Electronically linked open spaces

Leon DeKing ldeking at primenet.com
Wed Apr 14 12:09:10 PDT 1999

Esteemed Friends:

  One of the major empetii(sic) behind the Prescott(AZ) College / OSI-U.S.
National Science Foundation "Innovation and Organizational Change" research
proposal was Prescott College's receptivity to the idea of convening a Fall
multi-site Open Space Technology event to re-appraise the college's Adult
Degree Program and to include students and staff in the process.

   The major problem in including students and staff is distance between
the main campus, in Prescott, and the Tucson Campus (250 miles South East),
and the Window Rock Campus (300 miles North East).

   There are other problems of course, like: phrasing a snappy theme;
arranging the event sites, communication centers and hospitality set-ups
for each; sending out letters of invitation; creating and implementing the
electronic link-ups; deciding who's going to facilitate where; and
synchronizing facilitator efforts.
Fortunately none of these latter problems exceed the capabilities of the
available talents pool.

Yours Aye,


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