Training
facilitators on OST in Halifax – next workshop in September. Wish: develop
local practice community with the 100 (approximately) trained facilitators
in Nova Scotia and area
*	Teaching OS in university. Lives in US and in Quebec. Sees OS used
in communities in Canada and on national vision work. Wish: see more done in
communities on community, regional and national issues.
*	Trained in OS many years ago. Enjoys participating in OSIC meetings
and in the virtual leadership. Wish: More opportunities to work together.
Work on a collective vision for the OS Canada Institute- see where’ve been
and where we want to go.
*	Is from Haiti where works using OST. Is happy and grateful to be
part of the discussions to learn more about OST and to learn about how we
share ideas and function together.
*	Been doing facilitation and training on OST in English and French
for many years and sees an increased demand for it and from varied types of
organizations and from new places (e.g. France). Wish: an On Line OS for
next OSIC meeting in the fall. A face to face Canada OSonOS in 06 somewhere
in Canada. More new Canadian OST practitioners and supporters connecting and
being active in the Canada OST community.
*	Facilitates in a private sector corporation which has adopted OST as
its preferred method. Focus is result oriented, not cultural change. Opening
space is what people do. OST is a set of instructions to help people do
that. Interested in research – finding ways to open space with other
tools/instructions, how OST can be used in various circumstances, after the



Other discussions:


*	Appreciate the openness and collaboration of the OS community-OSIC
(versus competitiveness like in some other professional org.s)
*	This network is an opportunity for mentoring. We can just call each
*	Need to find ways to connect more regularly. 
*	Our next topic of discussion could be the future of OSIC. 
*	Organizations go in life cycles: flourish, decline and flourish
*	We should hold the next OSonOS Canada in Calgary to bring together
geographical extremities of the country. 
*	Use that opportunity to do outreach to former members.
*	Consider using Civic Space, a free software to include people who
can’t travel. Search for it with Google.




Where from here?


*	Michelle and Larry, with the help of Raymonde Lemire who does
part-time work for OSIC, will organize an OSonLine for the fall OSIC


*	Everyone is invited to see the OSIC website:
<http://www.openspacecanada.org/> www.openspacecanada.org and to hopefully
join this OST community that offers among other things mutual support.


*	Diane will ensure that notes of this meeting will be shared with
other OSIC members asap.




Name of Topic: The Use of OS in One-on-One Relationships


Name of Convener: Esther Ewing


Name of Participants:  Chris Robertson, Thomas Hermann, Doug German, Karen
Fish, Sonya Vaschel, Cathy Carmody, Masud Sheikh


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

*	Chris R. wanted to determine whether there would be a methodology
you could apply potential host or sponsor when they were considering whether
to use open space or not – don’t want to “sell it” but invite them to
consider it
*	Sonya – intrigued with the notion of OS and one-on-one
*	Cathy – whatever happens
 means being open to whatever shows up –
letting go of outcomes, being who you are rather that what you do
*	Thomas H – working with OS and developing my skills – starting with
myself and OS with family members – also how to build closer relationships
with my sponsor/host – being invited to take their organization deeper and
how to do that
*	Doug G. – difficulty in getting to an open conversation with someone
you care about deeply – family members – being open to hearing others’
*	Karen F – how to practice this in my family – my own level of
self-awareness and self-discipline impacts my practice and our own
*	Esther E – peripheral vision about what is possible – telling and in


Other ideas:

·        Can’t change the conversation you have with others unless and until
you change the conversation with yourself

·        And through conversations with others we see the conversations with
ourselves more clearly

·        Conversations are happening on several levels – with ourself, with
the other, about the other in our own heads, etc.

·        The importance of Angeles Arrien’s Four Fold Way:

o       Show up and be present

o       Tell your truth without blame or judgement

o       Follow what has heart and meaning for you

o       Be open rather than attached to specific outcomes

·        When is the conversation just about dinner or about something else?

·        Getting the wisdom to know when is a time to go deep and when not?

·        Having permission about conversations – is it okay with you that I
speak with you about

·        Recognize that it takes courage to raise tough issues

·        Helping an individual client learn their way into OS – approaching
the notion of OS as the form of facilitation I might use – learned to hold
back with sponsor till they are ready

o       Don’t sell it

o       Encourage learning

o       OS can be intimidating – recognize that and support them

·        A great question for a client: 

o       Three years from now if we were looking back on this work we might
do together, for you to consider it to be a success, what would have had to
have happened?

o       If they don’t want to consider that question, then red flags should
go up – they’re ambivalent in some key ways





Name of Topic:   A short conversation consisting only of questions


                                            No such thing as a space



Name of Convener:  Lisa Heft




Name of Participants:  Lisa Heft, Stefan Sargent, Nancy Weatherhead, Allison
Hewlitt, Chris Corrigan, Feliz Telek, Eric Lilius, Donna Clarke, Michael
Pannwitz Jr., Michelle Cooper, Audrey Coward, Father Brian Bainbridge,
Gabriela Ender, Larry Peterson, and others



Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Lisa gave a short background of a dialogue conference (the 2004 National
Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation Conference) where the conference
organizers designed different dialogic processes into the conference.  One
evening there was what in a ‘traditional’ conference would have been a
‘panel of experts’.  At this conference these were 5 authors who had written
marvelous thoughtful books on something like the future of dialogue.   So
instead of a traditional panel, the facilitator for the evening asked the
first speaker a question about the future of dialogue.  The first speaker
would consider, and then thoughtfully answer that question, and continue and
share some of their experience; their truth that that question inspired.
Then they would end by ‘gifting’ a rich and juicy question to the next
person.  Who would consider that question and bring a thoughtful answer to
it, share their experience/truth, and gift the next person with a question,
and so on.  After the panel shared, the audience, which was seated in tables
of 5, continued – they received the last question from the stage, then
passed thoughtful questions and sharing one to one around their small


We decided to combine the two topics and use the question of ‘space invader’
as the focus for deeper inquiry.  Lisa began with an experience she had
where she realized that – whereas years before she would identify certain
people in a facilitation (Open Space or otherwise) ‘sucking the air out of
the room’ or as other people might describe it, ‘holding the group hostage’.
And she used to feel her job was to protect the group from this.  Maybe even
by taking the arm of that person and going for a walk with them (steering
them out of the room).  Now she has found that her experience is different,
that these people who she would have formerly thought of as space invaders
are actually gifts to the group – their difference is a gift to the group –
and of course, the OS process can be the container and the expansion to
included this and honor everyone.


Everybody listened deeply as one person would receive a question, share
their thoughts, and then gift the next person in the circle with another


Questions and thoughts;


Awareness that what we perceive another as a space invader is a direct
reflection of what is going on inside of ourselves.


Questions asked:

  What is it?

  Where is the opportunity?

  How do we open ourselves up even further – turn ‘negative’ to ‘positive’?

  How can we hold space that is both contained and yet big enough that it


  Spirit is all there is.

  How does Spirit work through you?

  Can you get it wrong?

  Is there such a thing as a space invader?

  What would you have done?


The last question asked – and left unanswered – to savor


Can you remember a moment in your life when you were a space invader?




Name of Topic: Beginning with Images Not Words




Name of Convener: Lisa Heft




Name of Participants: Tree Fitzpatrick, Douglas Germann Jr., Michael
Pannwitz Jr., Esther Ewing, Sherry Modrow, Allison Rose, Brunhild Hofmann,
Sabine Herrmann, Kurt Connelly, Vanessa Hummod (spelling?), Fremy Cesar,
Sonya Vaschel, John Engle, Judy Robertson, Marei Kiele, Eric Lilius, Ronit
Kurz, Wendy Farmer O’Neill






Highlights of Brilliant Discussion: 


Lisa shared how she has observed and felt that often some groups are very
‘heady’ / in their heads / intellectualizing and she feels it would be great
to perhaps unleash a deeper body (literally and figuratively) of knowledge
*first*, to seed the conversation to follow in a session.  She tried
something in a facilitation she did – a board of directors meeting (and the
task was also to help a board that was having problems getting along /
working with each other).


Materials: everyone gets a large sheet of flip chart paper and an assortment
of markers.

Directions: Each participant is invited to fold their paper in ½ and in ½
again, then open it up.  In other words, to create one sheet that shows you
4 quadrants (to draw in).  


The instructions: “I would like you to draw a picture, a symbol, lines,
whatever (this is not an art contest, there will be no awards given,
squiggles are good, too, draw whatever comes out) to answer this question:


hat in your personal style can help a team / group?

Give them all time to draw, and when everyone is finished:

Now, in the 2nd box (let us say, clockwise), draw: 


What is the unsure place you learn the most from?


Give them time, then:


In the 3rd box: What makes you laugh at yourself?


In the 4th box: What would you like to be remembered for?


Then, when everyone is finished, invite whomever feels like it to stand,
show us their drawings and tell us what they have drawn.  You may wish to
repeat the 4 questions to remind them as they go through telling about
themselves/their drawings.


- - - -   

Participants stood in turn to share about themselves, using their drawings
and talking about them.  It was really marvelous to hear what this brought
out of people and brought to the group.


- - - -   


In the particular instance Lisa used this, these were fairly formal Chief
Executive Officer types (suits and ties) on a retreat for the environmental
organization they volunteer for (as Board Directors).  They handled this
very well and they would not have considered themselves people who can draw.


Reflections from the group:


In the first quadrant, I decided to draw what I knew how to draw.  As I
moved to the next questions / quadrants, I felt more fluid, more relaxed
with my drawing.  And I realized that I could be really free even though I
felt a lack of artistic abilities, because I could explain what it was.


I was in a work group were they were kind of stuck – and we did something
like this – first individually
and then we covered a large table with a big
roll of paper and they all drew something together.


The second question goes very deep
but the thing about it is that each
person can choose their own level of depth.


I like this exercise because it adds counterbalance to the conversation that
follows – it seeds nutrition into the group – it brings the group to a
deeper place, where peoples thinking can come from below the head.


And perhaps there is also the aspect that the group is doing something that
they are not familiar with – something new – and they are doing it together.


I heard you say it was fine to scribble
and actually I was drawn to this
session because of my fear of doing anything in graphic form.  I still felt
the need to be representational in the first quadrant
and then I felt freer
as I moved into the next quadrants.


It might be interesting to invite people to draw some other picture before
this exercise – just to ‘prime the pump’. Or you could say ‘you have only 30
seconds – quickly, draw whatever comes out’.


Yes, but some people could feel panicky.


Yes, and a few of these questions took some time for reflection, so I could
really think about them and then draw.  I could not have done that in 30


Lisa: One of the things I really appreciate is that it takes time, that
there is silence.  And that is just fine.  Waiting for other people to
complete their quadrant before moving on is just fine.  The silence is good,
and the time allows for both quick responders and ‘percolators’.


Lisa’s question – so: these questions can be good for a generic exercise –
to help as an intro for any group.  However, I am wondering how I might
adjust the questions for, for example, the way to begin a session that you
*know* will be very intellectual
such as something among academics about an
author’s works
or in a “Turtles” Open Space some of us had about envisioning
a world where everything – business, countries, whatever


We talked about how the designing of the questions – though these 4
particular questions might work for many circumstances – perhaps you would
change the first one to reflect the purpose of each different specific group
meeting?  -- and that the thoughtfulness and intention of designing the
right questions
is just like working on the focusing question / theme for
Open Space – part of it is the pure intention you put into it – the
thoughtfulness you put into it 
and part is the words you eventually find to
come as close as you can to what feels like the right questions.


Where from here?


Try it yourself, stretch it a little, let Lisa know what you did


Who could assist?


Anyone who cares to play. Enjoy




Name of Topic:


Ghost Walk & ‘telling
in the graveyard across the street



Name of Convener:


judy robertson,  (Rene the Storyteller) 


Name of Participants:


Alison Rose, Bob Sullens, Karen Davis




Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:



Engaging stories about the past of Halifax, reflecting some tragic
occurrences, including ‘hangings’, ‘fires’, ‘explosions’ and the by-products
of some lucrative ‘rum running’ and ‘shipping’ businesses.

Several of the stories focused on sightings within the oldest cemetery in
Halifax, St. Paul’s Anglican Church Cemetery, all recorded stories were
during day time hours.

A record of the many sightings within the city limits and on MacNab’s Island
(at the entrance of the Halifax Harbour) are kept in a ‘ghost file’ at the
public library in downtown Halifax.


Where from here?


Take the full HALIFAX GHOST TOURS with Rene (incredible, fabulous
storyteller), he takes people on a 2.5 hour walking tour of the downtown
area nightly.






Who could assist?






Name of Topic: OST & Complexity Science/Networks




Name of Convener: Jacqueline Throop-Robinson




Name of Participants: Henri, Paul, Ronit, Tova, Denise, Elizabeth






Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Amazing emergence/productivity comes from following simple rules (ant hill
analogy, OST, Boids)


What are you/we doing to make things simple?


Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) are about parts interacting with each other,
non-linear, organic, self-organizing systems VERSUS mechanistic view


Plexis Institute has many resources for conducting workshops on this

“Society of Learning” holding a conference on this topic in Vienna in

“Becoming Interactive” in Budapest in October


Self-organization is happening all the time. It’s how everything gets done


Problem with leaders and OD people is they try to find something we can
apply to the whole. Healthy CAS need the parts to adopt a certain way of
making sense of the emergent process. And the results are unique each time.


Alternative currencies also operate in networks.


How do we include our interior selves if we are following even minimal
rules? Perhaps don’t worry about the rules and where they come from but
worry about people participating and agreeing willingly to the rules. Follow
minimal specifications and justify each additional rule by ensuring there is
no way in the world you can’t live without it.


Distinguish between rules and permissions


LA Paper company and the Story of the Outrageous Goal – Set the outrageous
goal  (get something fixed that had been broken for two years in 2 weeks)
and open the space (“People can work with anyone on anything at anytime they
want to but everyone needs to take 8 hours off every 24 hours and tick off
things off the master to do list as you get things done.”) The goal was met!



Where from here?


*	Henri and Jacqueline will connect about the network in which Henri
*	Jacqueline and Tova will connect on designing experiential
activities on this topic and other things
*	Jacqueline and Elizabeth will connect regarding her insights on her
most successful self-organizing sessions



Who could assist?

Anyone who has passion and a sense of responsibility




Name of Topic: 

How do we find movement, improv.isational activities and kinesthetic
experiences in Open Space?


Name of Convener: Allie Middleton


Name of Participants: Karen Fish, Ali rose, Ronit Kurz, Becky Pedersen, Lisa


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

Background offered by convener regarding the use of improv. and other
experiential activites tthat help create a sense of ease and familiarity
with our bodies, thus opening to our somatic selves. These kinesthetic
techniques may serve to release static energies, perhaps invite greater
alignment and access to our higher selves, thus assist the ascending
energies, open more creative channels. Otherwise, we remain in the
energetically in the gravitation pull downwards.   So, it’s all about
inviting, opening to the ‘new’, or even just simply imprinting what ‘IS’.

Of course, all this is possible only in accord with the rhythm and energy
available in the group. Does the sponsor even want this, can you sell ti?
Or do you sneak it in, as you are ‘moved’
.and what is it that ‘moves


Circumstances are always different, imposed movement may not be welcome,
spontaneous movement may be just right.  How to know?  Does music help
bodies move?  Can we use it to accelerate the process of a deeper, more
authentic level of communication. Even a mild gesture may help shift the
energetics in a room, help difuse or accelerate an emotionally charged
interaction.  (Is this a controlling move, contrary to OST?)  And what about
mopving just to eplore what the expression mught bring.  Drums were not
mentioned, nor types of dance, although these are also very fine to
experiment with.  PS Thanks to Karen Davis for re-introducing the Cherokee
Alignment dance =right after this session


Some questions posed: 

How can we “BE” in our bodies as we practice OST? 

What personal centering practices help OST practitioners remain still in
their Selves during turbulent times?

Do experiential activities help OST?  What are they?

Can exercises in groups help “weaken the ego”?

Does movement heal us?

Do non-verbal exercises help deepen thinking?

Does movement help create a sense of community?

Is the autopoetic self invited through movement; can that help OST connect
to something different as we all connect in the collective? 


Resources shared:

Otto Scharmer’s use of self in his new work.  Still place within, of
Presence, as we are also moving ‘in action’ together

Meg Wheatley

Outdoor experiential activities (wilderness based

Improvizational tools are wonderful, freeing, fun and engaging
loosen up

Get the humor bone working, also the sense of absurdity



Activities shared:

            1.  Stop exercise. Objective: To explore the interaction of
surprise and time, and our reactions/responses. On a large carpet or other
well defined space, ask participants to crowd in and walk fast around in the
space, instructing them at times to ‘go faster, faster still’.  Speak with
urgency. Then ask them to reverse direction. Ask them to take care not to
bump one another. Have them ‘travel’ as long as you feel ‘right.’  Five
minutes is good.  Then say STOP, ask them to pair up, find a partner, then
ask them to respond to the following question in the dyad: ‘How do you wish
to die?”

Debrief relates to experience of shock, surprise, opening of emotions, use
of nurturing techniques, such as touch, during the conversations. Did you
foresee your future, someone else’s, something from the past

            2.  Improv activity:  Create a human sculpture: Objective: to
imprint kinesthetically the somatic experience of conflict, then of harmony.

Begin with one person, then add others: body movements make a kinetic
sculpture; first with conflictual movements, second with harmonious

Debrief: ???? What was your experience

3.      Talking Buddha:  One person is the questioner, others gather,
standing close together to form the talking Buddha head. When responding,
the individuals comprising the Buddha answer the question by saying one word
each inn sequence (R to L of q’er) to form a sentence. When the response is
complete the last parson says ‘period.’  Make sure the questioner scribes
the response, as the ‘answer’  can move on


One of the questions posed today was: What is OS? Part of the Buddha’s
answer was 


.Prairie grass moves dancingly along, with light creating spirals



Where from here?

How might we continue to explore the story of the OST circle process through
the use of the body and movement techniques?


Who could assist?

Any Body, somatic practitioners.




Name of Topic: “OS on OS-Moskva 2006”: Putin’s Promise?

 Note: report notes also reflect thoughts that arose in a wide-ranging
uber-useful butterfly conversation with Judi Richardson


Name of Convener: Raffi Aftandelian


Name of Participants: Peggy Holman


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Importance of orienting participants physically and culturally as much as
possible beforehand and during the event


What to do so that participants feel welcomed and supported?


For Moscow we have a space that we (Intertraining, a professional
association of trainers and consultants of the former Soviet Union) has used
for many years to conduct the OSonOS. It is a space near Moscow (in Sovkhoz
Moskovksi, 15 min. drive from the Vnukovo Airport), a training center
belonging to the the Ministry of Agriculture. This location has both good
(while not luxurious) hotel rooms and a good conference space. Each year
this location gets better and better. 


Michael Pannewitz and Jo Toepfer offered their OST facilitator workshop
there for Intertraining in 2000. Other internationally-known workshop
leaders, George Lakey (www.trainingforchange.org), Kit Coats have led
workshops here, too.


This training center has regularly offered vegetarian food and with work
could accommodate other dietary options too. This year it offered vegan food
by accident during Intertraining’s annual conference as it happened at the
same time as Lent
(we have the technology).


Importance of visiting the OSonOS convenor reflection notes.

Hold an OS-online gathering to harvest the wisdom of past OSonOS convenors
and also to include participatory design in the OSonOS.

The spiritual aspect of OSonOS organizing—the convenor(s) should do as
little of the work as possible, but rather just be holding the space for the
event to happen. Part of that is to stay in the realm of the possible, not
get hooked into getting annoyed, tap into the brilliance of those interested
in making the event possible.


Where from here?

Just ring, breathe it into taking place! 


An OSonOSonOS will take place in October. We would like it to happen so that
IP-telephony/free-conferencing/skype/OS-online-type participation would be







Who could assist?

Anybody who cares to!

Just contact Galina Tsarkova ( <mailto:gala_tsar_kova_ at mail.ru>
gala_tsar_kova_ at mail.ru), Mikhail Pronin ( <mailto:virtus at mail.ru>
virtus at mail.ru), or Raffi Aftandelian ( <mailto:raffi at bk.ru> raffi at bk.ru)
and experience the magic. 




Name of Topic: Exploring the Fool: High Play and Transformation in Open


Name of Convener: Wendy Farmer-O’Neil


Name of Participants: Michael, Lisa, Bob, Tree, Newell, John, Ali, Marei,
Feliz, Masud, Vanessa, Michelle


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:  

Began the discussion with the following quote from K. Louise Vincent as
illustrative of the power of the Fool, fool energy and high play to
transform difficult or dark places:


There were many crowded into a large cattle truck, being taken away from the
barracks of the concentration camp where they had all been held as
prisoners.  Leaving the barracks the mood was unspeakably sober.  Everyone
knew the truck was headed for the gas chambers.  When the truck arrived, no
one could speak at all.  Even the guards were silent as they lined up the
men.  But the silence was soon interrupted by an energetic man, Robert
Desnos, who jumped out of the line and took the hand of one of the
condemned.  Improbable as the moment was, he read the man’s palm.  “Oh”, he
said, “I see you have a very long lifeline.  And you are gong to have three
children.”  He was exuberant for the man.  His excitement was contagious.
First one man, then another offered up his hand.  Each time the prediction
was for longevity and joy.  As Desnos read more palms, not only the mood of
the prisoners changed but that of the guards, too.  How can one explain it?
Perhaps the element of surprise planted a seed of doubt in their minds.
They were in any case so disoriented by this sudden change of mood among
those they were about to kill, they were unable to go through with the
executions.  So all the men were packed into the truck and returned to the
barracks.  What a leap of faith in the mouth of the gas chamber—to imagine a
long life, to connect with the possibility still alive in that moment they
jumped outside the world as it was created by the SS.


from soon to be published manuscript of poetry)


Question:  How can we grow/access this quality in our OS work as


Become present in the moment.

Give self permission.  Model permission.

Spend time with children.

Create ‘structured’ or ‘dedicated’ play time.

Read Dilbert.

There are ways to play the fool in a fierce way--using a combination of
fearlessness, playfulness and love to name the elephants. (e.g.: the
unexpressed conflict present in the room). 

One exercise of play/fun/foolishness can change the energy of the whole

Play connects us and gets us out of the mind and out of the ego.

Opens us to deep, often unseen diversity present in the group.


Games we played:

Hum a song the describes how you feel.


Tell us a weather condition that describes how you feel (good to use at the
beginning of a day)


How many hours of sleep did you have?


The wind blows
like musical chairs
one person starts
  “The wind blows for
everyone who
.tell something true about yourself
”Everyone for whom this is
true jumps up and has to change chairs
one left standing continues
shift to second stage that connects to the work of the group/event..(the
true thing should relate to the work or theme


Count to ten
everyone looks down at the floor and using a loud voice, as the
spirit moves them, shouts out a number in a round of counting to ten.  If
two people speak the same number at the same time, the round must begin
again at 1.  Brings the group in tune with itself.


Making situations physical
create a physical (body) sculpture that
represents the situation.  With a count of three movement changes
position to represent the desired future.


Wear something playful (brooch, pin, hat, scarf, clothing) that is
surprising, pushes a boundary, creates conversation, reminds to be playful.


Emotional symphony:  segment the group.  Have each one make the sound of a
particular emotion. Then conduct using the emotion sounds.


Where from here?

Next available sandbox or playground.


Who could assist?

Everybody who wants to come play




Name of Topic: How can OpenSpace-Online optimize ongoing Open Space?



Name of Convener: Gabriela Ender



Name of Participants: Thomas Herrmann, Barbara Schneider, Daniel Gingsas,
Birgitt Williams, Michelle Cooper, Michelle Langille,



Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

The OpenSpace-Online Real-time Conferencing Method was developed by Gabriela
and her team from Germany to especially promote self-organized,
result-oriented, and respectful online collaboration around the world --
based on the philosophy and principles of Open Space Technology. Moreover it
was created to bridge gaps between the “online and offline world”, to create
new synergies between different kinds of methods and approaches, and to
enable complete new participatory communication architectures and change
processes, and it was develop to make event organizers and their
participants as independent as possible from third parties. Therefore every
interest or working group is able to set up and to held such real-time
online open space meetings very fast and easy. At the website
<http://www.openspace-online.com/> www.OpenSpace-Online.com there is a
comfortable “Online Booking Service”, a User-Guide for Organizers and all
information and tools, which are helpful in order to work with
OpenSpace-Omline independently.


Gabriela shared a few experiences about the last three years of providing
this service worldwide. The system is used for a wide range of different
goals, and in different settings, and within and for many different
companies, networks or organizations. 


Four persons of session group -- Michelle, Birgitt, Thomas and Barbara – has
already used the software once or very often – as participants, as
organizers and as “Meta-Facilitators”. Michelle mentioned, that as a
consultant, she do the same pre-work as she usually do as if she is
preparing an OST meeting (e.g. OS givens and invitation) with her clients –
except during the online-event, because of the virtual facilitation, which
is part of the software. 


Birgitt Williams shared some of her experiences: Based on her work on the
Genuine Contact Program and on her concept of “Conscious Open Space
Organizations” her company is offering “Blended Open Space Settings”. For
example if an organization want to organize an face-to-face meeting with
participants from different parts of the country or the world, the
opportunity of having an online follow-up with OpenSpace-Online is every
time part of the proposal. Birgitt shared her experience, that each Open
Space Technology Meeting ends with at least 5 new topics, which needs to be
work further. This creates a good process frame for further open space work
and for maintaining the co-creative energy across distances (Ongoing OS
Walking and Talking). One of Birgitts customers is an International Health
Care Organizations. This company has staff in many different countries. The
online methodology gives them the opportunity to do their Organizational
Transformation Work and to create a special Corporate Culture across
distances and in an ongoing way based on the principles of Open Space.
Additionally Birgitt shared, that the International Genuine Contact Trainer
Group is using OpenSpace-Online a few times in the year for maintaining the
trainer community.


Michelle Cooper spoke about her experience, when she and other colleagues
facilitated an ongoing facilitation process with RNAO, a large Health Care
Organization in Canada. This organization had to deal with lots of
challenges after the illness SARS were especially in Canada. Michelle helped
RNAO to set up an OpenSpace-Online Conference. They wanted to give their
staff the opportunity to learn from each another, to share stories, and to
think about needs regarding future internal training programs. The 4,5 hour
conference was amazing success. RNAO could use the conference documentation
as well very good for their SARS research project.




Name of Topic: The Use of Coaching in OS




Name of Convener: Esther Ewing




Name of Participants: Vanessa Hammond, Michelle Murphy, Debra Rosser,
Rosemary Nichols, Audrey Coward, Marei Kiele, Henri Lipmanowlez, Joseph 






Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

*	One of the questions was how to improve capacity in someone for
*	We discussed zone coaching (Debra)
*	The importance of an appreciative approach in creating the space for
the exploration to be successful
*	The importance of being aware of the space between me and the person
I’m coaching and the space that I create within me
*	How to open the space with a person
*	What is the open space mindset?
*	What is the space within me?
*	The importance of going wherever the client wants to take me
(whatever happens
*	Could/should one formally open the space using the principles of OS
and explicitly referring to them – perhaps in the first meeting? 
*	To be open to whether the client needs and aware of our own beliefs
and how our beliefs might limit our effectiveness with the client
*	The impact of working with the client’s metaphor and running with
that metaphor

*	Esther’s story: One client had the frame or metaphor that he needed
an agenda for every coaching session while his “issue” or reason for
coaching was that others felt that he tried to control everything – until he
demanded that I provide an agenda – I said that if I had to provide an
agenda, there would be no agenda – that would be the agenda – but if he
wanted a formal agenda, he could provide one and he could choose which he
wanted, an agenda or no agenda and he could come to the next session and let
me know which he wanted – he chose to risk having no agenda and the sky
didn’t fall in! He learned that the session could be good without one.
*	The guy with the agenda was also a guy with a really strong defense
mechanism that perhaps he’d outgrown the need for

*	In OS you create a minimalist container and without it you wouldn’t
have OS – how do you create sufficient container for coaching?

*	Using an appreciative approach – if the client feels appreciated
then they will trust you have their best interests at heart
*	Body language
*	Being aware of one’s own approach and the impact on the client

*	Working over the phone has benefits

*	Can be very intimate
*	Smaller space is created
*	Helps with global organizations – saves travel expenses
*	No substitute for face-to-face, some might say, but can be very
effective especially when enough face time has been achieved

*	Whoever comes

*	The client needs to be able to say “no” to a coach and find someone
else or even say “no” to coaching – Esther – I always offer the client a
chance to not coach with me and I offer to help them find someone else if
they prefer

*	The law of two feet 

*	Esther – I have withdrawn from a coaching relationship that wasn’t
working or where their needs were beyond my skills – and the client needs to
be able, similarly, to withdraw

*	When it starts

*	The coach needs to have patience for the teaching moment or the
moment where the client is ready to make a shift, even a tiny one

*	When it’s over

*	Coaching doesn’t go on forever and we need to be aware of that
*	Esther – I do a closing mini-ceremony with the client (alone) in
saying good-bye and closing the process when it seems right

*	Transparency – the term that describes that which someone is so used
to that they are unaware of its existence – the water in the goldfish bowl
that the fish doesn’t recognize the importance of until it’s out of the bowl

*	We are often operating at a number of different levels (or
transparencies) at once
*	Transparencies can be things from our own background that have
formed us or are baggage that we are not even aware that we have

*	The role of the coach – should be approached with humility as we are
no sacred ground but not so much humility that we are not participating at
our most helpful – we may be an instrument of peace but we are a particular
instrument and perhaps there are forces at work beyond our knowing that have
put us together with the coachee


END OF DAY 2 Part 1




Be the Change!
Alan Chilton
achilton at ns.sympatico.ca
mobile: 902-478-6898 	 	
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