[OSList] Training young people in Open Space and World Cafe

Lisa Heft lisaheft at openingspace.net
Mon Sep 24 16:04:32 PDT 2012

Hi, Jamie, Phelim and all -

Jamie - I echo what Phelim says - as far as your team understanding  
the basics of Open Space, anyway - they are welcome to join us for a  
sort of Level 1 learning (the Open Space Learning Workshop - October  
9-11, London) and then taking the information they are learning from  
you this Friday and from the workshop pre-conference and doing a  
'deeper dive' sort of Level 2 at the WOSonOS. What an amazing  
opportunity for mutual learning, if you all can join us. If you-all  
can be with us for the WOSonOS just before your event - you all can of  
course spend some of your time together doing final work in  
preparation for your youth summit event during the WOSonOS - because  
hey, it's Open Space. Felt, experiential learning and integration of  
all they are learning - all that and connection with a worldwide group  
of amazing and diversely experienced facilitators, too. Much more  
memorable, learning-wise than any video or blog, eh?

And: that might help you spend focus and time this Friday on World  
Cafe and other elements you wish to explore together for the summit -  
because / if you will be getting more learning about Open Space in a  
few weeks. It is always such a challenge to teach well the real nuance  
and unseen-to-participants understanding of these participant- 
informed / participant-driven facilitated processes - and so  
different, the facilitator's role, than in other methods. Plus to  
teach each component in as experiential way as possible. So that might  
help you have more time.

However if you folks cannot join us (so sad, so sad) I know that my  
great colleagues on this listserv can help you know more links to  
videos, blogs and papers.

And: one thing I recommend as essential fundamental learning when  
learning about Open Space: Harrison Owen's book, "Open Space  
Technology: A User's Guide". Which may (because of your / their short  
time-frame) be available as a downloadable / electronic copy from  
Amazon.com - I don't know if it is the same in the UK but often Amazon  
(I am in the USA) has one of those available. It says it is for  
Kindles but it is for any computer-type thing. And if finances are an  
issue that might allow you to get one copy and everyone gets a print  
or electronic version off of that one. However those things work.

And in answer to your questions - I have found that the most important  
things to teach people are the things they cannot learn from reading.  
Because they can read. They can also practice with each other, without  
being in a workshop.  Though some really great workshop designs  
include practice time. So I tend to use precious face-to-face workshop  
time to cover content and experience regarding those things that  
cannot be learned that way.  And to do these things in as experiential  
or story-sharing way as possible. I cover the 'unseen-to-participants'  
stuff in my own workshop because we also have an Open Space within the  
workshop to experience from a participant perspective. But also  
because this process is more (and deeper, and more nuanced, as you  
know) than just 'we sit in a circle and we put signs on a wall, then  
we talk'.  Just as World Cafe is oh-so-much-more than 'you ask  
questions and people draw and talk at tables.' On this listserv we  
have shared many learnings about what-not-to-do's and 'what-ifs', our  
different points of view about / approaches to the pre-work, and so  
on. And we also talk about power dynamics, trusting the people and the  
process, a look at site designs and other logistical stuff, and so on.

The other things I know about working with and learning with young  
people: Open Space = the same form, the same process as full-form OS.  
No reason to add anything. And a good experiential learning workshop?  
That works for people of any age...

So that is one thought about things you might include in your workshop  
There are other really wonderful colleagues on this list who offer  
workshops in ways that are like mine and unlike mine. A rich  
difference in approaches.
So I know you will find some great other answers to your question...

What a great learning journey for you and for them, Jamie... !


On Sep 24, 2012, at 8:30 AM, Phelim McDermott wrote:

> Hi Jamie,
> Of course the best opportunity for your young leaders and of course  
> yourself in regard to follow up training is not so far from you as  
> Lisa Heft's Open Space Learning workshop is happening  very soon  
> 9th-11th Oct and then straight after that is the World open space on  
> open space. Two great opportunities to connect to the OS source  
> right on your doorstep.
> Here's the link to the training
> http://wosonos2012.com/pre-learning-workshops.php
> and the WOSonOS website is right here!
> http://wosonos2012.com/index.php
> I'll send you a more detailed email about the events separately!
> Best regards,
> Phelim McDermott
> On 24 Sep 2012, at 15:12, Jamie Colston  
> <jamiecolston at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> On Friday I am training some young people between the ages of 14-18  
>> years old in the basics of facilitative leadership. This will be  
>> part of the Green Vision Youth Climate Summit (www.greenvisionmovement.org/youthsummit) 
>>  experience and these young people will be co-facilitators at this  
>> event.
>> This is the first time I have trained anyone in Open Space and  
>> World Cafe although I have been using these techniques for the last  
>> few years in the facilitation/convening work I do. I wondered if  
>> anyone had any lovely idea's or links to resources (video, blog or  
>> documents) that would support their journey after the day I spend  
>> with them.
>> Also any ideas on important things to remember that would remind me  
>> would be welcome as I am currently playing the role of organiser,  
>> event facilitator, trainer and project facilitator which means that  
>> any help/support/tips that jog my memory on what it is I do would  
>> be most welcome!
>> Many thanks
>> Jamie
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