Holding the space

Andrea Barrett abarrett at wantree.com.au
Mon Jul 12 00:26:08 PDT 1999

Hello friends

I have recently an open space conference with a religious community and have been intrigued by many wonderful openings in the group, the process and myself. Interestingly I have been challenged to notice the "space invaders" within the context of a deeply spiritual group. For example, the "wise men" in the group who are within that particular culture very much the seers and wise ones have a tendency to speak for the whole without actually consulting the whole group. It is a challenge to hold the space with grace in the light of that group's cultural "assumptions".

I have again been impressed with the importance of doing the preparatory work with a group in really understanding the theme of the forum. It seems to me that the theme of an open space becomes a potent guiding beacon during the process. It also takes on a life of its own. So much so that the group "owns" and enacts the theme  - I noticed at this recent forum that a tension developed between those taking the theme on in a very full way and those less ready to embrace it fully. I considered this tension more of the "creative" sort but did wonder about space invasion of those less ready to boldly move forward.

I would appreciate if anyone has any comments.



Andrea Barrett

Process and Organisational Consultant
Systemic Intervention Consultancy (sic!)
PO Box 3, North Fremantle, West Australia 6159
Tel: (08) 93356989 mobile 015 606 678 fax (08) 9335 6989

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