[OSList] Open space in open spaces

Michael M Pannwitz mmpannwitz at gmail.com
Tue Oct 8 03:18:20 PDT 2013

Dear Matilda,
I never had the chance to facilitate an outdoor open space event.
But lots have.
I know that Erich Kolenaty from Austria
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/moreinfo/businesscard.php?p_id=48&country_name=Austria&c_id=11

and Florian Fische from Germany/Spain
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/moreinfo/businesscard.php?p_id=86&country_name=Spain&c_id=165

were involved in one way back in a public park in Vienna where they used 
the outside walls of a temple for the Bulletin Board.

Also, I remember attending one as participant in a small town in North 
Carolina, also way back, that the Man with the Hat facilitated (it was 
one of those "famous" OT-Symposia that Harrsion origninated open space 
for) where a see-through tent was set up in the village square... it 
wasnt completely outdoor but attracted bypassers: a policeman walk in 
and stayed, a marching bagpipe band put in a speial appearance for us.
So, a big tent with the walls rolled up to let everybody pass in and out 
and still having some protection from rain works, if you havent seen the 
Man for a while, go here showing him with a very unusual hat
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/moreinfo/businesscard.php?p_id=38&country_name=United%20States%20of%20America&c_id=188

And then there is Yaari
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/moreinfo/businesscard.php?p_id=67&country_name=Germany&c_id=69

and Anna Caroline Türk
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/moreinfo/businesscard.php?p_id=808&country_name=Germany&c_id=69

and a bunch of others they work with that had os events on a 
mountainside in Bulgaria, on a lake I thinkin Serbia...

Would not surprise me if others had loads of outdoor-os-experience.

Especially useful for short-notice-events is to get the sponsor to 
quickly put together a Planning Group that could go through all the 
questions and details on the background of their local insight...

I am surprised about the short notice... in Germany, to have something 
outdoors in a city center needs a lot of lead time just for permission 
of the authorities: police, department of parks etc, fir department, 
health department (toilets, food, etc)...

Have fun

On 08.10.2013 11:50, Matilda Leyser wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have been approached, at very short notice, to support an Open
> Space that is to take place outdoors in a city centre. The hope is
> that the event would be accessible to and attract passers by, as well
> as those who have turned up specifically for the OS. Does anyone have
> experience of this kind of scenario? Do you have any tips for how
> best to hold space in an open space, how to hold the circle with
> clarity and yet let it be as permeable as possible.....? Any advice
> welcome.
> Many thanks, Matilda _______________________________________________
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Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

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