a list

Raffi Aftandelian raffi at BK.RU
Tue Apr 17 17:41:47 PDT 2007


I'd add:

14. You think the OSlist is *the* alternative to reading a daily paper

15. In your mind's eye you have conceived of a whole line of superhero
(non)action figures modelled after your favorite spaceholders and you have
gotten stuck because you haven't yet identified a production plant which
functions as an interactive organization/Conscious Open Space Organization
that would produce the clothing for the figures.

16. When you go to your local farmer's market, you ask the organizers if you
can bring your temple bells next time to officially open the day with a ding.

17. You get very anxious that the produce stalls are arranged in rows and
not in a circle. And propose to the market coordinator that the run an OST
meeting, "The Setup of Our Farmer's Market: issues and opportunities."

18. You get even more anxious that the people working the stalls are not
looking at people at other stalls to acknowledge all the wisdom present at
the farmer's market.

19. Upon hearing that Old Man and the Sea is Harrison's favorite book, you
play the audio version backwards for any clues to a deeper understanding of OS.

20. You drink an occasional martini, you know, for inspiration.

For OST facilitators in the IT world-
21. you seriously contemplate organizing a MashUp Camp to create a
OST-themed mashup that would among other things produce an online daily
paper based on all the wisdom harvesting what is said on all the world's OSlists


raffi at bk.ru, raffi_1970 at yahoo.com
skype: raffi[underscore]1970

"There are two kinds of people on our planet, neats and slobs. And they
always seem to get together." --Marshall Rosenberg
Adding to Raffi's charming list...

You know you've been doing too much open space when:

1.  You do the opening before every family meal, even in restaurants.
2.  You make a shopping list with a marker - and you do it on the floor.
3.  You're outdoors in your garden, and you try to get the actual bumblebees
to try out some different behaviors.
4.  You keep a flipchart, some markers, and a roll of tape in the room where
you usually have sex.
5.  During a traffic jam, you try to get all the cars into a circle.

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