Update from OSonOS Halifax

Alan Chilton achilton at ns.sympatico.ca
Thu Aug 4 15:23:10 PDT 2005

Greatings from Halifax everyone!
Well, it was an amazing and rich first day here at OSonOS 13.  I have the
good fortune of delivering today's proceedings to you to read.  I invite you
to comment if you wish and contribute 'virtually' to the fruit of this
Here goes, in no particular order...
Name of Topic:  Exploring the use of OST in applied research


Name of Convener:  Debra Rosser


Name of Participants:  Silvana, Denise O’Connor, Evan, Donna, Michael,
Harrison, Gabriela, John V, Rory B.


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

Why is this a good idea?  Well, even when using traditional social research
methods of literature review leading to structured interview, for example, I
have had the experience that we end up chatting!  And the chatting has
always given me real insight into the research topic – often in tangents
that I hadn’t anticipated.  So, going on from this
maybe there is some value
in not only allowing (and encouraging!) people to speak with you about the
questions they have in this area.  Maybe there’s even greater value in
letting them ask and answer these questions in their own groups!!!!  Without
you!!!  So
some wisdom from the group:

*	Generate the broad research question (from the literature review,
from discussions with people ‘in the know around here’ etc) and tell people
what it is you want to know/find out about. 

*	The questions can thus be phrased in a way the participants (the
subjects!) understand; they understand ‘what works around here’.  

*	The goal can be the answer to the research question (or broad
parameters of such a thing!) but a ‘collateral’ goal can be the research
process – ie the research process as a positive experience for the people

*	In a multidisciplinary project, people from different backgrounds
can bring different ideas/approaches to bear on the area of interest. 

*	The challenge is documenting the data!  Everyone has a wonderful
idea!  It is more like a story than a study!  

*	The “backroom” is the place to identify the themes, correlate the
data, etc.  Have “two sets of books” in the backroom.  The books you want to
use for letting the world know what you’ve really learned
in the language
you learned it (ie the passionate/subjective language of the participants!).
And the books you want to use to communicate the information to the
mainstream world (using the dispassionate/the ‘objective’ language of the
mainstream discourse).  BUT!  Dare to be subversive through case studies;
gently introducing the human through the language you use, the way you talk
about what happened/what was discovered. 

*	When using OST for research, maybe the best role for you is not as
facilitator; you maybe need space to observe or even participate. 

*	And you may seek to concentrate on observing the very rich space of
the non-verbal. 

Where from here?

*	Read some critical discourse analysis – maybe Fairclough, Gee. 

*	Read the work of Diane Vaughan – a sociologist who is introducing
the idea that the subjective is ok to speak about/from in research.  

*	Aim for a situation where you can say of your research, “The clients
came!  The kids came! We would never have thought of asking that!” 

*	SHUT UP!!  Try some of these exercises to keep people really
engaging at non-verbal levels: 

*	“Shut your eyes and your mouth and smell
.what does it smell like

*	“Shut your eyes and mouth and hear
.groups resonate with their own
what is the music here?” 

*	“What is the dance here?  How are people going about?”  

*	“Shut your eyes and mouth and think about the colours
.what are the
colours here?”  

 Who could assist?

*	Evan will forward some info re critical discourse analysis. 

*	We could have an email group to discuss research (this was not
discussed by the group today).  

Name of Topic:  The Conscious Open Space Organization: leader, leadership,
manager, management


Name of Convener : Birgitt Williams


Name of Participants: Many
and thank you all for being there and offering
your insights and experience


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion: 

Birgitt briefly described what a Conscious Open Space Organization (COSO) is
(see www.genuinecontact.net <http://www.genuinecontact.net/> ). She then
outlined that within the COSO, there are opportunities to be explored and
worked through including understanding what the following are: leader and
leader development, leadership development, manager, management. 


Leader development does not equal leadership development.

Leadership is about leading people.

Management is about managing processes, systems, ‘things’ but one does not
manage people. People self manage. There is no need for managers of people
in an organization. There is no need of supervision. It can be replaced by


Participants contributed the following:


	this work in a COSO is about raising consciousness 

	the work of being in a COSO is leadership development

	it is about changing culture and challenging oneself ‘can I let go
of control?’ or ‘can I let go of my perception that I am in control?’

	how I am currently leading and managing won’t take our organization
to the next level of effectiveness so I must do this differently

	when we work within a COSO, we end up finding new words to describe
our emerging concepts. Our language mirrors how we look at things.

	shift from ‘leader’ to ‘leadership’ is a shift from ‘”I am a leader”
(solid) to something flexible/fluid

	leader development is about skills development and self awareness

	leadership development is about learning to be in relationship in a
way that opens

	leadership is constantly moving and noticing ‘what is up?’ and
drawing it to attention to be explored

	leadership does not exist outside of relationship

	organize around what needs to be done rather than by organizational

	everyone seeing themselves as leaders. One participant reported
about the freedom of being in a matrixed organization in which there is
constant assessment and adjustment to situations (Birgitt’s note: one part
of the dictionary definition of matrix is ‘womb’ and thus reflects the
possibility of ‘life nurturing’)

	in the COSO, even performance reviews and other standard
organizational/HR functions must be explored so that ‘form follows
function’. A participant offered that in her organization, performance
reviews that are about the past have been replaced with regular meetings
that are future oriented

	the structure does not define what is happening in the organization


*	even a single OST meeting, when the frame for it is set well, is
authentic, and human and it is carried out with leadership being really
behind a change/transformation can bring about organizational
.of course this needs to be supported by leadership post-OST



	there is a distinction between and OST meeting and OS and it is
important to pay attention to this distinction. An organization might have
an OST meeting and an OS way of being on an ongoing basis. In fact, in a
COSO, there are frequent OST meetings and the balance of worklife needs to
be in an Open Space spirit so that it is congruent with what is experienced
in OST meetings. 

	when there is frequent use of OST in an organization, change
happens, a different dynamic emerges. When this is recognized, and worked
with consciously, a COSO emerges. This requires changes to structure,
system, and so on. This change is from within the organization and the
organization is therefore not usually resistant to it because it is driving
its own change and it is doing so because it is organic and makes sense.
This type of change has a different feel to it than change that is imposed
from the outside. In between OST meetings, there is the ‘Spirit of Open

	When there is frequent use of OST and the organization in between
OST meetings is unwilling to change, there is a real shut down, often
employees quit, and in such cases the organization stops its use of OST

Name of Topic:  Capturing and telling the story of the ripple effect of a
large OST event.


Name of Convener:  Christine Whitney Sanchez


Name of Participants:  Bob Sullens, Becky Peterson, Tree Fitzpatric, Karen
Black, Daniel Gigras, Larry Peterson, Brian Bainbridge, Diane Gibeault


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:  


BACKGROUND:  In October 2005 at the Girl Scouts of the United States of
America National Convention, Christine Whitney Sanchez and her business
partner Claudia Haack will open the space for 2,000 National Delegates on
the topic of governance.  In addition, Strategy Cafés will invite the 12,000
convention attendees to share their food for thought on the Girl Scout’s
strategic priorities for transforming their organization and revitalizing
the Girl Scout Movement.  Christine would like to capture the ripple effect
before, during and after the event of working with Open Space and World



*	Collaborate with a doctoral student interested in social change (in
anthropology, sociology, OD or film) to document the process using
narrative, photos and film. 

*	Web storytelling could be used to invite participants at the event
to talk about how the event touched them and what they have experienced
since the event. 

*	Follow-up AI interviews with the CEO and Board Chair, volunteers and
girls about the changes they’ve seen 

*	Create a practice within Girl Scouting (maybe create a badge for
this) where GS tell their stories – constantly self-renewing.  Stories
coming in after the event could have a holographic effect. 

*	Ask children for their ideas about how the ripple effect could be

*	Set up a camera in Story Rooms where an interviewer asks 2 or 3
generative questions. (“Tell me a story about a highlight from this day
Get their contact info for post event follow-up. 

*	Check with Atlanta universities re: their partnership for using this
type of documentation in teaching 

*	This should be the Girl Scout’s project – or partner with them 

*	Ask participants to submit their digital photos with captions –
could submit them to the web. 

*	Ask people if they want to find out what happens – they will say
yes, of course, but it generates a different kind of interest. 

*	45 minute video for teaching in universities – 15 min. planning, 15
min. event, 15 min. ripple effect. 

*	Look at what parts of the US West video can inform one you want to

*	Check with Dannemiller folks about their video on Whole Scale change

*	Late in the day, have big paper on wall for participants to write
how this event affected them. 

*	Volunteers who have been trained in OST and WC could hold OS events
around the country to ask what the results have been in their local areas –
this could also catalyze local action. 

*	Poise delegates to make amendments from the floor during their
business session to activate the suggestions from the OS and Strategy Cafes.

*	Pitch the video as a piece for 

*	Marketing 

*	Generating excitement 

*	Case study – large scale change 

*	“How we began to transform” for the next convention delegates to
watch ahead 


Where from here?



Who could assist?




Name of Topic: Coaching/mentoring with leaders of an organization
before/during &after an OS-meeting


Name of Convener: Thomas Herrmann


Name of Participants: Many – about 30


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

We talked about different issues regarding this. There were experiences in
the group of leaders in panic just before the event and also of leaders
closing down after.


We discussed having conversations before the actual pre-work in order to
give the leaders the possibility of making an informed choice to use OST or
not. One thing is to understand whole systems
approaches/LargeGroupInverventions in respect to more linear approaches.
Martin Leith has excellent info on his homepage. Other resources: A whole
new mind (Daniel Pink) – describing the need for access to the right
hemisphere/brain-thinking. 8th Habit, by Steven Covey where he describes the
new paradigm / the whole person paradigm. This can lead into interesting
conversations with the leadership team.


Having access to the senior leader who is accountable to the results is
important. May be written in the contract.


Often leaders also wish to have some info about how OST works. Many of us
think that it has to be experienced to understand. We discussed the
possibility to have a pilot OS-meeting in the organization, or giving out
the User’s Guide and talk about it. Other options may be using a video or
having some of the leaders attending another OS-meeting. The deeper essence
can take a long time, if ever, to grasp.


The state of being of the facilitator is an important aspect to be able to
support the sponsor in an organization. What are my inner beliefs regarding
different aspects in an organization/org. change, my role as a facilitator


Is it possible to assess if the organization/leader is ready? A process of
mentoring all through the process can be one way to follow up continuously
if we think we don’t have the wisdom to make that judgement. 


One part of the mentoring process is the planning meeting as well as the
follow-up meeting. Using participative processes for these meeting gives a
whole experience of working with the wisdom of the group.


Givens or non-negotiables may be worked out to define the space that is open
for the participants. This may e g be financial issues/issues regarding
decision-making etc. 


We also touched the question: When is OST appropriate?


Importance of giving leadership time and space to slow down and reflect.


Language can be adjusted according to which organization we meet. A new
vocabulary will often evolve when deeper work is done within an org.




Name of Topic: The Dynamics of Conscious Emergence


Name of Convener: Peggy Holman


Name of Participants: Andre Chiasson, Eric Lilius, Eva P. Svensson, Marei
Viele, Erich Kolensky, Kairi Birk, Joelle Everett, Chris Corrigan, Audrey
Coward, Christopher Comeau, Paul Everett, Deirdre Knowles, Brunhild Hofmann,
Robyn S. Berkessel, Alison Rose, Jacqueline Throop Robinson, Alan Chilton,
Masud Sheika, Wendy Farmer-O’Neil, Ward Williams, Nancy Weatherhead, Ronit
Kurz, Feliz Telek, Allison Hewitt, Larry Peterson, Doug Germann, Sherry


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

Model of conscious emergence – particularly useful when people are starting
with fear, anger, conflict – brings an opportunity to ask powerful,
appreciative questions

People in fear bring with them hope and possibility

Asking open questions that set conditions for divergence, rather than
boundaries of form and structure – power, attraction, appreciation

In conflict, people tend to be frozen because the fear of chaos means losing

>From the personal I: follow your heart

Weaving within and creating a sense of connection

To We and reflection

Use silence

Moving to         Discovery~Personal~Universal~Emergence (part of a larger

                        Action  -- Coherence  --  Convergence

When we discover that we all care about the same things we move into a place
of coherence

Essence of Open Space = taking responsibility for what I/We love

Capacity to step into unknown comes through caring for ourselves, caring for
the whole

Consider implications of questions that close space and of questions that
open space

            What do you care about?

            What if 

I/We: what actions will we take as a group?

What is more important than staying in the fear?

Conversation needs to reflect the process

Open Space makes community visible to itself

Fabric of relationship and community – a place of letting go – recreate
places in which to explore not knowing

Emergence – a way to facilitate working with people who have different
pieces of the whole – different parts of the view – we all have different
pieces – the whole – the hole – perspectives

Conscious emergence can provide a tangible framework, especially in topics
of long-standing conflict within a group/community – 

The ordinary folks – people doing the work in an organization – don’t need a
model or “words” to describe emergence – they are happy when management
“gets out of the way” and lets it happen

Consciously shifting the nature of the question = appreciative inquiry


Peggy’s website has description of this model

Also see: U.S. West video re: union/management negotiations



“In any organization, when the fabric of connection is lost, things start to
fall apart.” –Peggy Homan?


“We have the experience of growing our (w)holes.” –Chris Corrigan


It is the edge of the earth—but it’s okay.” C. Corrigan


“Nobody sees the whole—that’s why we need multiple viewpoints.” –Paul


“You need two eyes to measure parallax—then you can measure depth.” C.




Name of Topic:          How can OS help with the integration of immigrants
in our countries?


Name of Convener:   Barbara Schneider                 


Name of Participants:            Sheila, Masud, Thomas Herrmann, Michelle,


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:    

In order to attract and retain immigrants we have to reduce fear and
ignorance about other cultures by opening up  a space for communication
between locals and immigrants. In this space people can learn about each
other’s culture, religion and customs. We feel that many world religions
have similar traits, but that most of us are insufficiently informed about
these other religions. In the Toronto area Masud explained that World
Religion is supposed to be offered in a Catholic school, but is not
available in practice. Masud explained why he left his country. Although he
had had a good life , he was concerned that his children would not be able
to have the same quality of life.

Michelle told us of a Centre in Ontario which has used OS in Health Care.
This has given a voice to immigrants with low levels of English, who felt
that they were finally being heard. The questions posed in the OS sessions
were very authentic. OS was part of the strategic planning of the Centre.

Another successful OS session was held on elder abuse with 4 different Asian
cultures. The participants could put up the questions in their own languages
and there were plenty of translators present. This seemed to be a key way
for looking at  age-old traditions which may be inappropriate in Canada.

I (Barbara) explained that I had just co-designed and taught a course for
Medical Interpreters in Halifax. This was an incredibly rewarding and moving
experience, as each of the 20 participants had space during the 60 hour
course to tell their own story. The group bonded very well and each and
every one of them explained how rewarding it was to be able to help people
coming to Canada, unable to get the medical care they required because they
had little or no knowledge of English. We, the facilitators, felt we had
learned so much by the end of the course.


Where from here?

"Envision” is a movement in Halifax which is trying to work on establishing
meeting spaces for different groups of people to have conversations about
their needs. So far there is one group meeting regularly in the South End
and hopefully more will start up soon.


Who could assist? Each individual, schools, universities, community groups,






Name of Convener:   Fr BRIAN S BAINBRIDGE            


Name of Participants:   Kairi, Ronit, Brunhild, Wendy, Diane, Masud, Erich,
Christine, Paul, Doug, Joelle, Gabriela, Denise, Sheila, Michelle,
Jacqueline, Deirdre, Lisa, Gernot, Carolyn.


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

Brian outlined a Bit of the importance of SPIRIT as to do with INSPIRATION,
as needed beyond the PROCESS of OST, and that spirit is often carried by
story – perhaps always.

And the need to have sharing of stories and part of training and continuing
training and development of OST people.

He used a story from The World Bank about the gradual working together of
delegates from Japan and Timor L’Este as a direct result of the Open Space
Planning and program.


Gabriela shared a story about young Berliners gathered together by the
Berlin Philharmonic and a choreographer, working to develop a sense of
community, and then discovering – after a time – that the choreographer had
become very sick, recovered somewhat, and then wanted – in the closing Open
Space – to raise a question and share his difficulty.  But he found this
very awkward, and was encouraged by Gabriela to raise the matter and then
see what the group (without him) would do about it.  The matter was to do
with exhaustion and the depleted finances he had which prevented him from
doing some of the things he was invited to do.  The group chose to work on
this and, when he returned later, he found a new energy and anew support for
his work - and felt so much stronger for having shared the matter and so
grateful for the support that the group was able to arrange.


Lisa : a major Diocesan consultation in California, an old Monsignor who
dozed and woke up at all the right time – trying to develop strategies for
the future of the Church in that Diocese.  They came up with 425 strategies,
and need to get that down to 9??  Lisa found herself reminding them of their
FAITH, of the SPIRT and of the need to trust God as the drive for the
decisions they had to reach. They used dots (God dots) and one of the
priests got everyone to deep breathe and then move to the wall.  IT all
worked marvelously.


Joelle : Volunteers scared of cuts to their organization – an imposed
downsize;  a 2-day OST;  end of Day 1, team had to be encouraged to trust
the process, even though the members thought that the decisions had been
made already; young man at start of Day 2 simply et up a Q & A session, and
Director undertook to answer whatever could be answered;  in a little while,
questions stopped – young man asked the group if they had any other
questions – and when no one answered said then all the questions must have
been answered, so now they could get on with what mattered.  The mood
changed to positive and the results were marvelous.


Esther talked about her very first OST with hospital finance group – all
accountants.  At end of Day 1, getting nowhere, reminded them to trust the
process;  next day people said these aren’t the right topics, invited them
to put up the right topics now, they did, the results were again amazing.
Manager stated that he had learnt top trust the process – and the


Michelle :  Training new OST practitioners – invites other experienced OST
people to be there – and they shared this connection – and spirit shows up
in the stories they then share – valuable to trainees AND to the experienced
persons, as well.


Book mentioned called THE HOLY INTIMACY OF STRANGERS – suggesting that often
the OST environment allows total strangers to share in a special way that
really matters.


Michelle : topics in an OST can change as the program develops – and should
be allowed for;  in fact, it is the responsibility of those present to do
just that. Underlines the importance of “ letting go” .  One sponsor seemed
unprepared, after an excellent OST experience, to use OST again – but then
explained that the subsequent important decisions could not have been made
without the discussions in OST which actually determined what the group
could then so.



Name of Topic:   Moving Communities and their citizens from Powerlessness to
Pride Using OST.


Name of Convener:   Chris Robertson


Name of Participants:

Esther               Wendy             Brian                Rory

Judy                 Brian                Kerry               Ronit

Sonya               Allie                 Silvano Michael

Carolyn            Doug                Tracy               Debra

and others.


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


	 Important to undertake process of healing first then engage in the
planning process.

	 Identify what is already working well in the marginalized community
and work with it.

	Engage those who have been successful in the community in the OS
discussions and its implementation.

	Story telling an important component of dealing with a community’s
social issues and ills.

	Unlocking emotional baggage requires bringing together and using the
“experts of experience”.

	People who survive and overcome traumatic experiences tend to
flourish personally. They can be active participants as well as facilitators
in an OS t hat addresses sensitive issues.

	Communities can the same way.

	The quality of listening on behalf of the facilitator(s) is

	Anger needs to be spent, let out, released by those who hold it inn.
It can invoke a powerful emotion that helps people receive and process
information that liberates them from the stress of anger, pain and

	Marginalization is a persona emotion. Os allows people to see their
own power.

	When people talk about their experiences with other it validates
what they have gone through.

 Where from here?



Who could assist?




Name of Topic:                      What are the possibilities of using Open

Technology in the elementary school classroom?



Name of Convener:               Evan Throop Robinson



Name of Participants:            Vanessa, Michelle, Sonya, Henri, Bill,



Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Empowering Students

*	A new and wonderful way of using OST – students are open to new
*	Students given a chance to speak – given their voice to be heard
because they wan to be heard!
*	Students hear too often it’s not the time – so when is the time?


Learning is social interaction

*	Free from the stifling atmosphere of the traditional classroom
*	Students lack interaction because of media entertainment – they can
develop communication skills with OST


Modifications for children

*	What age should we start? Age 10? Is it too late already? Age 6?
Already capable of understanding their own learning processes.
*	Some might need help getting their ideas down on paper – oral
traditions in other countries – an oral process of communication


Self-organized school curriculum

*	Students will learn what they need to learn in the context of their
own interests


Curriculum Purpose

*	What would be the theme of a classroom OST meeting?
*	What would participants bring to the question?
*	Need to have the right question
*	Is it voluntary?
*	Structure of teaching intertwined with OS


First Steps

*	Start with classroom level with one classroom teacher
*	Allows for a bigger space to open for children to express their
*	Some time allocated for OS – Some time for instruction too
*	Start with small learning circle
*	Six year olds are very capable – they see and hear everything


ESL teaching with OST

*	Learning happens despite teachers efforts
*	“sleeping teacher”
*	Pre-work – children would design course
*	Teacher is out of the way
*	OS principles used in language classroom
*	What are the steps to taking an entirely OST course in ESL?
*	What are the tools we use?
*	How do we learn/study a language?


Creating a learning environment

*	Students become teachers and teachers become students
*	How do we change the dynamics of the students with the teacher?
*	Children need to be interacting ‘differently’ with each other
*	Hold a ‘pointed’ discussion – media issues, social studies
*	Counseling environment
*	Montessori methodology – Parents use OST as well


Learning from pre-school age children

*	Observe a one-year old playing – learning
*	Start early rather than late in school
*	Build on Montessori methods
*	When it’s over it’s over for children
*	Pay attention to their energy as they shift their focus
*	Images before words
*	Playing is learning – how open is open?
*	Look at how much children learn before school – compare with what
they ‘learn’ after



Name of Topic: Open Space Institute (US) Annual Member Meeting


Name of Convener: Peggy Holman


Name of Participants: Patsy Murray, Tree Fitzpatrick, Kerry Napuk*, Karen
Davis*, Doug German*, Lisa Heft *, Joelle Lyons Everett, Chris Corrigan,
Brian Rogers 

[* = current Board members attending; absent Board members = Gabriel
Shirley, Mikk Sarv, John Engle, Michael Herman]


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

The Open Space Institute of the US [OSI(US)] is a not for profit
organization whose purpose is to promote and support the use and practice of
Open Space Technology [OST] in the world.  Members of OSI(US) live in many
countries, and the Board of Directors of OSI(US) is also international. Our
purpose is to be of service to the world.


OSI(US) holds space for Open Space – through providing access to resources
on Open Space (such as funding and administrating the
http://www.openspaceworld.org <http://www.openspaceworld.org/>  and
http://www.openspaceworld.net <http://www.openspaceworld.net/>  worldwide
Open Space sites and establishing the OSLIST); through connecting
individuals and groups to inform, inspire, mentor and sustain each other in
opening and holding space; and through being an inclusive learning


The Bylaws of the Open Space Institute will tell you more about OSI(US) –
you can find these at http://www.openspaceworld.net
<http://www.openspaceworld.net/>  – [Lisa says: I was the notestaker for
this session – I do not have the exact address but you can go to
http://www.openspaceworld.net <http://www.openspaceworld.net/>  and go I
think to Open Space Institute (US) then Bylaws then Sandbox and at the
bottom of the sandbox is the latest version of the Bylaws. If I’m wrong or
if you have trouble, you can contact any member of the Board (see above) and
together we will find them for you]


See the chart Peggy has attached to see the accomplishments of the OSI(US)
in this and past years.  Among other things, in the past year-ish, OSI(US)
has funded 60 Haitians for an OS on leadership, peace and democracy; with
the assistance of our worldwide colleagues has added French & Turkish pages
to the wiki (osworld) website; joined the National Coalition for Dialogue
and Deliberation; donated copies of Harrison’s Practice of Peace book to
prison libraries
and more.


We discussed the financials for OSI(US) – if and when the need arises we are
a potential energy –plus- a legal entity so we can raise funds as need and
energy invite.  


The Board meets via one conference call a month and conducts its business in
Open Space – indeed, OSI(US) is a fully Open Space organization.


If you wish to be a Board member, simply let a current Board member know and
we welcome you to join us.  [see Board members’ names above and remember,
you can be from any country and be a Board member]


One of the orders of business was to vote on the current, updated version of
the Bylaws.  Many heartfelt thanks to Karen Davis, and a huge big bow of
gratitude to Kerry Napuk and Douglas German for their hard work updating,
collecting comments and feedback on and putting together the updated Bylaws.
A vote was taken – a majority of Board members were present [see above] –
“Aye” votes to accept the new Bylaws: Peggy Holman, Kerry Napuk, Lisa Heft,
Doug German.  “Abstain” until she can read them: Karen Davis.


Where from here?

Coming up: the Open Space World Service Market – a virtual bulletin board /
invitation for / marketplace of Open Space project / idea / event / resource
needs and people interested in serving those needs.  Michael Herman is
creating the online site and will administer it.  You will all be invited to
post OS-oriented projects in need of support.  OSI(US) is not sponsoring
these requests or projects – though OSI(US) will continue to sponsor
projects and people as it has been doing.  This is a world community-held
bulletin board that the world community – you – can post and respond to.  


Who could assist?

Several OSI(US) Board members agreed to chat with representatives of the
various OSIs around the world + the Open Space world map who are physically
here at this OSonOS, to share about the OS World Service Market and discuss
how to co-promote and help everyone use and find the OS World Service Market
for mutual support.  


We invite you to contact any of us to ask us about the OSI(US), its
activities and potential, and the Board.




Report still being worked on !!



Name of Topic:                      beliefs create reality – 
how can we create the reality we want 

                                                by consciously working on
our beliefs?


Name of Convener:               Marei


Name of Participants:            Esther, Robyn, Michael, Diane, Eric,
Audrey, Newell, 

                                                Sabine, Eva, Filiz, Cathy,
Ward, Michelle, Carolynne,

                                                Allie, Ronit, Masud, Thomas,
Bill, Gernot, 

and two others who`s names escaped me – sorry!


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:

It’s so helpful to raise personal awareness of our lenses and filters which
determine how we experience the world.

Working on beliefs with the management team as pre-work of an OST event very
helpful for preparing it – aim towards “Who do we have the potential to

Difference between living a life as ‘effected’ or as ‘cause’ – even staying
victimized is a choice.


Where from here?                  Resources we shared with eachother:

*	Avatar –a course for learning tools which enable us to choose and
create our beliefs and by that deliberately create our reality / 
more at www.avatarEPC.com <http://www.avatarepc.com/>  or ask Marei
mareikiele at web.de
*	7 logical levels of thinking / Gregory Bateson and R. Dilts / ask
Cathy C.
*	7 languages of transformation / for more ask Esther Ewing
*	biology of perception; Psy K / for more ask Ward Williams

Who could assist?                                          see above




Name of Topic: Real time coaching & learning in Open Space


Name of Convener: Chris Corrigan


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Diagram below (REMOVED FOR THE OSLIST -- Sorry)  is the map of the coaching
model.  Based on four quadrants model by Ken Wilber with additional material
by Angeles Arrien and Michael Herman.



Ken Wilbur’s model – understand right side quadrants through observation and
left side through reflection

Strategies: individual – personal inquiry

            collective – interpretive

Observe: system – what do you see?

            Behaviors – what are people doing?

            Culture – what is happening in the groups? 

            Intention – what has heart & meaning for you? (reflective)

Quality of what’s going on

When you are a leader holding space, it’s difficult to know if an event is
going well. Must enter the process, be less reliant on measurement, more
involved in process. Many leaders say they want to continue the spirit of OS
– to do that they need to do more than observe, they need to participate in
the groups.

To use the matrix, observe in real time – list the observations, capturing
it as you see it – observe first externally, then move to the internal



Name of Topic: Variations on a Theme – Is Open Space Finished or Can it


Name of Convener: Andre Chiasson


Name of Participants: Tova, Erich, Jacqueline, Daniel, Donna, Karen,
Christine, Brunhild, Christopher, Deirdre, Gernot


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion: 

The question related to what is the essence of Open Space – is it the rules,
processes, principles? Or is it the Opening of Space the where are  the


1.	The idea of being a purist vs. the idea of not using Open Space.
2.	In order to change what you are doing, you have to be a professional
who knows what s/he is changing.
3.	We need to maintain the essence of opening space. 
4.	Work from the essence not the form.
5.	There is an interest in creating/sustaining more depth in
conversations – one approach to this is the evening news which could be
added at an appropriate time even if it wasn’t the end of the day. The
overnight often creates a change in atmosphere which will affect the depth
of conversations.
6.	What is the future? What will OST be like in 2025? What rituals will
we still be using?
7.	Open Space is an inherent human capacity. The process we use is one
way to open space for participants – it works but probably is not the only
way. OST invokes this capacity that we inherently possess.
8.	Current instructions are great at divergence but we don’t have good
instructions for the convergence phase.
9.	Open Space vs. Open Space Technology. There is a difference. OST is
a way to open space.
10.	A different quality to the space once it’s opened.
11.	The success or one measure of the value of OST is that many other
processes i.e. AI use OST as a back end.
12.	We have the instructions (rituals) as a process for removing
13.	If we are coming from a place of wholeness we can’t be derogatory.
14.	Key elements include inviting (a sense of being), including
(ongoing) and transparency.
15.	Space opens in the heart of the sponsor.
16.	It is a challenge to be a sponsor! The sponsor is the one left with
the responsibility not the facilitator. Compassion for the sponsor.
17.	Pre-work is critical. Many of the issues which we face can be
lessened by dialogue prior to the session. If we need different perceptions
in the room, we should invite them into the room.

Name of Topic: www.openspaceworldmap.org <http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/>
A tool for even more interaction.


Name of Convener: Michael Pannwitz jr.


Name of Participants: Eddie, John, Tracy, (Kerry) and some bumblebees


Highlights of Brilliant Discussion: 

Wonderful resource to find open space practitioners in countries around the
world, with their contact details, websites etc. pp. and links to local and
regional open space resources.

Useful information that could be added in the form of new categories would

Publications, a list that is continuously updated,

Open space trainings around the world,

Open space learning exchanges around the world,

Success stories from open space,

a link to the open space world service market.


Where from here?

Suggestions will be relayed to the host of the map.


Who could assist?

YOU are welcome to include yourself in the www.openspaceworldmap.org

For free courier service of inclusion fees please contact Michael Pannwitz




Name of Topic: What are the questions I/we have? The conversations I/we
would like to have? What I/we wish for       



Name of Convener: Raffi Aftandelian




Name of Participants: Ward Williams, John V., Tree Fitzpatrick, Andre






Highlights of Brilliant Discussion:


Participants had difficulty understanding the session, the point. 

A Whole Person Process Facilitation transfer-in was used in the beginning as
a focusing activity. Its use did not seem appropriate according to the
co-creator of the program.


The intention was simply to create a catalog of questions, conversations,
and things we wish for to return to later. It was not clear why this was
important. There was a desire to find answers to questions.


Raffi did generate a number of questions:


1.	What are the limitations of the Genuine Contact Program?
2.	What other programs are there out there that are similar to the
Genuine Contact Program?
3.	How can self-organizing be made to be self-organizing?
4.	How might it be possible to facilitate the process by which OST
clients write the marketing materials of an OST consulting company for free
(precedents for this in OST meetings exist).
5.	What is a good, reliable electronic discussion list resource?
6.	A wish for: a Future Search meeting on the future of creation of an
OST Facilitator Community (I feel that we are not yet an intentional
community of OST facilitators)
7.	Wish for a retreat center near Moscow.
8.	Which other (human) resources exist out there for a global picture
of Large Group Intervention Toys?
9.	Is there a LGIT journal?
10.	How can one attract workshop participants to events?
11.	What will the LGIT landscape look like 20 years from now?
12.	What would be the steps to building a model English as a Second
Language course program (study in OST)? A first step for this is conceived
in Moscow. Tentatively a Study of English and Teaching English Conference is

13.	What other approaches similar to Whole Person Process Facilitation


There are many more questions, wishes I have. But since the whole point of
creating a “meta-marketplace” was lost. The momentum, and desire for
creative work of the convenor plummeted. Whatever happens happens


Where from here?

Try holding this session some other time
(this format has worked previously)



Who could assist?

Those willing to experiment with something even when the format was not
entirely clear!!







Alan Chiltion






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