Fw: humor

Birgitt Bolton birgitt at worldchat.com
Wed Feb 25 13:38:26 PST 1998

I couldn't resist sending this one to this community that works so hard not
to let people get stereotyped. I hope you enjoy it.

> From: Mike <mnabert at apollo-ent.com>
> To: birgitt at worldchat.com
> Subject: humor
> Date: February 25, 1998 3:57 PM
> notes from
> Copious research has conclusively shown that there are exactly
> two dimensions to human personality:  self-control and evangelism.
> The self-control scale denotes the degree to which a person maintains
> control of his or her emotions.  Humans are evenly distributed along
> this scale with Spock at one end (although he is really half Vulcan) and
> Sally Field at the other (see Figure 1).
>                     Figure 1.  Self-Control Scale
>                              Self-Control
>               +---------------------------------------+
>               |                                       |
>             Spock                                Sally Field
>               |                                       |
>         Shows absolutely no                  Operates purely on
>         emotion whatsoever, unless           emotion.  Cries when
>         under the influence of mind-         reading "The Family Circus"
>         altering drugs, such as pod          or when nominated for an
>         spray.                               Oscar.
> The evangelism scale denotes the degree to which a person forces his
> or her opinions and beliefs on others.  Like the self-control scale,
> humans are evenly distributed on this scale, with Supreme Court
> nominees on one end and Jimmy Swaggert at the other (see Figure 2).
>                      Figure 2.  Evangelism Scale
>                               Evangelism
>               +---------------------------------------+
>               |                                       |
> Supreme Court Justice David Souter              Swaggart
>    (before being nominated)
>               |                                       |
>         Opinions could not                   Offers opinions freely
>         even be extricated                   and without provocation,
>         through Senate judicial              often frothing at the
>         hearings.                            mouth and sweating
> Where each person falls on the self-control and evangelism scales is
> genetically predetermined and can be calculated from a questionnaire of
> 20 or so questions that you give to five of your friends/coworkers.
> This questionnaire was scientifically engineered and is backed up by
> copious research, so regardless of who answers this questionnaire
> (convenience store clerks, your mother, your worst enemies), your
> location on the scales is always the same.  Oh, there have been some
> exceptions, but they were due to people getting confused when filling in
> the dots on the questionnaire.
> Copious research has shown that there are four quadrants in which we
> can stereotype human personalities (see Figure 3).  This graph is
> derived from the two personality scales, with Evangelism as the X axis
> and Self-Control as the Y axis.
>                  Figure 3.  The Personality Quadrants
>    low                   E v a n g e l i s m                  high
>    (0) +--------------------------+--------------------------+(20)
>        |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        |   Anal-Retentives        |   Megalomaniacs          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>      S |                          |                          |
>      e |                          |                          |
>      l |                          |                          |
>      f |                          |                          |
>      - |                          |                          |
>      C +--------------------------+--------------------------+
>      o |                          |                          |
>      n |                          |                          |
>      t |   Spineless Wimps        |   Psychotics             |
>      r |                          |                          |
>      o |                          |                          |
>      l |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        |                          |                          |
>        +--------------------------+--------------------------+
>    high
>    (20)
> Once your location on the scales is determined, we can plot your
> personality on a graph and pigeon-hole you for life!  For example, if
> your questionnaire shows 1 on the Self-Control scale and 1 on the
> Evangelism scale, you would be classified as an Anal-Retentive, and
> are probably enjoying these numbers immensely.  If you scored 19 on
> Self-Control and 19 on Evangelism, you are a Psychotic and are
> probably throwing a tantrum at this moment.  Of course, there is no
> value judgement placed on any location in the quadrant:  It's OK to be
> a Spineless Wimp; it's OK to by Psychotic; it's OK to be where-ever
> you are (although YOUR location is rather abnormal).
> By definition, the personality type of a particular quadrant hates the
> personality type in the opposite quadrant.  So, ARs hate Psychotics and
> vice versa; likewise for SWs and Megalomaniacs.  Understanding the hatred
> between these groups is the first step to building good teamwork!
> The Anal-Retentive Quadrant (The Author's Quadrant!)
>   Characteristics:      Good with numbers, likes to work with machines
>                         more than humans, not fun at parties (unless
>                         else is AR also), lots of them are engineers.
>   Nicknames:            Einstein, Good Engineer, Boring, The Computer
>   Favorite Phrase:      I need more data.
>   Handles Conflict by:  Playing video games.
>   Famous ARs:           Carl Sagan, Ayn Rand
> The Spineless Wimps Quadrant
>   Characteristics:      Always friendly, always agreeable, make you feel
>                         until you turn your back on them, soft handshake,
>                         at organizing parties.
>   Nicknames:            Ol' Reliable, Mr(s). Happy, Two-Faced Rat
>   Favorite Phrase:      I agree.
>   Handles Conflict by:  Giving in and then not inviting you to the next
>   Famous SWs:           George Bush, Dan Quayle
> The Megalomaniacs Quadrant
>   Characteristics:      Cold, decisive, power-hungry, has delusions of
>                         grandeur, lets you know where you stand (usually
> within
>                         earshot of a crowd), dictatorial.
>   Nicknames:            Idi Amin, The Dictator, The Robot, The Rotten
>   Favorite Phrase:      You're wrong!
>   Handles Conflict by:  Killing those who disagree.
>   Famous Ms:            Saddam Heussin, Alexander Haig
> The Psychotics Quadrant
>   Characteristics:      Bubbly, bubbly,
>                         obnoxious, insecure, humorous, fun at parties
>                         (especially when throwing a temper tantrum).
>   Nicknames:            Barrel-O-Fun, The Clown, The Psycho
>   Favorite Phrase:      I have a vision.
>   Handles Conflict by:  Threatening to kill self and everyone else.
>   Famous Ps:            Sam Kinnison, Sally Field
> In addition to the four quadrants, there is another dimension to
> personality (even though I said there were only two before).  This other
> dimension is flexibility, also known as schizophrenia.  This scale
> denotes how well can a person fake another personality type (see Figure
>                         Figure 4. The Flexibility Scale
>      +--------------+--------------+-----------------+----------------+
>      |              |              |                 |                |
>  Catatonic      Paranoid    Split Personality    Triphrenia
>      |              |              |                 |                |
>  Does not even  Most people   Manages to fake    Three           The
>  have a         are here.     an additional      personalities!  in
>  personality.                 personality.                       ity.
>                             fake all four
>                             personality
>                             types.
> Although we can never change our basic location in the personality
> quadrants, we can strive for and achieve greater flexibility!  For
> example, you may be merely paranoid now, but with a little work in this
> course, you could become a split personality or even quadrophenic!  The
> key to flexibility is understanding the other personality types so that
> you can quickly and easily pigeon-hole those around you and understand
> what makes them tick.  Once you know how to do this, you will find that
> it is much easier to manipulate those around you!
> You now know everything you need to better mangle impersonal
> relationships.  Good luck!  And remember: It's much easier to work
> with people once you've stereotyped them.
> Mike Nabert
> Virtual Service Inc.

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