Leadership Challenging Open Space in the Open Space

David Koehler Nsdmk at aol.com
Thu Mar 2 12:52:31 PST 2000

Just a comment on your first question of OS and other formats.  First, there
is no real way to control what happens, so we have to let it be.  If it
works, fine, if not the participants will send a loud message by not engaging
in it.  Second, I believe there is a benefit in combining other formats into
an OS experience, and vis-a-versa.  To me, part of the overall plan is to
have open space become a way of life and not an event.  As a labor union -
management organization, we use the Roger Fisher "Seven Elements - Conflict
Resolution" process, however, we try also to create an open space environment
in which to do it.  It works well for us.

Dave Koehler
Peoria Area Labor Management Council
Peoria, Illinois USA

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