Open Space Evaluation

Harrison Owen owenhh at
Wed Feb 9 11:16:08 PST 2000

People often ask us Open Spacers how participants feel about their gathering,
and unfortunately we are not strong on evaluation. Last Fall I did an Open
Space for the YWCA -- 500 woman and me. Most folks seemed to think that OS did
the job. What follows is their evaluation -- it is a LOT. But you may find some
stuff here colleagues, clients, and other interested colleagues. I did delete a
few of the "insider" references, but basically what you see is what they said.


The Change Initiative  Evaluations by Open Space Participants

     * More energy and vitality here than at any convention. S. Huggins
      *All of my meetings will now be in Open Space! G. Bolden, R.I.
      *Great process! Very empowering. Now What?
      *Great networking. Ideas on print will help target/direct resources.
     * The vision WAS NOT articulated.
     * You are responsible if you didn't get what you wanted out of this. Take
      ownership of your problem. For me this was an exciting, positive,
      experience. Let's keep it going.
     * I am proud to be associated with women who can focus on important issues

      and put aside little annoyances. Our movement is a critical point and
      process gave us an opportunity to share, vent, create, and, as we move
      forward, CHANGE! Thank you to the wonderful, courageous women on the
      Steering Committee and to Harrison Owen for pointing out what the ways we

      have always worked are best. P. Dowdy
      *Please let's find a way to collaborate with National Board to achieve
      same goals. Local and National. Don't let the language defeat the spirit!

     * The first night of the meeting was offensive to me.
        Having a "catch all" meditation before dinner was unnecessary.
        What is the point of having speakers whose vocabulary is so limited
        had to swear. Get them a dictionary.
     * I really like Open Space. S. Huggins
      *Painful but productive. Positive result  hope for the future.
     * Process was what was needed; however too long. Would have like to have
      seen the measurable results.
      *Kudos to the CI Committee. Now let's do it.
     * This was a great event. So positiveso "open" and empowering.
     * This was an exhilarating experience. To see so many people come together

      with differing ideas and motivations and in a free and open format come
      together to collate those ideas into a plan of action and unity.

      This has been a unique way of rapid assessment, evaluation and
      brainstorming to come up with what's needed to salvage this fine
     * The process allowed for participation by allwhich is great. Although we
      now have the skills/experience to repeat the process ourselves, we needed

      an "outside agent" to lead us through it once, as an objectiveno
      agendaperson. Enjoyed the sharing, caring, passion, and commitment of
     * The process provided a voice for all that wished to use it. A first in
      YW experience. The "no sayers" are always with us but for the first time,

      our voices were louder! The effect is positive if we never go further. I
      know we will. Thanks.
      *Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace for day to
     * Outstanding process. The most productive, positive, and inclusive
      gathering I've attended. Thank you. Hear others raise concerns re:
      collapsing related issue into one for vote on priorities. I 'm glad you
      did. It was a big time saver to allow more rapid voting.
     * You've helped me to remember what I love about the YWCA. A way to make
      voices heard.
      *Good sharing of information and supportive collective spirit.
     * Great Cry for Change! Incredible energy; wonderful exchange of ideas
      focused on the future of the YW.
     * How paternalistic to have Harrison seemingly take ownership of this

     * Incredible. Inspiring. For the size and length of this event, I found it

      to be very satisfying and rewarding. Glad we had a good national board
      presence. Alexine is wonderful and I believe she and other board members
      present can help us be prepared for the next 100 years. Thanks to the
      Planning Committee. Kathy Luper, Fort Worth.
     * New format energizing. Now can we leave all "old" behind and move to
     * Amazing. It was great to see the connection between YWs and to find out
      what a women's organization really is about.
    *  Enjoyed the process  we did not look to the future enough, however.
    *  Learned more and had better conversations and connections than at any
      other YW function/convention.
     * Wish we could have focused on fewer issues with results in mind. Great
      Job. Thank you.
    *  The proof is in the pudding.
    * Interesting. Wellhandled processlots of time to talk things over with
      coworkers and others engaged in the same work.
     *Good process. I think the National YWCA could help by giving training in
      consensus building. Some leaders of sessions tried to control and promote

      own ideas. Poor leadership trait.
     * The open space meeting has offered me the ability to have a voice. Thank

      you Owen and most importantly, thank you Steering Committee.
      *Enjoyed the sisterhood and now let's start the ownership.
     * Great let's make it happen
     * I feel proud to be part of this historic moment in the history of the
     * Open Space great idea. If it's important to an individual they
      participateif not, go elsewhere.
     * Process was cumbersome should have been given a written agenda and
      procedures for Open Space.
    *  Tell Harrison to throw away his bell. (Comment added) Amen
     * Thanks to Open Space organizers! This is an excellent process and I'm
      confident that we will move forward to make change.
      *The math would take care of itself. There was no need to try to group
      issues in the 11th hour before the vote. A few things happen.
        The compiled list of issues by the very nature of how it is presented
        (on easels) received greater emphasis than the noncompiled ie stand
        alone issues because they are not publicly posted.
        If I want to vote for a particular issue that is critical to me, I
        select all of those (or several) multiple sessions on my topic and vote

        If someone chooses to vote for five topics instead of the instructed
        vote then, the math process creates greater emphasis on those 5 items
        (as opposed to listing those five as the top five and diluting their
        impact with a next five. Math works.
     * Harrison: Remove your hat in the presence of ladies!!! Good session.
     * Harrison: The bush hat is goofy indoors.
      *Process pulled us together. The proof is in the pudding. Thanks to
      Steering Committee. Positive.
      *This meeting will become one of the most important events in the history

      of the Y. The energy and vision and desire to make the necessary changes
      to take us into the 21st century are an account of everyone here.
      *Great process. What's next!!! Creative chaos.
      *WOW. Lots of energy! A++
     * The process is a good one; however it was violated by people who come
      a single agenda and organized prior to move their agendaincluding adding
      comments to their reports which were not discussed in the workshop.
      *A good process but the groups could have used some help on assigning
      rooms for known large groups and vv for small. We'll hope the results are

      as positive as the work here!
      *Did we pay you to do this? Democratic process has been around for
     * Surely a woman could have led this process!!! Who are we fooling when we

      don't support/hire our own kind.
     * This is just the right prescription for our movement and for the
      hemorrhaging of our "structure" it must feel like it did for our pioneer
      sisters at the start of this century. The first night speakers were
      terribleespecially B. She was borderline offensive. The Change Committee
      did a great job which must have taken lots of courage. This is the kind
      energy we need to have, keep, rekindle at convention and all national
     * Was effort made to recruit young women and help them overcome costs etc.

      *Good process for bubbling up issues. many sessions were overshadowed by
      "wethey" and old tensions. Disappointing level of "out of box" thinking.
      Thanks to the CI Steering Committee. Your love of the YWCA will lead the
      changes. Peace Donna C.

      *This was fabulous. Small price to pay Harrison to stand around and watch

      us change ourselves. He is a miracle worker. We have paid him to empower
      us. Bravo.
    *  I love the YWCA
     * I appreciate how the Steering Committee allowed the process to work. S.
    *  Challenging, interesting, focus. Now let's see change. Soon.
     * Five meetings were hohum but the 6th a real revelation.
    *  Excellent process. Now let's design the national conventions in this
      manner. We don't need highly paid singers to help us sing!
      *Fantastic experience! The positive energy and creativity were awesome.
     * Great sense of belonging and desire to continue doing great things into
      the 21st century.
     * Let's make convention like this. No glitz. Low expense.
     * Good experience. Meeting in the "large" room was somewhat confusing due
      so many groups and voices at one time.
     * Most efficient hassle free YWCA national level meeting I've been to in
      years. Wonderful process. First time I'm leaving with more hope than when

      I came. Thanks.
     * Thanks to the Steering Committee. Great Job
     * Must make convention Open Space or we'll lose it again.
     * Made many contact and friends. We can be great!
     * The exhibit hall was awful.
     * Valuable workable process. Thanks.
    *  Great job steering committee. You saw what the movement needed and
      let anything stand in your way. Here's to all of us carrying this

     * Frustrated with mixed messages. We should either examine organization or

      examine program. Both a the same time confuses the purpose.
      I like to eat at a table. No more box lunches.
     * Open Space was a wonderful experience as a process. The women of the YW
      have to allow it to flow as a process and not allow personal or
      organizational frustrations to move the process too quickly. The YW has
      been working toward changing various structures and systems for years.
      What difference will two more months make. Must react on systems
      not emotions. The breakout rooms made it difficult at times for group
      members to participate to listen to one another. Overall, I enjoyed
     * Great process for meeting management and allowing each individual to
      voice and choice. Giving people chance to address own interest/passion is

      meaningful and validating when others collate around it. Love your next
      step categories. Do it, Talk it, etc.
     * Taking home excellent ideas thanks to small group discussion. Excellent
      process for networkingopen exchange.
     * Process INTERESTING. It would have helped to put LIKE items together
      FIRST. Anxious to see END result  and then to see if it REALLY results
      in CHANGE.
     * The process worked  I'm very happy with open space and plan to use it
      again! Now the hard part begins  As with every YW gathering the energy is

      phenomenal  Hope is that we can carry it thru our tasks ahead.
     * Energizing process empowering process now we have to keep it going. Mary

      Novello, Montclair North Essex
    *  My belief in the YWCA and in the beauty of a women's organization has
      reconfirmed. How wonderful to learn so much from so many in a healthy and

      empowering environment. My deepest thanks to the coordinators of this
    *  Did we really need a man to lead the way? Was there no woman who could
     * Thank you Steering Committee for selecting Harrison Owen. Thank you
      Harrison Owen for being here and teaching us how to cut to the core.
      you everyone who came to Dallas. The YWCA will survive, thrive and
     * Excellent work in bringing everyone together.. Lots of logistical
       but the best discussion ever of overcoming racism.
     * Terrific opportunity to speak openly about issues and concerns  would
      like convention process to have same king of opportunity and same point.
     * A wonderfully empowering experience. Fascinating to see the process
     * Delighted to have been a part of it.
    *  Power is the key to success
     * Too expensive hotel meal $20 plate average? Are we classist?
     * Love the bells Ditto
      *Great Women. Hotel too far and costly to leave during free time  no
      place to be outside!! Do not add categories/grouping at later times.
      *Thank you Steering Committee, for giving us some focus and jump starting

      the forward movement of this organization. Wish we could have gotten much

      more done, but the time we had was certainly full. Press on!! Myrna
      Deckert we need you  to choose to lead us!! We trust you! And we see
      your vision.
    *  This did not function as an Open Space for me
    *  A wonderful way to bring structure to the most creative of process!
     * Lots of energy in these halls.
      *Power to the women.
     * I'm grateful for the time effort that was spent. It has been worthwhile.

      D. Cheek
     * I really appreciated the National Staff members being here at there own
      expense in many (most? all?) cases. Also Prema and Alexine's presence.
     * Enjoyed this meeting format very much. Discussed many pertinent issues
      that need change and hopefully will be in the very near future.
    *  We have a good start on very necessary path. Convention action must
      quickly. We're dying in the trenches!
      *You must be kidding mistrust does not lead to progress.
     * Everything very good except in final vote there was not a safeguard to
      eliminate double voting by an individual or group.
     * 4 NYC delegates and 6 world YW representatives all urge an inexpensive,
      nofrills convention like this one. We don't even want to pay for keynote
      speakers if we have some of our own. We all want to get to the real

     * The process is good and helps to ensure that many issues surface. My
      suggestion is that in this case, it would have been better to DEFINE the
      1st question: rather than "What YWCA issue are you passionate about," it
      would have been good to ask "What YW issue for change are you passionate
      about." or "What National YW issue for change..." (etc)
      *Great process  especially ability to do it on our own!! BUT Technology
      DOS is old and we needed a more user friendly (edit) program. Thanks
      Steering Committee.
     * Great process!! Congratulations on an amazing 2 = days of dialogs not
      debate. WE were all a part of History in the making. You should all be so

      extremely proud!! Better together.
      *Very informative!! Gives all the opportunity to participate, have a
      and set some organization and personal priorities.
      *Great opportunity for all to talk about/surface their own "beef"! Good
      reinforce that the "fix' would not take place overnight!
     * This was great. Thank you.
      *Open Space is a great concept and works well. I think we got too bogged
      down at times talking about the present and what we do instead of
      "breaking out of the box" and visioning. I also realize I have had a
      responsibility to change the direction of a discussion but didn't
      that until late in the process.
      *What an amazing way to talk to others... and listen.. .and learn. I
      with more questions than I came with... I leave with important answers...

      I leave with incredible resources...I leave with enthusiasm and
      and a song in my heart. When Shift Happens... ain't it grand! CA,
      Westfield, NY
      *Your method is wonderful! Your message would be better received sans
      violent words like "dropdead" time. It's part of our YWCA effort to end
      violence  in all it's forms.
      *Hate the Bells
      *The meeting was well organized. Issues should be addressed quickly and
      fairly. Good format and organizer. Should feel good about the success of
      this meeting.
      *What a process  thank you, committee, for having the vision to see that
      this is what we needed. I have faith in the power of this group  and I'm
      *Good process  very efficient for huge task and large number F.O. folks
      arduous, but necessary. Many thanks!
     * What an incredible process and opportunity! We're in all way!
      *This was my first YW national meeting. Thank you Steering committee and
      Owen. It's been an incredible experience! Blending "old" ideas with
      Thank you so much.
      *The process was a great opportunity to hear (hopefully) new and
      voices. It now moves from these voices to the power brokers to create
      change. If we are truly abut our mission than change will need to happen.

      If not  than our mission is worth no more than the paper we print it on.
    *  I appreciate the opportunity afforded me by my association to have a
      voice. Bit it is now out of my hands.
      *Need more time with issues and book before voting.
     * Interesting process. By 4th session on Sat., things were ready to wind
      down. All conveners weren't the same as far as ability to lead. Needed to

      stick to topic. Nice seeing energy level of so many women.
     * Enjoyed very much! Exhibit Hall meetings too noisy!
     * Thanks much to the Steering Committee  you have done a magnificent job!
      *Interesting process  Look and feels like strategic planning.
     * Open Space Process was: Inclusive, embracing, outstanding
     * Everyone listened and gave credence. Congrats to All!
     * Like a butterfly, we are in our chrysalis  present form looks like mush,

      but the outcome should be BEAUTIFUL.
     * The agenda and rules were great. I can hardly wait to take this back
      and try with other groups too. Thank you.
     * I have seen the possibilities. Every time this group of phenomenal women

      come together I am filled with awe. We do have a collective power. Always

      remember that with Spirit, Passion and Trust all is possible.
    *  I'm taking Open Space home to my next project!
     * Racial Justice was talked almost more here than at any other YW event.
    *  Exciting! I'm always open to new ideas and ways of doing things.
      Hooray for Honesty!
     * This was an issue identification process only; where's the change

      *For the Change Initiative Committee  some past National Board members
      would have come if notified  didn't know about the event. Can we open up
      next convention meeting to them so they see this great venture?
       * Excellent process
      *  Exhib hall poor site for discussion
       * We can take process to locals and convention
       * We are moving forward!
    *  Surprising to see that we are not all on the same page
      *This has been one most positive and hopeful YWCA National event that I
      have ever attended. My thanks to the Change Initiative Committee.
      The Steering Committee has done a great job putting this together, while
      being careful to stay in the background and let the process work. Mary
    *  Great Job  Steering Committee. We appreciate your efforts in keeping
      costs low, keeping an open mind and for the process. Let's not let it
     * I really enjoyed the process. I felt it was a very creative way to learn

      and share. Thank you. Jill Smolen
     * Great Process for rethinking priorities  can only hope that follow up is

      as enthusiastic. Representative of collective thought.
     * Made more interpersonal connections than at most national events.
      *Unpopular views are still unpopular despite the Open Space. We'll all
      the change initiated here becomes reality!
     * This was exciting! The Process is a Winner!!!
      *And, the rest is up to US!
     * Sharing and Caring are evident! We must implement! Don't let us down!
     * Thanks to all the volunteers on the CI committee!
    *  My passion for belonging and working for a women's movement has
      energized. Thank you to all for sharing. Rose Hill
      Process was liberating! A lot of time was spent identifying issues and
      narrowing them down instead F.O. the "change" aspect. Many thanks to the
      Steering Committee for all their hard work!!
      Day 1  Should have been spent on "What Needs to Be Changed" Prioritize
      Day 2  Should have been "How Can This Be Changed"
      *I saw too many groups traveling around as groupies. The purpose was to
      learn several messages in order to learn. Not socialize!
      I was a skeptic, but I am a believer now! Kudos to the Steering
      and ..many thanks for making it possible.
    *  This process enabled us to talk to each others  share best practices.
      This needs to continue. It put control of the movement in our hands
      where it belongs. A lot of sharing of "feelings" and some of "thinking."
      Need more thinking. More opportunities like this could help us set past
      feelings to clearer thinking.
      *Good info exchange Annie Clark, Cleveland, OH
      *This could be an excellent model for future conventions! Take care of
      business voting online. Let's continue to get together to share, critique

      and grow as a YW.
     * Whether relatively new comer, long time member old, young or whatever
      process was stimulating, productive and truly inclusive!
      *I love the Process. I love and care about the YWCA. I feel like this
      process has allowed every one to have a voice!
     * Great process! Appreciate all the hard work of the Change Committee. I
      optimistic that change will happen  shift happens doesn't it? Rita Dennis

       Clinton, IA

     * From "Hope Floats"  The beginning is sometimes scary  The end is
      sometimes sad  It's what's in the middle that counts. This counts!
      I really appreciate the time and process to really discuss our values,
      problems, etc. We're never carved this time out before. I cautiously
      the next step.
     * Great program! Very empowering  democracy in action! Thank you.
     * Thank you to the Open Space Steering Committee! Who know the "box" was
      big  glad to get out of it and think!
      *The agenda was obviously set before we got here
      *Open Space worked very well. I was surprised and pleased with the energy

      created by the process. Thank you.
     * Thank you Steering Committee! You did an incredible job. I was
      disappointed that my issue got "lost in cyberspace" and wasn't included
     * The agenda was set here by all of us.
    *  Exciting, invigorating and thought provoking. This session awakened my
      mind and thoughts to what I individually must do and the work I need to
      with my association board members and staff.
     * This can work! Because of the caring and commitment of every woman here!

     * Happy to be a part of it. Shows that we're not only aware of the
      but willing to do something about them.
    *  What an impressive, intelligent, focused group of women
     * Excellent Process  Nat'l Conventions should be this democratic. Good job

     * Steering Committee! Good food, Good plan , Good work!
     * Focus issues should have been grouped (strategic focuspioneering, etc.
     * NOW Let's USE OUR Collective Power!
     * Excellent process  everyone on equal footing  agenda  less meeting a
      refreshing "first" for the YWCA!
    *  In over 20 years in the YWCA, this was the most positive event I have
      attended. It was great.
     * The process leaves no room for excuses or future complaints.
     * Wonderful process  will take back home! Thanks Steering Committee
     * I came a disbeliever but I've been converted!
      *Congratulations on job welldone. Now go for it next step!
     * Give one good reason why local YW s should send dues to National
     * Good concept. Lose words and it will be better i.e . "drop dead time"
      "punch in #s." too jarring given what we see every day.
     * I like the process but feel a bit more time should be spent on
      synthesizing into broad categories at the front end process  this would
      allow for more focused discussions. Also, large room difficult for
     * Great forum; better than ED/Pres training. Would like a copy of the
      *You must move quickly. Time is not on our side!
    *  Congratulations to the Steering Committee. Everything was very smooth
      well organized.
     * Challenging and effective process!  Brought together the People involved

      on all levels. Great work.
     * Shift happens when collectively we care.
    *  I was feeling good about "the work" until the end when "the committee"
      attempted to channel my vote and the leadership! Sandra Boyce

Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, MD 20854
phone 301-469-9269
fax 301-983-9314
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