[OSList] Training young people in Open Space and World Cafe

Phelim McDermott phelim at mac.com
Mon Sep 24 08:30:26 PDT 2012

Hi Jamie,

Of course the best opportunity for your young leaders and of course yourself in regard to follow up training is not so far from you as Lisa Heft's Open Space Learning workshop is happening  very soon 9th-11th Oct and then straight after that is the World open space on open space. Two great opportunities to connect to the OS source right on your doorstep. 

Here's the link to the training


and the WOSonOS website is right here!


I'll send you a more detailed email about the events separately!

Best regards,

Phelim McDermott


I generally pick up emails only at the beginning and end of the working day. I am currently aiming to respond the following day. If it is urgent please call me on 07956 187298. 


On 24 Sep 2012, at 15:12, Jamie Colston <jamiecolston at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> On Friday I am training some young people between the ages of 14-18 years old in the basics of facilitative leadership. This will be part of the Green Vision Youth Climate Summit (www.greenvisionmovement.org/youthsummit) experience and these young people will be co-facilitators at this event. 
> This is the first time I have trained anyone in Open Space and World Cafe although I have been using these techniques for the last few years in the facilitation/convening work I do. I wondered if anyone had any lovely idea's or links to resources (video, blog or documents) that would support their journey after the day I spend with them. 
> Also any ideas on important things to remember that would remind me would be welcome as I am currently playing the role of organiser, event facilitator, trainer and project facilitator which means that any help/support/tips that jog my memory on what it is I do would be most welcome!
> Many thanks
> Jamie
> -- 
> Jamie Colston
> Co-creating learning spaces and learning opportunities for children, young people and those who support them in the journey:
> How do we find and celebrate our passion, live with purpose, in harmony with our one planet, working together to create a peaceful, equitable and life affirming society?
> M: 07909 442006 E: jamiecolston at gmail.com
> FB/Linked In/Skype: Jamie Colston  Twitter: spearthwarrior
> Nowhere ECL  www.now-here.com/ecl
> Green Vision Movement  www.greenvisionmovement.org
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