[OSList] The 5th Principle / Sardinia

Lisa Heft lisaheft at openingspace.net
Tue May 24 10:46:56 PDT 2011

Well said, Michael - and something that is great for when we help our  
clients / hosts understand the meaning (for when they develop the  
text) of invitation.
Perhaps all great invitations can have this as their value:
"I am going, because it matters. Come with me. We need you."


Lisa Heft
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
Opening Space
lisaheft at openingspace.net

On May 24, 2011, at 9:05 AM, Michael Herman wrote:

> what i notice about this, yes there was no facilitator, no bulletin  
> board, no circle or planning team or evening news or some of the  
> other "things we do" when we "do" open space.  nobody briefed anyone  
> on the four principles or the law of two feet.  but there was  
> purpose and invitation, very distributed, but common and present.   
> the simplest and most powerful of invitations, i think:  "come with  
> me, come with us, we're going to do somethign important..."
> what we would normally call invitation list, or logistics, food  
> plan, documentation... those things can be found in the scenes and  
> stories of this time in the square, but it seems to me they have to  
> be sort of sifted out, almost consructed, after the fact.  but  
> invitation and importance must have been conscious and visible to  
> everyone, even in midst the whole thing.
> invitation is personal, importance cultural.  we can't make  
> something important, it's more of a common recognition, it can only  
> be watched for, sensed and articulated.  and invitation is only  
> something we can do from inside of our own prior commitment.  nobody  
> was saying "hey, you should all go to the square and then i'll see  
> you next week and you can tell me how it went, or report back to me  
> in the staff meeting next week."  the only invitation that matters  
> is "i'm going, because it matters.  come with me, we need you."
> m
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