[OSList] The Nexus of Caring

Suzanne Daigle sdaigle4 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 17:38:45 PDT 2014

Another Open Space!  As beautiful and wonderful in its own way. A virtual
arts group in New Brunswick Canada inviting to a province wide gathering to
talk about collaboration and a future that works for all!  A planning team
that ebbed and flowed, uncertain and hopeful, controlling and then more
trusting, like waves coming to shore, back and forth.

Many conversations, laughter and frustration, a tinge of fear (will people
come or not? what will happen after? will there be action? such high
expectations...always for a relatively short event 1.5 days because this
format seems to promise something more...as if a longing and a yearning).

As the day gets closer, the camaraderie and laughter and letting go
increases. It is a joy to see.  There is excitement in the air with a tinge
of worry -- another big snow storm in April, will it keep people away?

Kevin O'Brien, Louie Surette and I arrive (we are all Open Spacers; we were
in New York together).  The main room and breakouts are so beautifully set
-- better than we could have hoped or imagined. The planning team and
facilities personnel are all smiles. Hospitality and invitation at its
best. The newsroom, the principles, the Law of Two feet, some flowers and
even candy dishes are lovingly added to the decor. It looks beautiful. Our
student videographer and student photographer are drawn into this beautiful
welcoming web.  The team is relaxed and excited -- different than how they
were a few short months ago.

Soon people arrive -- diverse, very diverse in every way.  A tapas meal
before we sit in the circle - the conversations are igniting already.
Anticipation, excitement and yes a nexus of caring.  We can feel the
energy. A preview of things to come.

Now it is time. The 60 to 70 souls move to the main room.  I sense a tinge
of  nervousness.  People rush to the back rows first and then the seats in
front start to fill.  The announcers (French and English) welcome briefly
and give a few housekeeping items; the host (Louie) speaks of the theme,
setting the stage for more to come. The newsroom is on the ready (Kevin has
done such an amazing job).  I begin to walk the circle. French, English,
yes it will be done in both languages in a way where I wish it to flow
easily.  It is THAT TIME.   The invitation to write your topics.  Without
fail, the floor becomes crowded and in 15 minutes or a bit more, 46 topics
on our infamous wall.  A few last instructions and I send them on their
way. It happens as it always does in Open Space.  The buzz is in the air.
Butterflies, bumble bees and folks sitting in their groups. A university
setting with plants, an atrium and these cozy nooks and crannies. It is to
die for.  A short evening news that first night.

Tomorrow another day. Morning news!  Some did not sleep much... too excited
they say. Others are tired because they stayed up real late continuing the
conversations. More discussions groups,the news room is abuzz; a Google
drive on the ready and it's happening with such ease.  The news wall is
appearing before our very eyes; a few green sheets with next steps (thank
you Linda Stephenson for teaching us this so well). Great food, plentiful
coffee, the day is moving along as it always does in Open Space. I sense
the exhaustion and high energy.  I sit on the sidelines watching quietly at
these pods of people are so engrossed with each other as if there is no one
else there. In one corner, a video interview; in another, people typing
their notes with large flip chart sheets strewn on the tables; here and
there, two and/or three people lost in their conversations. Peels of
laughter, serious discussions. Who are the leaders? Where is the control?
Where is the hierarchy?  I can't really tell. Young and old seem ageless in
these conversations and their ways of being together. The images are seared
in my soul. How I love this work!

Soon it is closing circle.  A few are still typing their notes. Twenty six
topics, 600 photos at least, 15 or more videos.  A good day it seems!   As
always, the words shared in the circle have more to do with hope,
connection, purpose, feelings and gratitude. Little said about what worried
people most in the days leading up to this no agenda, no expert, no
powerpoint presentation event. Action seems to be a given now. When there
is connection and a nexus of caring, the trust for action also seems to

Now they get it!  Now the planning team knows!  They have felt the Nexus of

The Book of Proceedings is lovingly prepared by the trio tribe (Louie,
Kevin and Suzanne) that same night.  A beer or two  or three while munching
on pizza. It all comes together and with great pride we press the send
buttom. Nearly 60 pages in everyone's inbox on the same day. It is a first
draft because with the Google drive and videos to come, another version
will soon arrive. We are a bit giddy as often happens. We feel privileged
to do this work, to inspire and invite a leadership within and with others.
With it comes joy and a vibrancy that is difficult to describe in words.

A few days pass... the congratulatory notes come in from the planning team
and sponsor.  In essence, they all say the same thing. Now we understand!
Yes I'm sure the doubts will surface as they did for me when I first
experienced Open Space. Wondering whether this was real but the stirrings
felt cannot be easily dismissed. Now people know there is something more to
be had in life. Once aware, difficult to become unaware.

These short notes arrive a day or two later.:

"I am a believer in allowing people to talk with minimal structure and not
based on first having had an expert layout what can be spoken of. But I
have never worked in quite this process. I was hopeful - I think that was
my word at our planning session in the Fall? - and my hopefulness was
Then another similar comment:

"It was a very affirming, renewing experience (and this is coming from a
gal with the potential to be rather cynical!)"

And finally:
"Louie promised that the best of things come in the coffee breaks; but for
me, the best of things came in the team that created and managed this

Yes it was just another day in Open Space. Predictable and wonderful. And
even if people had not said the nice things they did, it would still have
been as it always is in Open Space, "whatever happens is the only thing
that could have".

And now to the next trailblazing event with a wonderful team to
revolutionize the world of work. Minneapolis in June with Josh Allan
Dykstra, author of Igniting the Invisible Tribes, Designing Organizations
that don't suck.  Linda Stephenson, Kevin O'Brien and Derek Wade inviting
and igniting together. More on that later.

For now I am still feeling the glow and joy of this with our precious Open
Space community knowing you will totally understand every morsel of what I
have shared. We are blessed to have each other and to do this work.

And if I have been a bit too gushy as I often am, well knowing that I will
soon be 60 while feeling no more than 40, I just gotta say what I gotta say.


Suzanne Daigle
Open Space Facilitator
NuFocus Strategic Group

FL 941-359-8877941-359-8877941-359-8877941-359-8877
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s.daigle at nufocusgroup.com
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