self organizing systems and world peace

Michael Herman mherman at
Mon Jan 28 21:28:17 PST 2002

here's my short spin on these two, birgitt...

1.  open space is not peace, only the opportunity to choose toward it
(or not) and learn about how our choices affect others doing same (or
different).  it's a very long process.  also, not all our yet choosing
toward world peace but toward peace for some subset of world.  i think
peace is something we made up in open space, after open space.

2.  not interfering because not separate.

i think these answers imply an ever so slightly different view than that
contained in your questions.... not open space is self-org... but
selves, large and small, are organization in open space... then self,
organization, and the rest are all just constructs we made up in space,
which combine to define space, which isn't really anything at all...
it's all very messy, of course, or perhaps it's altogether too tidy, so
that absolutely nothing gets done, in which case we've gone beyond
doing, to just being... nothing... except for our just having given
beyond, doing, being, and nothing some meaning it didn't have just a
moment ago...  i do believe that only pooh knows how to escape this
little loop... has anybody seen winston????  and how to write 'help'
with a backwards 'e' on the computer???  which is impossible, i suppose,
which could be why pooh never typed...  looks like rain, doesn't it?


Birgitt Williams wrote:
> Dear friends and colleagues,
> I don't know if I can encourage this to make it to the  FAQ, however, if we
> are telling the world that Open Space is a self organizing system,  we
> should be able to answer the following:
> "if Open Space is a self organizing system, why don't we have world peace? "
> "if Open Space is a self organizing system, why are so many of us on the
> list working as consultants who facilitate Open Space Technology meetings
> and thereby interfere in a self organizing system?"
> I am curious and seek enlightenment.
> Birgitt
> *
> *
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Michael Herman
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