ethics and OS

Raffi Aftandelian raffi at
Mon Aug 30 08:19:10 PDT 2004

I am reposting this as it doesn't seem to have made its way on to the list...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Raffi Aftandelian 
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: ethics and OS

I have seen a little bit in the past about ethics and OS and it is a big topic. 

Tools don't care how they're used. And I imagine then that OS can be used both for constructive and destructive ends. Are there clients you have turned down or make of point of not working with because the organization's mission (as one example) goes against your values?

For example, would you be willing to do an OS with a large forestry company known for clearcutting if the aim of the OS was to make the company more effective in its work (to profit more)?

Are there people you would not "teach" OS to because you had a strong sense is that they would misuse it?

I ask these questions as I begin thinking about working with business. I have worked almost entirely in the nonprofit sector, and only recently (in the past few years) have I come to be more open to business.


p.s. Counting down to Goa! (finally got my visa!-- a tourist visa)
p.p.s. when will the next poetry competition be? I would love to give it a go(a) next time.

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