[OSList] Help with Open Space technology

Gwen Fischer gwenfischer at fulbrightmail.org
Sun Feb 27 12:38:54 PST 2022

Thank you all for your generous offers of help.  I will pass along this information to my two tech friends—I am just an incurably curious person who likes to have a general sense of how things work, even if I turn over the actual practice of them to someone else.  I greatly appreciate folks like you and may call on one or more in the future.  At this point, I’m more of an instigator/convenor/coordinator who might latch onto tech that makes those coordinating activities easier.
Gwen B Fischer
Professor Emerita
Hiram College
Fulbright Scholar, Zimbabwe 2001-2002
Rotary International Teaching Fellow, Tanzania
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." - Mark Twain
“Travel makes one modest.  You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” - Gustave Flaubert
gwenfischer at fulbrightmail.org

> On Feb 27, 2022, at 2:20 PM, Richard Kasperowski <richard at kasperowski.com> wrote:
> Yes to all of that! And I'd be happy to help. If you want to chat, join me at an upcoming office hour - the next one is Wednesday https://kasperowski.com/event/office-hours-with-richard-kasperowski-march-2-2022/ <https://kasperowski.com/event/office-hours-with-richard-kasperowski-march-2-2022/> . Be well!
> --
> Richard Kasperowski | Certified Agile Team Building™
> Join thousands of high performers—subscribe to my newsletter at kasperowski.com <http://kasperowski.com/>
> On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 2:43 PM Lucas Cioffi via OSList <oslist at lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist at lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
> Hi Gwen,
> It's great to hear that.
> There are several online platforms that people use to host open space.  At a minimum, they use Zoom + a notes tool like Google Docs or Miro (a whiteboard tool for post-its).
> If you use Zoom, you can use the breakout rooms inside Zoom and let people move themselves.  People go to the Google Doc and will see a link to the notes (or a separate section below for the notes on that Google Doc) for each discussion topic.
> If you want to use multiple Zoom meetings, you can add the link to each Zoom meeting in the main Google Doc next to the link for the notes for each session.
> The tool that I've built with my team at QiqoChat (with a lot of advice from people here on the OST discussion list) lets you create many pages, each page has its own notes tool and each page has its own Zoom meeting link.  Here is a screenshot <https://qiqochat.s3.amazonaws.com/stories/attached_files/000/009/315/original/OSLIST_Screenshot.png?1645904551> of the main space and the page where people can add their topics.
> Here is a page that has a few video interviews <https://qiqochat.wordpress.com/2021/06/11/facilitator-interview-series/> of open space facilitators where they show how and why they designed their event space a certain way.  Here are the ones specifically related to open space:
> Online Open Space with Heidi Nobantu Saul
> Innovations in Online Open Space with The Improbable Team
> Preview of a 24-hour Open Space with April Jefferson
> Online Open Space with François Knuchel and Karen Gimnig
> If you'd like to chat, please join our open office hours this week <https://learn.qiqochat.com/events> or reach out to me by email.  Please feel free to send any questions!
> Lucas Cioffi
> QiqoChat | Lead Software Engineer
> lucas at qiqochat.com <mailto:lucas at qiqochat.com>
> +1.917.528.1831
> Live Online Events | Engaging Communities | Real Collaboration
> Drop in for open office hours! <https://learn.qiqochat.com/events>
> On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 11:33 AM Gwen Fischer via OSList <oslist at lists.openspacetech.org <mailto:oslist at lists.openspacetech.org>> wrote:
> I’m on the board of a grassroots Organization  (Ohio Community Rights Network-- <https://www.ohiocrn.org/>https://www.ohiocrn.or <https://www.ohiocrn.org/>g).  We’ve been talking about organizing a state-wide conference virtually to explore new strategies for our work of securing rights for our communities and for Nature.   I’ve experienced virtual Open Space gatherings and found them “magical” ways to gather and democratically decide agendas and get serious conversations going.  I have two pretty tech savvy folks who would like to learn OS tech to assist with this effort, and am seeking tutoring support.  A friend suggested contacting you.   I was hoping to be able to give OHCRN board a quick demonstration on March 7 (I didn’t realize how much tech stuff goes on in preparation and behind the scenes 😶🤔.)  I’d appreciate any help you can give,
> Gwen B Fischer
> Professor Emerita
> Hiram College
> Fulbright Scholar, Zimbabwe 2001-2002
> Rotary International Teaching Fellow, Tanzania
> "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." - Mark Twain
> “Travel makes one modest.  You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” - Gustave Flaubert
> gwenfischer at fulbrightmail.org <mailto:gwenfischer at fulbrightmail.org>
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