OS facilitators and process skills

Ingrid Olausson ingrid.olausson at pi.se
Sun Feb 28 05:54:00 PST 1999

Alan, Larry and all
I usually introduce some process skills - but only very short in the introduction. I mention some ideas on how to get a good dialogue in the groups. I do it in the form of three dialogue rules that I describe at the same time as the role of the facilitators. They are:
1. Go round the circle and take equal time to introduce yourselves (name and job) and why you did choose this issue.
2. Share the time in the discussions and listen respectfully to what others in the group are saying without interrupting
3. Talk from your hearts about what is important for yourselves, not about what others should do or what some anonymous one ought to do.
This makes it easier not only for the facilitators but for everyone in the groups. Some groups forget about the rules, but most of them apply them in some way. I have of course asked myself if this interferes with the ideas of self-organization, but I cant see that it does. Rather that it enhances the discussions.

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