Some advice please

Sheila T. Isakson isakson at
Tue Aug 10 08:24:55 PDT 1999

Hi, Peg,
       Two things: 1) I received 2  copies of your book! and 2) advice
about the recording.  The book looks great!  I read the section on Open
Space and scanned some of the other chapters.  Nice collection!  For some
reason Barrett-Koehler sent two copies at two different prices, which is
interesting!  I'll wait for my credit card bill to come before I see what
       I think that the responses you received are interesting.  I was
one of the three who wanted to make sure that the CD does not replace
training.  Perhaps the suggestion of a booklet could include that
information.  Since you sent queries via the Listserv, this is a very
small respons. But most of who responded seem to prefer the CD's.  Is it
possible to create a limited run of tapes?  That way all but one person
who responded will be able to purchase what they prefer.
       This is probably a limited maybe a limited run is
desirable.  Is it possible to get other institutes to be involved in
distribution, e.g., ask each institute to buy 10 sets for discounted
sales to their members?
       That is my 2 cents for today!


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