Question about "top manager"

uwe.weissflog Uwe.Weissflog at
Fri Jan 17 00:44:00 PST 2003

Dear Ulrika,

the good news is that the top executive "likes OS". Often, when the top guy enters the scene at the end and wants to make a speech, there is high potential for a disconnect between what the groups worked out and what he/she wants to say. So, it is ofen a setup for difficult times (if not real damage).

In your case there is a possibilty for a "good end" because a) the person likes" OS and b) he wants to talk at the end of the sessions. In such a case I would propose to the executive to first listen to what the groups have to say. He then could fold this knowledge into a dialogue with the group that can be prepared along the following lines:

- What are his questions after he listened to the groups reports?
- Where does he see possibilities for creating something that molds together his and the groups ideas?
- Where was his passion touched?
- other, you may come up with more questions ....

I suggest to talk about this openly with the person before the event. In case you see strong resistance you might consider NOT to do the OS at all. Sometimes when people have a chance to open the"box" and are pushed back into it later, the damage is larger than not doing it at all.

mit besten Grüssen / best regards

Uwe Weissflog
Pathway Guidance 
35516 Vöhl-Marienhagen - Germany
tel.: +49-(0)5635-991197
fax.: +49-(0)5635-993934
uwe.weissflog at
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