AW: All of life

Catherine Pfaehler c.pfaehler at
Tue May 13 08:01:12 PDT 2008

I've just been offered Margret Craven's novel "I heard the owl call my
name". What a beautiful story. The natives very much seem to be there where
"all of life is open space." Taking things as they are. Not interpreting.
Understanding about the importance to wait until things are ready
themselves, not pushing. Ready to act when needed.


Love, Catherine


Catherine Pfaehler Senn


Open Space Begleitung

Kellersriedweg 8

CH - 2503 Biel

+41-(0)32 - 365 68 41

c.pfaehler at



Von: Ralph Copleman [mailto:rcopleman at] 
Gesendet: Samstag, 10. Mai 2008 17:51
Betreff: All of life



On May 10, 2008, at 2:00 AM, someone wrote:

Yes. All of life is open space.


I'd put it differently.  I would say all of life contains the potential to
be open space, but certainly we have some distance to go before we reach
that potential.  Every moment and/or gathering contains the opportunity for
open space, but many quite get there.


On the other hand, some folks may believe certain time-honored rituals and
ceremonies need to remain exactly as they are - with no space openings at
all.  What goes in some religious organizations, government agencies and
commercial enterprises comes to mind.  Such formal stuff can stimulate the
opening of space within, of course.


It's rainy and spring-y here in central New Jersey, USA.  Azaleas, lilacs,
irises, dogwoods and more in full bloom.  Bees a-buzzing.  Very open, sexy
time.  Hope it's beautiful where you are, too.


Ralph Copleman

44 Titus Avenue

Lawrenceville, NJ 08648

H: 609-896-9714

C: 609-865-3466




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