Sales strategy

Birgitt Bolton birgitt at
Wed Jan 6 14:17:49 PST 1999

Hi Craig and others interested in resources that will assist with the
telling of the story in a way that invites people to become interested in
Open Space Technology.I think the Resources that Barry mentioned are good,
as is Tales From Open Space that Harrison mentioned. It is also good to
invest in some copies of At Work: Stories of Tomorrow's Workplace Mar/Apr
97. This is a resource I often use and makes sense to clients. Published by
Berrett-Koehler. You'll find the stories of the world wide open space

 I also request that everyone who is willing post the newsarticles that they
have by title (especially you Harrison because I think folks are likely to
have sent you copies :-) so that we can see what is out there, especially
that which is within the last two years. All of my stuff seems to be older
than that. The articles I have which are easily faxable and which I have
mooched from Harrison over the years. Most have Harrison as the facilitator:
1.Enterpreneur May 1995 Open House focuses on a two day Open Space with a
company called Prospect
2.Washington Post February 1992 Creativity From Chaos: A Free-form Theory
for transforming the Common Meeting with the Forest Service (I like this one
because Harrison is quoted as saying Open Space is safe space, something
which these days I'm not sure he says :-)--for some reason I remember
debates with him on the subject)
3.Business India Oct/Dec 1989 Intense Learning Experience re: the Taj
Continuing Educaton Programming 5 day conference
4. Success Magazine Nov 1992 Motivation From Chaos: Profits Soared When this
company discovered a new way to hold meetings regarding Albany Ladder
5. IAPCO (international association of Professional Congress organizers)
Open Space Does Work--this one was in Belgium
6. Training Magazine April 1994 Welcome to Open Space re: Rockport shoes

There are also publications out there done privately. For example, the Open
Space Institute of Canada has a few. I have these on my website (address
below). I would draw your attention particularly to the one on Managing the
Organization in Ongoing Open Space. This is the topic that is my particular
passion--when we operate in Open Space as a management style. And we've
replicated the initial three year experiment that I did with this at Wesley
Urban Ministries with a number of other organizations and end up with
outstanding sustainable performance every time.

Warmest regards,

Birgitt Bolton of Dalar Associates
55 Ravina Cres., Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
 L9G 2E8
phone: 905-648-5775  fax: 905-648-2262

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