Wave Rider: Who is the self organizing?

douglas germann 76066.515 at compuserve.com
Tue Oct 28 07:29:18 PDT 2008


If we self organize our work, why do you make such a point that we did
not do it ourselves? (eg, Wave Rider, p 133) 

I suspect the answer has to do with debunking the notion that someone
did it for us: The Leader. However, in point of fact, the people
organized it, organically and largely unconsciously. That's what I am
seeing. In other words, you seem to be saying, in the realm of humans
working together, it was not done by just a few of us, but by all of us.

But if just a few of "The Leaders" did it for us, is it not because we
abdicated our role in the process to them? So even that is self

When we are speaking of human enterprise, who is the self who organized?

			:- Doug.

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