Report on the First Real Time Virtual Collaboration conference

Holger Nauheimer (Change Facilitation) holger at CHANGE-FACILITATION.ORG
Tue May 12 02:36:22 PDT 2009

We did it! After a two months preparation, our international team hosted the
first Real Time Virtual Facilitation workshop, applying Open Space
principles and using a lot of different social media tools. 

A complete (and outstanding) mindmap covering the event can be found at

After the agenda wall had been opened 48 hours prior to the event, 50
particpants from around the world met in a big (Skype) chat room for the
opening session. From there, they went into "break-out rooms", using chat
rooms, Skype voice conferences, Dimdim (conference platform), different
Twitter applications, Etherpad (a simplified Wiki in which people can
simultanously work on a document, and chat at the side), and other tools.

These were the topics discussed: 
* Collective Action
* Communication tools for the Manager 2.0
* Introducing social media to large organisations
* OpenMoney: connecting social entrepreneurs with new currencies
* New Change Management Approach for the 21st Century?
* Interdependencies between sensible and meaningful communication and tools/
technological development
* Global Skills
* Community Owned Communications Infrastructure
* Collaborative Intelligence in the Workplace

After two break out sessions, people reconvened in the big chat room, where
we facilitated a reflection session, in which we heard words like:
"thrilling", "encouraging", "roller coaster", "what's next?", "bacterial",
"fallingoffthecliff", and much more.

We learned a lot as a team about technological barriers, virtual
facilitation skills etc. 

We will be back with an even improved concept!


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