[OSList] Peoples Rising

Michael M Pannwitz mmpannwitz at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 22:28:21 PST 2022

Dear colleagues,

the sponsors hoped that 20 000 would come, so typical for sponsors, ten 
times of the expected did gather, 200 000, so typical of passionate and 
dedicated participants... some say it were many more.
Many small groups from neighborhoods all over Berlin selforganized, many 
families came in bunches... and there was not one prefab slogan, 
everything was hand made, improvised, colorful, impressive. Flags were 
carried from Ukraine, Estonia, Germany, Europe and walked in mixed 
groups that assembled on the spot.
This happened in Berlin yesterday and I will remember that I was part of 
it, pretty moved.
This huge open space did not only demand peace and pilloried the tryants 
in Moscow  but there were concrete projects that would mean big cuts for 
those wanting them: Not only stopping North Stream 2 but also the active 
North Stream 1 (gas pipeline from Russia to Germany)...
Hope you get a chance to see some pictures of this event...
Parallel to the event the German Parliament gathered... on a Sunday, 
that was a first in its history... just a stonethrow away from the 
The major daily paper in Berlin commented: This kind of uprising not 
only in Berlin but all over Germany, Europe and the world will be an 
essential driver to end the "war"...

Greetings from Berlin

PS: As before, I urge you to read "Practice of Peace" by Harrison Owen, 
and get a handle on what it takes to be a peacemaker...
Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin
+49 30 7728000     mmpannwitz at gmail.com

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