Diane Gibeault in Switzerland

Catherine Pfaehler c.pfaehler at bluewin.ch
Sat Apr 14 13:22:31 PDT 2007

Dear Diane


This is just a small echo from the “other side” of your Switzerland
trainings – I have been a part of your World Café training and greatly
enjoyed getting to know you (and hearing your Canadian French!). I would
have loved to stay for the OS part, but just couldn’t. Thank you for having
come and made this learning possible! I hope you enjoyed your stay in our
country – and I admire you for taking enough time to combine it with
holidays, making the trip even more worth wile.


Does it only seem to me or is it so that World Café is more complicated in
terms of preparation than Open Space? Since I have been familiar with OST
for so long, I naturally tend to find everything else more complicated and
would like to have an objective view on this. Any experiences anybody?


Thank you - Catherine


Catherine Pfaehler Senn


Open Space Begleitung

Kellersriedweg 8

CH - 2503 Biel

+41-(0)32 - 365 68 41

c.pfaehler at bluewin.ch


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