OS for small group

Ralf Holzer perspektiven-holzer at t-online.de
Thu Aug 26 21:41:14 PDT 1999

Lothar Franz schrieb:
> Dear Betty,
> I can really encourage you to start a small OS. We have a so called open space
> learning group in Berlin. Every eight to twelve weeks we meet and work on OS
> with OS-Methodology.
> As long as you believe in what you are doing and as long as the main
>  conditions
> for OS exist. DO IT!
> My first OS: 25 were expected to come, eight finally turned up. All of them
>  had
> no OS experience. My co-facilitator and I were really nervous. We were not
>  sure
> if it really works. Our theme was:
> »Transformational Processes in large groups«. It was a really energising OS-
> afternoon.
> Basically you do the same steps like in a big OS. But I think you should be
> aware that a small number of OS participants requires a slightly different
> "facilitator behaviour". For example: when you focus a (small) group it seems
>  to
> be strange when you start walking slowly around the inside of the (small)
>  circle
> to create contact in-between the participants. Instead we invited people to
>  look
> at each other to build contact.
> Next week I will use OST (for one day) to open a two days meeting for 12
> participants (youth camp managers)
> ..... and I am looking forward!
> All the best
> Lothar
> PS. If you did not get my English I can send you the German version!
> Lothar Franz
> Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung
> Pestalozzistraße 83       D 10627 Berlin
> Tel  +49 . 30 . 31 50 45-10  Fax -11
> Funk +49 . 177 . 61 50 45 10

Lieber Kollege Franz,

über Ihre German version würde ich mich freuen...

Grüße aus Hamburg

Ralf Holzer

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