[OSList] The next Poet Laureate of Open Space is.....

Jonathan Coe via OSList oslist at lists.openspacetech.org
Sat Nov 1 01:41:13 PDT 2014

After some procrastination........

Lisa Heft!

I am told there have been a few Poets Laureate of Open Space who have been selected more than once, and this time there was only one poet entering - so 
having no voting process was what happened this time.

Lisa put in two lovely poems and I am happy to pass over to her, and look forward to her holding of this space.



Nap – a found


When I awoke, I was surrounded by

I felt a bit guilty but now I am
feeling OK about it.


I was in the borderland state, the
half-dream state.


Literally, figuratively…

In the room… outside
the room… in my head…


In the dreamy state of napping

In a most fascinating altered state
of consciousness  

Letting go of thinking

Allowing dreamtime to unfold


And then extending my daydreaming
(half awake, half asleep) time

To repair, re-order, re-pattern,
re-connect, re-synchronize 


I have noticed over the years that my
most useful thinking seems to take place when I am asleep.

I have written so many things,
conducted make-believe conversations…


Just "taking a nap” is the most challenging, but most efficient exercise.

In order to take a good nap - I just
have to let it all go. 

Opening space for my neurons.


It is all so simple, clear and


(just the right words)


But anyhow, I think naps are

This is really the best job in the








With thanks to Johann Borquez Bohn, Joelle Lyons Everett, Tree
Fitzpatrick, Lucas Gonzalez, Elwin Guild,

Henri Lipmanowicz, Funda Oral, Harrison Owen, Jack Ricchiuto, Mikk Sarv and Sue Scott 

Authority – a found


One thing I'm noticing, is how words
"sound" different, within different communities.


Some seem to assume that
"authorization" is about the "standard" world view.


I've come to hear it in a much more
creative vein

As in, who is the "author"
of this story that I am experiencing?  

Who is it, who is really giving power
to those, who I see as "powerful"?


Yet still, the word at times has
older echoes of "authoritarian", and “authority.”


I knew a manager who had authorities
up the kazoo, so many in fact that one manager had a special staff person whose
job it was to keep track of them all, and advise him how and when to use them.

I still get these images of a
bureaucracy - filing cabinets, cold legal offices, clerks, and people making
decisions behind closed doors.


It seems there are two worlds. The
formal one, which everybody saw and reverences. 

And then there is another world which
everybody knows about though few acknowledge. 

But that is the world where you
actually get something done.  

Even if you couldn't quite explain


The same or similar words can be
found on both sides of the fence.

Very different paradigms, I find,
each with their own logic and language.

Contrasting thinking around
boundaries and containers.


How different the general feeling and
poetic sense of this concept

When you bring in the words
"author" and “authorship."


The word author comes ultimately from
the latin, "auctor", meaning creator.




An author could change the fabric of


I love how Open Space Technology
helps people get in touch with 

Their own ability to create. 

To ripple the fabric of space-time.

To create a new story rooted in
passion and responsibilities

And make it easier for good, new
things to happen.

Despite boundaries and without formal


I deeply resonate with the changing
sense of authorization

That happens in a good Open Space


A circle is inherently equalizing. 

Maybe it doesn't make everyone
equally authorized - but it does give a sense that we're all in it together,
and that everyone matters, everyone counts.

Passion and responsibility - which
may be manifest by anyone at any time.


Authorities are simply a fact of
life, more or less useful, especially if adaptable in the face of surprises.

Just by virtue of stepping into an OS
event, this does not alter the internalized external authority structure that
people are bringing in with them (at least not immediately! ;-)


I believe everyone has 100%
equivalent authorization AND they also carry the imprinting

Of habits, context, self-talk,
existing relationships, and more

That influence how they show up. 

Some will experience themselves as
having 100% authorization

Some will test that assumption

Others will observe and reserve judgment

And every other flavor in between.


To me that is about enabling
self-authorization - intrinsic authorization.


Good things and bad things happen
everywhere, whether or not space has been opened.

Self-organization is always occurring

Sometimes to a good end, a bad end

Or simply adapting to what is - for
better or worse. 


Wisdom of which we all have access
when we can notice it

And even when we can't. 

Sometimes we notice  and sometimes we don't. 


How organic (literally a reflection
of natural systems from atoms to stars) the principles are.


This opened a door for me that I have
been peeking through ever since.


So now I resist limiting my sense of
what is possible when I encounter these terms in a client system or in my own
internal dialogues. 


At least that's how it seems. 

I have pretty much given up
investigating my own thinking, let alone that of others.


There's so much more to say. I hope
the group doesn't deauthorize the importance of this topic.


Thanks for the conversation, all...







With thanks to Skye Hirst, Peggy Holman, Chris Kloth,
Daniel Mezick, Harrison Owen,

Michael M Pannwitz, Harold Shinsato and Rosa Zubizarreta

- “Authority”, a found poem - Lisa Heft, July 2014




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