Access Queen Invites You to Dream and Share as we Go to Goa. [long]

Lisa Heft lisaheft at
Sat Apr 24 09:37:45 PDT 2004

In this message:  Ways to help yourself gather the funds you need to get
to this year's annual global Open Space on Open Space gathering -- Ways
to help others who wish to get there by sharing any extra resources you
may have

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Access Queen was dreamed up at the 9th OSonOS in Vancouver (2001) as a
way to share news of who has and who needs resources to get to our
annual global gatherings so that people of lower financial abilities and
from faraway countries may attend.  I volunteered to take this role
which Laurel Doersam later named Access Queen.  Last year our sharing of
dreams and resources got *six* people to our gathering in "Swenmark",
and participants in that gathering raised some additional money for this
year's Access Queen Fund.  (for more information about the story of
Access Queen, visit:
ccessQueenKing )

- - - - - - - - - - - -

of joining us at the 12th Annual Open Space on Open Space in Goa, India
-- September 26-29, 2004 -- for Open Space facilitators and enthusiasts
from around the world to join together in-person for sharing
opportunities and issues reflecting our methods, approaches, experiences
and passions.

on making that dream come true.

for the gathering (save-the-date information is here and registration
form is soon to follow) at  <>

the pricing information below and see what you need to put together as a
rough picture of what it will cost you.
to add up the amount of money you will need for air ticket,
accommodation and registration, pocket money, ground transportation
(such as train and taxi from airport).  Check example flights - you may
have to stay overnight in Mumbai on September 24th and take a domestic
flight from Mumbai to Goa for arrival on the 25th.  Add a little bit
more for unforeseen expenses.

You may wish to use a Currency Converter at  <>   One place I use to shop for air tickets is

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*** Don't have the financial ability to join us but would like to? ***
- - - - - - - - - - - -

an Access Queen "Asker".

BELIEVE in yourself as I believe in you.  Have the courage to ask for
support - to jump into the unknown and find that your community will
catch you.  Put together a picture of what you will need to actualize
your dream.  See the next paragraph about how to write a proposal of
your needs and your situation and ASK your potential funders,
*including* our colleagues on the OSLIST who may have resources to
share.  I will help with feedback as you construct your written
proposals and I will also post messages on the OSLIST with and for you
to help you ask, either by name or anonymously.  Email me at
lisaheft at

Each 'asker' is encouraged to *generate funding from multiple sources*
rather than asking one source to cover all your expenses.  Think of
funding in clusters, in a way: travel money/assistance,
accommodation/registration assistance, homestay assistance, pocket money
- and perhaps ask each different source to contribute the funds for a
different part.  It helps to write up a proposal which you can give to
the organizations and individuals you from which you are requesting
funding assistance.  You can find an example of such a request at: - and
take a look at the pricing information below my signature on this
message to figure some of your potential costs.

your Request for Funding to every organization or community coalition or
group of friends you can think of to raise the funds.

I do not have a large source of money for you - you must try to seek
funding from other sources, but I can help you think that through.  Each
year I have a bit of 'seed money' for the new year's Access Queen Fund,
and I will be reserving that for distribution of small amounts among as
many Askers as possible to help them make that last little bit if they
need it.

You may wish to also ask for some assistance with travel moneys from the
Open Space Institute of the USA -- you can use an adapted version of the
proposal I mention above to include how your request fits within the
guidelines of OSI(US) funding activities:  to support underserved areas;
to provide support that is leveraged to reach multiple people; to match
recipients' actions and resources with OSI-US actions and funds; to have
a commitment from the recipient to share the story of their OST
experience.  So your proposal to them must include how you will fulfill
these things.  For proposals sent to OSI(US) (at usa at
) please be sure to send in your request for support by *before* June
30; OSI(US) will return decisions by the latest July 31.

When you do join us in Goa, BRING
your art work / writing / folk art from your country/culture to sell at
the OSonOS Global Village Marketplace to help raise additional money for
your expenses or to put into next year's Access Queen fund.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
***Do you feel like you CAN afford it and are thinking of coming? Or
even thinking of *not* coming?***
SHARE your resources with an Access Queen Asker.
- - - - - - - - - - - -

your membership in your local Open Space Institute and/or with Open
Space Institute (US) [whose members include colleagues from Switzerland,
Haiti, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Scotland, Japan, Australia, France,
England, Republic of China (Taiwan), and the US].  OSI(US) can offer
some grants for travel moneys. Other OSIs such as the Institutes of
Canada and Australia have generously donated to the Access Queen fund as
well to help with final expenses.  With your membership, all of our
Institutes will then have more funds to share with Askers who send in
proposals.  Including you, as well?

your Frequent Flyer miles with an Asker - contact me to find out who has

When you register for OSonOS, PAY FOR
*2* accommodations and / or *2* registrations and let me know that you
have done so - we'll give it to an Asker and you can either remain
anonymous or be introduced to your Asker.

.of our first online, virtual "Silent Auction" - contact me if you would
like to organize this OSLIST-based auction of services and goods to
raise money for the "AQ Fund".

an envelope which has in it POCKET MONEY for an Asker.  Let me know you
will be bringing this (this will help us know how much more our Askers
need to raise) and I can make sure it gets to an Asker.

your art work / writing / folk art from your country to sell at OSonOS
Global Village Marketplace or the Silent Auction (the tables we will be
setting up for showing and selling your items from around the world) to
help raise money for next year's Access Queen fund.

any amount of money to the Access Queen fund by mailing me a check in US
dollars or in a currency you think I might be able to exchange which I
shall put into a special account.  I may soon also be able to take your
credit card donations, so ask me about that, too.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Let us see what happens when we each put a potato, a carrot or a bit of
onion into the rich and nutritious broth we can co-create to bring the
flavors of diversity and access to this year's OSonOS.  That and a
little Indian curry should make for a marvelous experience.

Lisa Heft
(also known as Access Queen)
lisaheft at


[Please note we are working out final details for registration and
accommodation, including a discount for early registration - these
figures below will let you know of initial fees we are looking at for
this conference and we will let you know when these are finalized]

Below the different alternatives regarding accommodation and price. The
prices include materials and mention inclusion of or extra charge for
meals at the event (depending on where you may be staying).

The Registration Fee ranges from $ 100 to $ 350 depending upon what you
decide is right for you.

(remember: you should be arriving in Goa [on a flight from Mumbai] no
later than the evening of September 25th, and you will want to book your
stay in Goa through the morning of September 30th)

You can choose from 4 types of Accommodation ranging from a luxurious
hotel, a village ambience Taj hotel, Budget hotels and Goan Houses
accommodating small groups.

1.      The  Fort Aguada Beach Resort.

This is a premium Hotel and the venue of the Conference.

Category of Rooms:
                    Single            Double            Triple
                Occupancy      Occupancy      Occupancy
Superior       USD 105          USD 130           NA
Cottage        USD 115          USD 140         USD 170

2.      The Taj Village.

This Hotel is adjacent to the Fort Aguada Beach Resort

Category of Rooms:
                    Single            Double            Triple
                Occupancy      Occupancy      Occupancy
Standard       USD 95         USD 120              NA
Cottage         USD 105       USD 130           USD 160

The rates are 'per night' and covers :

.       Buffet breakfast in the coffee-shop.
.       Standard buffet lunch and dinner
.       A half day sight-seeing trip of Old Goa
.       Airport transfers by coach
.       All currently applicable government taxes

3.        Budget Hotels will range from $ 30 - 60 per night.
The meals at the Conference will attract a separate charge of
approximately  $ 35 per day per person for those not residing at either
of the Taj Hotels.

4.      Goan Homes :  These are facilities run by local Goan families.
The costs range from $ 40 -- $ 60 for a group of 4 - 6 people.  Meals at
the Conference venue will attract an additional charge of approximately
$ 35 per day per person.

For local spending information:
1 US dollar is at this moment about 44 India Rupees
1 Euro is a bit over 55 Rupees


L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, Facilitator, Educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
+01 510 548-8449
 <mailto:lisaheft at> lisaheft at

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