[OSList] 답장: Re: The 5th Principle / Sardinia

Stanley Park spark.osk at gmail.com
Tue May 24 09:37:38 PDT 2011

As for me the obvious is the time we live in with smartphones &  Internet
that link meanings & hearts of great mass beyond immediate venue.

Open Space pushes participants to expand their NOW in time & space by taking
them unusual domains of consciousness.

Smartphones + Internet are doing the role of triggering massive
transformation by way of self-organiztion.

Peace powered by OST


Open Space Institute of Korea

2011. 5. 25. 오전 1:08에 "Michael Herman" <michael at michaelherman.com>님이 작성:

what i notice about this, yes there was no facilitator, no bulletin board,
no circle or planning team or evening news or some of the other "things we
do" when we "do" open space.  nobody briefed anyone on the four principles
or the law of two feet.  but there was purpose and invitation, very
distributed, but common and present.  the simplest and most powerful of
invitations, i think:  "come with me, come with us, we're going to do
somethign important..."

what we would normally call invitation list, or logistics, food plan,
documentation... those things can be found in the scenes and stories of this
time in the square, but it seems to me they have to be sort of sifted out,
almost consructed, after the fact.  but invitation and importance must have
been conscious and visible to everyone, even in midst the whole thing.

invitation is personal, importance cultural.  we can't make something
important, it's more of a common recognition, it can only be watched for,
sensed and articulated.  and invitation is only something we can do from
inside of our own prior commitment.  nobody was saying "hey, you should all
go to the square and then i'll see you next week and you can tell me how it
went, or report back to me in the staff meeting next week."  the only
invitation that matters is "i'm going, because it matters.  come with me, we
need you."



Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
312-280-7838 (mobile)


On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Harrison Owen <hhowen at verizon.net> wrote:
> Bernd - Wonder...

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