Jeff Aitken jeffa at tmn.com
Tue Nov 24 21:30:05 PST 1998

>P.P.S.  OSonOS 1999 will be in the mid-west hosted by Sheila Isakson and
>Michael Herman.  I suspect it will be in September to increase the
>likelihood of nice weather.  We'll put out the word as soon as the date is
>finalized.  Many thanks to Sheila and Michael for taking this on.

Let me make this request right away: checking my Sept 99 calendar I see
holidays for which I would like to be in ceremony - Rosh Hashanah Fri
eve/10-Sat/11 and Yom Kippur Sun eve/19-M/20 - so I prefer not having
OSONOS overlap these. (Pesky old lunar harvest calendar.)

Then again my dissertation involves the kinship of "crossing the open
space" and teshuvah (spiritual renewal) - so I personally can let go of
this outcome, having spoken my truth here...


Jeff Aitken
jeffa at tmn.com
PO Box 1092
Inverness CA 94937

"Why would we avoid participation and worry only about its risks, when we
need more and more eyes to evoke reality? Why would we resist the rich
visions and strong futures that emerge when we come together to create the
world? Why would we choose rigidity or predictability when we are invited
to be part of the generative processes of the cosmos?" - Meg Wheatley

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