Reporting back...Open Space for a track within a Conference

Joelle Lyons Everett JLEShelton at
Sat Jun 8 11:47:26 PDT 2002

In a message dated 6/3/02 2:47:37 PM, owenhh at writes:

<< Anyhow outside of

the power of "expected ritual" there is also the matter of what I would

call "cooking time."  >>


I like this concept of "cooking time."  Even when teaching, it always seems
to me that the meat of the subject needs to be spaced out some with time for
things to stew.  In our recent series of seminars we have deliberately chosen
to limit the ideas presented in each session, leaving lots of time for
discussion, skill practice (and yes, ritual. . .)  The rate of rentention of
new ideas and trying out of new behaviors has been very high.

At the start of a meeting, there is also a need to allow time for everyone to
arrive, mentally and emotionally, into the space.  And breathe a little
before they try to start working.  As for repetition, part of the pleasure of
a good story is in its retelling . . .


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