WEb-sites for the Open Space Institutes

Barry Owen barryo at bellsouth.net
Tue Feb 24 12:07:03 PST 1998

Greetings folks . . . the sun is shining beautifully today here in
Nashville . . . and it's a balmy 70 degress . . . too nice to be inside
on the computer, so I'll get this email out and head to the woods :-) .
. . Just a bit of clarification on the GOSI web-site.

Within The Global Open Space Institute site, I have created spaces for
EACH of the Open Space Institutes (Australia, Canada, Germany, and the
US) to have their very own site to do with what they will . . . At this
point, it is very easy for each Institute to "populate" their individual
pages . . . just send me the stuff, and I'll post it on the site . . .
sending it through email may be best/easiest. I have some suggestions to
get started which you may or may not use . . . but here's how each site
works (NOW)

The main GOSI has a place with links to the institute sites

These links lead to a "front page" for that insitute where there could
be the "story" of how the institute was formed . . . and links at the
bottom to other pages which might include . . .

- A list of members
- Minutes from meetings
- Place for regional news and events
- Announcements
- Pictures
- whatever you want to do with the space

As for stories and research and events that are widely publicized, I
have set up pages on the main site for all of those . . . Send any of
these to me and I will put them where they "belong" in the site.

Just a side note . . . this site is only - well - just barely 6 days old
now and changes every single day . . . my only expectation is that it
will continue to grow and transform perpetually as more and more people
contribute ideas and material to share with others in the Open Space
Community. Currently, it is hosted by "Geocities" which means it is a
free site . . . up until the time it gets larger than 3MB . . . my
suspicion is that when we reach 3MB, we'll be "ready" to make a "quantum
leap" in the construction/look/utility of the site . . . that is when I
envision a complete shift in the technology and the addition of "chat"
and real-time interaction . . . as well as fancier "threading" (so you
can search for topics easily) . . . between now and then, I will be
looking for a way to construct and fund the site (hopefully with some
help from the Institutes), and I will keep you informed each time we
come to a "cross-roads" and/or reach a milestone.

Meanwhile, surf on over to "http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/9215"
and check out the site frequently . . . and give me all the feed-back
and suggestions and information you can muster. Thanks :-)

Out to the trees I go,


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