[OSList] OST Foundations again (Was: Re: Dealing with conflicts)

Harrison Owen hhowen at verizon.net
Wed Sep 5 12:56:47 PDT 2012

Michael P. raised some interesting points which have been hovering in the
background of our discussions over the years, and certainly hovering in my
own mind. His words: "...transform from facilitator to whatever we call the
role we have in working with Open Space Technology." At issue, or at least
the way I perceive the issue, is whether OST is one more method/process
amongst many which may be chosen as the appropriate tool for a particular
occasion and/or organization. Or not. And if not, then what?

I strongly suspect that the vast majority of people who have encountered OST
in one way or another (facilitator, participant, or just hearsay) think of
it as one amongst many -- maybe very good, even the best, but one among many
other methods. As such it is a process to be learned, a skill set to be
developed from "pre-work to follow-up." What the facilitator does is
critically important and there are better, even "right" ways to "do" it --
with "essential elements" -- which are subject  to debate, modification, or

I can certainly understand why people might think this way, after all it
fits into the standard paradigm of what has now become a full blown
profession: Facilitation. The Master Facilitator has multiple tools, using
each as appropriate, with finesse. We have whole catalogues which describe,
in varying detail, the richness of the Facilitator's Tool Box. People get
certified, licensed, franchised -- you can probably even get a degree! And
at some level it all seems to work.

Personally I would (or at least should) be delighted if all of this were
correct. And if Open Space is anywhere near as good as we seem to think, my
cup would run over, to be sure. As the originator of this miraculous process
I might reasonably claim genius, and had I taken the time to patent or
trademark my invention, lucrative franchises could have been mine to enjoy.
But it didn't quite work out that way.

The truth of the matter is that building a business has never been an
interest of mine, or at least any sort of business with all the standard
accoutrements. But that is only a small part of the story. The real story is
that the more I experienced and thought about Open Space, the less sense it
made. Based on the literature, my training, and the experience of most of my
colleagues Open Space should not work. It could not work, if only because it
violated every single practice and principle of group management, indeed
management itself. But it did work -- and as I thought about it became clear
that my contribution, either in design or implementation, was vanishingly
small. Embarrassingly -- Open Space seemed to work all by itself.

Sooner or later some pieces came together and seemed to fit. It was all
about self organization. You have heard me ad nauseam on the subject, but
suffice it to say that when viewed as an example of self organization it all
makes sense -- indeed it is quite predictable. When viewed through the lens
of "standard theory and practice" OS is odd to say the least, verging on
weird, counter-intuitive, and wrong. Making the connection with self
organization was, for me, a passing through a portal -- and it sure wasn't
Kansas anymore (a reference to the magical journey of Dorothy and Toto into
the Land of OZ). Wherever I got to wasn't what I expected, and it only got

My realizations didn't happen all at once and doubtless not in the order I
describe them -- but over time several things came to clarity -- at least I
thought so. First there was the sneaking suspicion changing to strong
conviction that Open Space was not some weird apparition, a break with
reality. It WAS reality. All this began at the conclusion of wonderful
events when the enthusiastic participants became a little wistful... with
words something like, "This was wonderful. Too bad we have to get back to
reality!" My joking response was, "Maybe this is reality?" It then became
clear that was no joke.

Self organization, as I have come to understand it, is not something we can
choose to do (or not do) -- it is what we essentially are. Self organizing.
To the extent that Open Space is an intense and intentional "outbreak" of
self organization it is not strange to, or apart from life as a whole -- it
is all of a piece. We could say -- All the world is Open Space and not be
far from the truth.

To the extent that this realization is not just gross egotism, hysteria, or
worse, there are some interesting corollaries. First, if self organization
is fundamental to life, it is not something we have to learn. It comes with
the territory -- our life. Secondly, self organization (by definition)
happens all by itself. No help needed.

QED: If Open Space is self organization at work, we don't have to learn it,
nor do we "do" it. If anything, it does us. And paradoxically, the more we
seek to do the longer it takes for self organization to "Kick in."
Practically this means if you do a whole series of "warm-up" exercises it is
basically a waste of time unless the exercises have some intrinsic merit of
their own. In like manner, the more we seek to learn or teach the process
itself to the participants (or sponsors) the longer it will take to get to
the business. And there is no need: Everybody already knows. 

Bottom line for me in this strange new world -- Just Do it! Make sure the
initial conditions are present and then at the first opportunity -- Sit in a
circle... well you know the rest. 

And what about all those other methods? Well, if all the world is Open Space
and Open Space isn't a method, it is just a funny name for living with
passion and responsibility... 

And Pre-Work, Lisa's favorite? To be sure there is lots of "pre-work" to be
done on you -- bringing yourself to that quiet, centered place where there
is nothing to do, for nothing can be done. No judgment, no fear, no rules --
just quiet presence from which to invite others for the creation of new
life. Welcome to Open Space!

As for the group... there really isn't any way that I know of to get them
ready. I think lisa mentioned that it took more than a year of hard effort
to get everything together with the 50 Palestinians and Israelis. I am sure
that is true, and actually a gross underestimate. Pulling that gathering
together was part of the lifelong struggles of some marvelous and sensate
people -- it was also just life in The Middle East. But when it came to my
pre-work with that group, that might be measured in minus quantities. The
group arrived in Rome in the middle of a blinding rain storm -- they had a
late chaotic meal and went to bed. The next morning at 9 am there were 50
tired, hopeful, fearful, angry, frustrated, anxious people sitting in a
circle when a gentleman most of them did not know stood and said, "Welcome
to Open Space." Two days later that same group was standing the same circle
hugging, and in some cases kissing. I did nothing. I think that is what we
all do...

So it isn't Kansas, for sure. And definitely not what we might expect. And I
think we are just beginning to figure out what's going on.


PS -- For the story of Rome go to:



Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD 20854

189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)
Camden, Maine 20854

Phone 301-365-2093
(summer)  207-763-3261

www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)
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-----Original Message-----
From: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of Michael M
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2012 6:02 AM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] OST Foundations again (Was: Re: Dealing with

Dear Hege,
you are describing the process which I think is pretty central to transform
from facilitator to whatever we call the role we have in working with Open
Space Technology. This journey I figure will be lifelong, at least it has
been for me so far and is continuing after having been through 170 os
events, 20 Trainings etc. Sticking to it has been high learning and fun for
me, I suspect it could be for all of us that are stubborn and relaxed enough
to hang in there.
My experience is that doing less of what you describe in your questions
expands time and space for the work of the forces of selforganisation... 
and as far as "trusting" those forces: my hunch is that the forces
themselves couldn't care less. They are active and perhaps only on the back
burner, I KNOW they are there, ready to unleash all the capacity of people
and groups and organisations and systems and life for whatever needs to
Have a great day in rainy Norway

On 05.09.2012 10:30, Hege Steinsland wrote:
> I´ve read this over and over again, the list from Lisa of the 
> facilitators job, what to do, and what not to take responsibility for.
> I love the thoughts, and I find it hard to live by.
> I worked last nigth with a group, early pre work I wold call it.
> We used the syclus og sorrow,medicine wheel, and planned the next step.
> ( The group is not stable, and they are mostly tired and overloded 
> with work, standing before at big developing work with small recourses 
> )
> I ask myself today:
> Did I have a need to be clever ? Yes.
> Did I try to give them a good experience? Yes Did I have a ned to be 
> productive and show some results? Yes.
> Did they experience selvorganizaton? I don't think so......
> Im just shearing my own evaluation. Because I need to develop as a 
> facilitator. I need to trust the selforgnaization myself, what I`d 
> like to encourage them to trust.
> To do less, and gain more. To be aware of the situation...
>  From windy and rainy Norway
> Hege
> 4. sep. 2012 kl. 21:15 skrev Tenneson Woolf <tenneson at berkana.org
> <mailto:tenneson at berkana.org>>:
>> Yes, my thanks also.
>> I love the emphasis that Lisa offers on the OST format for holding 
>> the space for a group to do its work.
>> I also love the distinction of what is the group’s work and what is 
>> the facilitator’s relationship to conflict and resolve.
>> Great stuff here for all of us practitioners deepening ability in the 
>> complex environments in which we use OST and other participative 
>> methodologies.
>> Thanks Lisa, all.
>> Tenneson
>> On Sep 3, 2012, at 11:57 PM, Koos de Heer wrote:
>>> Thank you Lisa and thank you Chris!
>>> This mail originally came in during my holiday in Sweden, so I did 
>>> not read it at the time.
>>> Thank you Chris for bringing this to our attention again.
>>> And thank you Lisa for writing so well about the things that are so 
>>> dear to me. I did indeed sit down with a cup of tea and I am glad I did.
>>> You truly are fabulous, Lisa. Can you write something like this for 
>>> me every morning? :-)
>>> Love,
>>> Koos
>>> At 19:50 3-9-2012, Chris Corrigan wrote:
>>>> Love in your brilliance and clarity here Lisa.  I have some clear 
>>>> image of you as Open Space 2.0.
>>>> Love you.
>>>> Chris
>>>> ---
>>>> http://www.chriscorrigan.com <http://www.chriscorrigan.com/>
>>>> +1 604 947 9236
>>>> On 2012-07-30, at 1:48 AM, Lisa Heft <lisaheft at openingspace.net 
>>>> <mailto:lisaheft at openingspace.net>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello, all -
>>>>> I am enjoying this conversation.
>>>>> Get a cup of tea, folks - this one is very long because instead of 
>>>>> responding to individual moments in this thread I am going to try 
>>>>> to combine into one message for your in-box.
>>>>> My observation is that many individuals - which therefore includes 
>>>>> facilitators - are conflict-averse.
>>>>> We see something we name as conflict, and we either want to avoid 
>>>>> it or solve it away.
>>>>> We are not very good at sitting with it; breathing through it. I 
>>>>> am talking about those conflicts where your life is not 
>>>>> immediately in danger but instead where voices are raised and 
>>>>> people are angry and upset.
>>>>> And for some of our cultures - what one culture sees as conflict 
>>>>> (raising of voices, dramatic gestures, angry faces) - another 
>>>>> culture sees as passion or simply as expression and communication.
>>>>> So all those cultural filters are at work (us, our groups, our 
>>>>> personal / cultural style, our family-of-origin / relationship 
>>>>> history - oh so many things).
>>>>> So to me - as a facilitator - my job is to know..
>>>>> - what is the group's work (and what is my own internal work)
>>>>> - to breathe (and to breathe as a way to hold space for others)
>>>>> - to do thoughtful work (including the pre-work and analysis for / 
>>>>> selection of best-fit dialogue process)
>>>>> - and to care for self and others (in specific ways like making 
>>>>> sure I am hydrated, rested and fed, and holding in my heart and 
>>>>> mind that their work is their own and that I think they are amazing).
>>>>> Conflict without violence is to me - passion. Someone struggling 
>>>>> to name their own truth - which while not perhaps true for others, 
>>>>> is true for them, at that moment.
>>>>> Harrison I disagree with you - I don't think conflict is something 
>>>>> that can often be resolved in a single meeting. By a single 
>>>>> intervention. Resolution is not what I seek by offering Open Space 
>>>>> as one of the possible tools for a certain meeting. The ability to 
>>>>> breathe through conflict - to witness rage without blows - to be 
>>>>> able to walk away (and walk back in) - to hear another person's 
>>>>> story (without trying to solve or change it) - these are all the 
>>>>> things that an Open Space (of two days, ideally) can offer.
>>>>> Resolution? Take any human behavior - there are so many things 
>>>>> that inform and change and hold in place certain behaviors. The 
>>>>> meeting is just one part of someone's life, life history, life 
>>>>> after the meeting, real life 'on Monday', social norms, support 
>>>>> for change and so on. But what the meeting can do as the 'massage' 
>>>>> so the human can witness their own inner dialogue, feel witnessed, 
>>>>> notice and wonder, try to articulate, stumble through, step back 
>>>>> and step back in? Amazing.
>>>>> I say two days ideally because in any process - including Open 
>>>>> Space - on Day 1 people are often naming their grief and loss. Day
>>>>> 2 does not magically change that but with the overnight, with 
>>>>> eating together, with feeling witnessed as they tell their story 
>>>>> again and again on Day 1 - seems like enough people shift a bit on 
>>>>> Day 2 to not lose their own story but walk forward into imagining 
>>>>> a slightly different story, together.
>>>>> As you say, Harrison, '...given the time / space to do it."
>>>>> It is what happens before the meeting and afterward that also 
>>>>> count. Which is why I think of Open Space or any other facilitated 
>>>>> process as one in a chain of steps of change and shift as part of 
>>>>> a greater whole.
>>>>> I agree with Peggy - there does not necessarily have to be trust -
>>>>> but: like any couple's relationship when they are having rocky 
>>>>> times - they have to walk in hoping / wanting / wondering that 
>>>>> there might - just might - be a light at the end of the path 
>>>>> somehow back to each other. Or at least (same as couple 
>>>>> counseling) that in exploring some things together their agreement 
>>>>> to step apart will be more thoughtful and hopefully more kind. As 
>>>>> Peggy
>>>>> said: 'willingness'.
>>>>> And yes - one of Lisa's favorite topics: Pre-work. As I recall, 
>>>>> Harrison - and Tova, Avner and Carol if you are reading this you 
>>>>> can correct me - didn't it take something like a year of 
>>>>> invitation for one of those OSs bringing together Israelis and 
>>>>> Palestinians? A year. Finding allies. Making personal invites. 
>>>>> Thinking how best to reach each individual and build 
>>>>> relationships. Lots of strategic, creative and passionate work on that
part, I am sure.
>>>>> Kerry - for me - as the facilitator - I think there is an issue 
>>>>> about trusting the people who participate. I trust them fully. I 
>>>>> trust in their ability. Not their outcome - not their path - which 
>>>>> is theirs to inform. But that humans are incredible. I trust the 
>>>>> people and I trust the process.
>>>>> I agree with the 'givens'. I think it is not useful to say 'this 
>>>>> is what you cannot talk about' / 'this is off the table'. Humans 
>>>>> will talk about whatever is the story within them that has the 
>>>>> strongest pain or yearning or discovery or passion - even if we 
>>>>> want them to talk about 'x'. However: An example of how a 
>>>>> marvelous client of mine said this - Catholic Diocese - this was 
>>>>> the Bishop, and the OS was for strategic (pastoral) planning for 
>>>>> the next two years. "You can talk about wanting more women clerics 
>>>>> in the Church" (for
>>>>> example) and that is fine - but that is not what we have money for 
>>>>> to fund for this next two years of our strategic plan. We are not 
>>>>> able to inform or control that in our greater Church at this time 
>>>>> - although rest assured we remain passionate about it as well. 
>>>>> What we _do_ have money to fund is in these three key strategic 
>>>>> areas (Lay people in the Church, Youth Ministry and Living 
>>>>> Catholic Social Teachings - the three areas identified by the 
>>>>> parishioners for the coming years' focus). So you can talk about 
>>>>> other things but we hope you will also spend some time in these 
>>>>> retreats helping us with the three upcoming strategic plan issue
>>>>> So he did not say something was a given or off the table. He 
>>>>> invited anything anyone wanted to talk about - but encouraged 
>>>>> people to think within the diverse stream of these key 
>>>>> identified-by-the-parishioners areas. Nice.
>>>>> Usually: I think the client does not have to say anything. People 
>>>>> will talk about things and that's fine. Most will talk about what 
>>>>> is named as the OS task, and that is fine. Nothing derails 
>>>>> anything. And yes, Kerry and Artur - I do let the client know of 
>>>>> what might happen, what could happen, and are they ready for that.
>>>>> For surprise directions. For those certain scary things being 
>>>>> raised as an issue. For that same person who always says that same 
>>>>> thing to say that same thing again. And if they are fine with that?
>>>>> We move on to OS. If not? We move to another process.
>>>>> Marie Ann - again I would try not to squish things into too small 
>>>>> a meeting time. People need and deserve the room to breathe, name, 
>>>>> explore, feel, make mistakes - the whole thing.  And I like the 
>>>>> idea of also giving individuals witnesses - 'listening posts' - to 
>>>>> share their own story with one person and feel fully heard. There 
>>>>> is a whole ecology of things that can be done - together, and over 
>>>>> time - to help a community having challenges. And it did not take 
>>>>> one day to fall into this situation - so it may take many 
>>>>> nutritious moments over time to help some people breathe and shift 
>>>>> a bit. Though other people might be fully-served by staying right 
>>>>> there in that painful story.
>>>>> I am also a strong believer in meeting a group where they are. Are 
>>>>> they asking for the help. How do they respond when you offer. Is 
>>>>> it the time for help or is it the time to fully witness exactly 
>>>>> where they are?
>>>>> And how else do you show them to each other as individuals rather 
>>>>> than as positions. Do they get a chance to eat together. To do a 
>>>>> project together that is not about their conflict areas at all. Do 
>>>>> they need to.
>>>>> Susanna - same question - should you bring them together to work 
>>>>> on the 'issue' - or can you mix and match and combine them in 
>>>>> small and large ways to experience each other in other ways as
>>>>> Should you be the event sponsor? Well - are you being asked to?
>>>>> You mentioned not being sure the women's organization 'would be 
>>>>> convinced of an OS process'. '..try to convince them of the 
>>>>> value...' That wording - is it your job to convince or sell OS?
>>>>> Doesn't really work that way. Are you meeting the group where they 
>>>>> are? You might be - I don't know the answers to those questions - 
>>>>> maybe you do. And if it is decided to do an OS should you 
>>>>> facilitate? No matter how you feel you can hold space for all 
>>>>> different sides and viewpoints - how are you *seen* or *perceived
>>>>> by* others - even if you do not feel that about yourself?
>>>>> My colleague Zach Metz - who does OS in high conflict zones in the 
>>>>> world - also really appreciates Public Conversations Project for 
>>>>> some meetings - sometimes earlier in the chain of meetings than 
>>>>> the OS, which happens later in the chain. I am not skilled in that 
>>>>> but you might want to read about it. It is more facilitated but 
>>>>> Zach truly believes in participant-centered work so I am guessing 
>>>>> and have heard it is pretty amazing for what are perceived to be 
>>>>> polarizing issues.
>>>>> Susanna - it is not necessary the wording of an invitation that 
>>>>> will get people to show up. It is the relationships and outreach 
>>>>> strategy - the invitation strategy - that gets people to show up.
>>>>> Who is asking each kind of individual. Someone who they trust? Who 
>>>>> thinks like them? Who looks like them? How and where are they 
>>>>> being asked? In person? Over the phone? After temple or mosque
>>>>> Over food? On a walk? What will work for each individual so that 
>>>>> they, too, will feel there is a place for them in that room? Sure, 
>>>>> the text and the messages are important also. But you see what is 
>>>>> most important - actions and relationship-building more than words 
>>>>> embody true invitation. In my experience, anyway.
>>>>> Oh dear I did go on.
>>>>> Thank you for your reading patience folks - who got this far - and 
>>>>> for you others - I trust you used the Law Of Delete...
>>>>> Lisa
>>>>> ________
>>>>> The Power of Pre-Work
>>>>>    - August 8-10, 2012 - San Francisco, USA The Open Space 
>>>>> Learning Workshop / el Taller de Aprendizaje de Espacio Abierto
>>>>>    - October 9-11, 2012 - London, United Kingdom
>>>>>            (before the World Open Space on Open Space in London)
>>>>>    - December 12-14, 2012 - San Francisco, USA ________
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Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

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