[OSList] Juli open space Stammtisch - July OS Stammtisch inBerlin

Dan Joyner djoyner at cinci.rr.com
Fri Jun 22 13:54:00 PDT 2012

Hello All,

Please disregard my earlier message, I sent it by mistake... By the way, it
was intended for a colleague who is working on a design team with me. We're
working with our city government to introduce civic/stakeholder engagement
to the city's most recent grand plan. These plans date back to 1925, three
or so have been done since then; the most recent is nearing completion and
is being prepared to roll-out to the citizens of our great city. All the
other grand plans have sat, largely, on shelves collecting dust...

Hopefully, this time will be different. OST will be a big part of our design
efforts. We were moving forward at a good pace but now the key city staff
person just announced she'll have to drop out of the planning for 2 months
to work on another project. The rest of the team is community people and
practitioners. My thought was to wait until she (staff) can rejoin the
effort. This is really exciting work but it will take patience on the part
of those of us citizens offering to help government be more effective.

Here is a link to a draft of the latest city plan. Citizen engagement will,
hopefully, become a key operating component with this plan. We intend to do
our best; http://plancincinnati.org/draft/index.htm

I'll keep you posted as this project moves along.

Again, sorry for the clutter...


-----Original Message-----
From: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
djoyner at cinci.rr.com
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 4:16 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Subject: Re: [OSList] Juli open space Stammtisch - July OS Stammtisch

Maybe the time isn't right for this project. We might want to postpone this
until she can work with us. We can focus our energy elsewhere.
Great point Meagan
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael M Pannwitz <mmpanne at boscop.org>
Sender: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.orgDate: Fri, 22 Jun 2012
To: OSLIST<oslist at lists.openspacetech.org>
Reply-To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
	<oslist at lists.openspacetech.org>
Subject: [OSList] Juli open space Stammtisch - July OS Stammtisch in Berlin

Dear List,
you are invited to the next regular Stammtisch in Berlin on July 2nd.
First folks arriving at 7pm...the place stays open as long as we are 
there, this is our hangout
> http://www.kreuzberger-weltlaterne.de/

....good opportunity to bring newcomers, clients, parents, children, 
friends, visitors...be prepared to be surprised!

If you are not in Berlin, have a look here for other Stammtisch places 
around the world

Greetings from Berlin-Lichterfelde

German version:

Liebe Berliner os-KollegInnen,
es ist wieder so weit, der nächste reguläre Stammtisch naht:
Montag, 2. Juli ab 19 Uhr wie immer in der Kreuzberger Weltlaterne,
> http://www.kreuzberger-weltlaterne.de/
Gute Gelegenheit, neue mitzubringen aber auch Kunden, Eltern, Kinder,
Freunde, Besuch von anderswo....

Wer unterwegs sein sollte, einfach mal schauen, ob es dort einen
os-Stammtisch gibt, hier die Liste aller weltweit
> http://www.openspaceworldmap.org/stammtisch.htm

Herzliche Grüße aus Lichterfelde

Michael M Pannwitz, boscop eg
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49-30-772 8000
mmpanne at boscop.org	www.boscop.org

Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 389 resident Open 
Space Workers in 66 countries working in a total of 142 countries 
worldwide: www.openspaceworldmap.org
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