[OSList] Canada Conundrum - what do you think - reply to nazi comment

Mark Carmel markacarmel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 08:56:20 PST 2022

I have tried my best to bite my lip Regarding the dude's comment that all
of the truckers must be white supremest nazi types ... What a ridiculous
belief... that's being fed by the fake news that paints every Person
protesting for Freedom as a white supremest. Yeah, Total BS....  We are
open space technology facilitators we believe in freedom ... right? Or have
I misunderstood something?  And what did Canada decide to do? They decided
to go and seize the bank accounts and the crypto wallets of the
protesters.. Now what sounds more like  nazi tactics, protesting for
freedom or seizing people's bank accounts without a trial?
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