social evaluation for phisical planning: OS invitatins dilemas

Mickey Averbuch averbuch at
Sat May 5 20:49:34 PDT 2001

My dear OSList friends,

I am looking for help regarding OS on the issue of physical planning with the taking into consideration social and community information (I think it is called social evaluation`).

I have done couple of dozens of open space events but never a public/out of organization one. So my butterflies fly higher.

    This move is sponsored by too major social agencies. They have a preparatory community on this issue that includes other agencies and with representation from government and Academia.

The choice of OST as an opening step is meant to invite, generate and unleash energy and passion to take responsible action that is there around this issue.

These days the preparatory comity is seating to decide whom to invite and how for a 

2day OS for the question : A social evaluation as tool in physical planning    

                              -what do we have to do to influence ? 
 The questions that are bothering us have to do with inviting people from out in the open:

1. Should we decide about a maximal # of participants and somewhat have controls over the logistics? (Large room in particular)

2. How do you reach the most varied representation? Do you have quota you invite from each key holder? What do you do with people that are very passionate to come but are out of the quota? Etc.

Preparatory comity people feel they would like to say NO to no one yet have diversity and enable the Joining of every relevant player in this theme.

  Me and my clients will appreciate any relevant experience and advise 

We are meeting in 2 days to go on with planning.

I’ll keep you all poste

Thank you very much 



Tova Averbuch

34 Rabinovitz St.

Holon, Israel 58672

Tel. 972-3-5523476

averbuch at

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