Message from your friendly neighborhood LISTmeister

Murli Nagasundaram rismurli at
Sat Aug 19 14:06:46 PDT 2000

Dear friends,

I'm leaving shortly on a sabbatical for a few months -- at least till the end of the year.  I'm unlikely to have reliable access to the Internet, and hence OSLIST.  While my interventions as listmeister have been relatively few, can I ask that you self manage adding to and deleting yourself from OSLIST?  

All this can be handled very easily at the OSLIST website:

Note especially, that when you change your email address, and particularly when an address is no longer valid, PLEASE UNSUBSCRIBE THAT ADDRESS since otherwise, an error message is generated for each expired email address whenever a message is posted to the list.

Changing your email address simply involves unsubscribing from the first email address and resubscribing with the new one.  It's very simply accomplished from the list website.

Y'all have a jolly rest of the year!  See you again in the next millenium CE.  


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