Glossary of Terms

WB-TrainingConsultingDevelopment wb-trainconsult at
Thu Mar 6 23:05:58 PST 2003

Dear Lisa,

I put some german words which I do use after "/" directly in citation of your text (below).

Michael Pannwitz defines in fact the german "standard use" of OST and also the words in this context. So it would be good to contact him.

I am very interested in the results you get in whatever language, because I am working on the longterm-project of a general glossary for/with/by change consultants/practicioners - worldwide together with Holger Naumeier (change-management-toolbook). Unfortunately we could not invest much of our time for this project during the last months.
But I attach one of the several versions of the world file, we collected.
Perhaps it is useful to you.


On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 19:47:16 -0800, Lisa Heft wrote:
Hello dear colleagues   I am building a glossary of terms for Open Space / Open Space Technology.  I will make this available for your reading pleasure and your usage on my (soon, soon) website. I am building this list in English, which is my home language.  Some of these terms are very American, and you can help me by sharing with me other words which are used in the English or other regions   and you can also send me the words in your other home languages so I can list them, too in the glossary.  I imagine that this might also help readers of the Users Guide who may be reading the English version when English is not their first language.  When I mean translation, please note that I mean not literal translation of each word, but a cultural translation capturing the nuance of these concepts or describing these items in ways that your country s culture will understand   no need to teach people a new vocabulary when we can describe each word in ways people will understand through their own cultures and codes.  And I know this will be very regional in many cases   for example someone from Mexico may say something in a different way than someone from (hi, Jaime) Peru or Bolivia. For you English speakers, I do want to find definitions in English for each of these words   let us not assume that those in other communities of practice know what our words mean.   Because it is a glossary, and because I will attempt to put all languages you send me into this glossary, please try to give me a phrase or a sentence and not a paragraph for each word. It s an interesting puzzle.  Who wants to play?  And: any words I m missing&? Agenda wal/Themenwand             Book of proceedings (also known as proceedings)/Ergebnis-Dokument Breaking news          Breakout spaces        (also known as Discussion areas)/Arbeitsgruppen-Räume/Arbeitsgruppen-Plätze Bulletin board/Info-Tafel          bumblebees/Hummeln            butterflies/Schmetterlinge               Chaos theory/Chaostheorie           client/Klient/Auftraggeber       (often kno
 circle/(Ab)schlußrunde           Coffee break/Kaffepause            Community bulletin board/Info-Tafel (whats the difference between Bulletin board and Community bulletin board        Community marketplace/Marktplatz          (also known as marketplace)Complexity theory/Komplexitätstheorie   convenor/Einlader/Themenbringer responsibility form/Doku-Formular  (also known as notestaker forms)convergence            Easel pad, paper (also known as flip chart pad, paper)/Flip charts, Flip-Papier evening news/Abendnachrichten         facilitator (also known as practitioner)/Moderator/Begleiter Four principles/Vier Prinzipien         (also known as principles)griefwork/Leidens-Arbeit grid/XY-Schema/Tabelle/Matrix          (also known as matrix)Harrison Owen/ho         holding space/Raum halten          invitation issue/Einladungs-Thema/Allgemeines OS Thema        (also known as topic)Law of two feet/Gesetz der zwei Füße/Mobilitätsgesetz/Körper-Verantwortungs-Gesetz (i.e. body responsibility law)         (also known as the one Law/das eine Gesetz) marker/Marker     masking tape/Klebeband/Abdeckklebestreifen matrix      (also known as grid or space/time matrix)Medicine wheel/Medizinrad       morning announcements/Morgen-Nachrichten (sometimes I call them systemic actualization)         News room/Nachrichtenraum              Non-convergence/Nicht-Konvergenz     now/jetzt (here/Hier)          Open Space Institutes              Open Space on Open Space  (also known as OSonOS/OSonOS) Open Space Technology            (also referred to as Open Space)OSLIST                    passion/Passion/Herzensanliegen    post-its/post-its   responsibility/Verantwortung           session/Sitzung/Treffen/Arbeitsgruppen-Einheit    Space invaders/Eindringlinge        Systems theory/Systemtheorie       Talking stick/Talking Stick            theme/Thema      User s guide/Gebrauchsanleitung

Thank you, you wonderful word crafters,


L i s a   H e f t
Consultant, facilitator, educator
O p e n i n g  S p a c e
2325 Oregon
Berkeley, California
94705-1106   USA
(+01) 510 548-8449
lisaheft at
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