OS & 9/11 Hearings

Harrison Owen hhowen at comcast.net
Sat Apr 10 05:43:17 PDT 2004

Precisely. And it has been a continuing source of frustration that nobody in
the (US) political arena has responded to any number of suggestions and
offers. They keep talking about Town Meetings which always end up being one
more opportunity for the Talking Head. It is not surprising, given the
infatuation with the (delusion) of Control, but frustrating for all of that.
My words have been, Civil Conversation -- and we in the US (and I would be
sure elsewhere) need that. As long as all conversation is essentially
conducted from the front of the class room, the people are basically
dis-empowered, no matter how good, bright, charismatic, etc the speaker may
be. Maybe we are coming to a point when the stakes are high enough when the
notion of opening space for civil conversation might actually get some
traction. I thought that Dean and Co. might listen. They certainly got the
power of the InterNet (which after all is just a big Open Space). But they
flamed out. One thing I am clear about -- real opening of space for civil
conversation is quite unlikely to come from the top (The Candidate and His
staff). If it ever happens it will occur because someone somewhere just
decided to do it -- and then invited the candidates. Who might that be?


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Drive
Potomac, Maryland   20845
Phone 301-365-2093

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-----Original Message-----
From: OSLIST [mailto:OSLIST at LISTSERV.BOISESTATE.EDU] On Behalf Of Peter or
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 4:40 PM
Subject: OS & 9/11 Hearings

If the lessons being learned in the 9/11 hearings are that information,
concerns, urgencies are not getting around...then:

Isn't there some way that the incoming and outgoing administrations
could have a big Open Space event to transfer information, concerns,
urgencies each time?

AND, isn't there a way that ANY administration could hold a series of
Open Space events to enhance the flow of information, concerns,
urgencies throughout that enormous entity.

How would they EVER be open enough to move past hierarchal thinking
toward inclusive Open Space?

Just sitting here watching those 9/11 hearings,
Peter Fisher
Asheville, North Carolina

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