[OSList] Space Invaders - Canada Conundrum - Breaking Ourselves Against the Law - Reply to Steve Holyer et al - A Teaching Moment

Mark Carmel markacarmel at gmail.com
Tue Feb 22 09:04:35 PST 2022

Perhaps Dr. Stephen Covey (author of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People) said it best regarding laws, like the law of Gravity:  ...You
cannot break the Law, you can only break yourself against the Law...  To
answer a Steve Holyer question regarding whether this list is like Open
Space, I consider that it is, and have posted issues to ponder in this
politically divided world we find ourselves facilitating within.  So I have
posted open questions, like with the post on the Canada Conundrum.  All I
did was ask an open question.  Not a trap, not to divide, but to discuss.
To resolve the Canada Conundrum I simply asked a straightforward question.
What would YOU do? Would you build more prisons or bring Harrison Owen in
to facilitate an Open Space?  There was only one response that answered the
question directly with the reply:  ...Tis Time...  Thank you!!
All the other responses were an example of seeing people break themselves
against the Laws and Principles of OST.  The first response declared ALL
the protestors to be White Supremists, nazi types of people not worthy of
inviting into Open Space.  Then the dogpile ensued with extreme name
calling, smearing, and calls for me to be kicked out of the club, to leave
the list, or as Steve put it to, start my own list.  Are there perhaps some
nazi types in the Canada protest crowd?  Probably.  Are all the protestors
nazi types?  Probably not.  Is it an act of prejudice and discrimination to
paint all people with the same dark brush because of a few?  Heck yes it

The teaching moment has arrived. To all the good, smart, solid people on
this list that have reacted (correction, overreacted) to my posts with
extreme prejudice, malice toward me, name calling and demands that I get
lost, get silenced (canceled) and get attacked with smears, I say that you
have clearly broken yourself against the Laws and Principles of an Open
Space practitioner.   As I have said before, if one is unable to have an
open and honest conversation on this list where I believe the greatest
people with passion for producing peace reside, then where is it possible
to have those conversations?  I have also tried to convey in numerous posts
here (with honest intent to ONLY teach and inform you good people what I
believe to be the most important lesson of our times as professional OST
facilitators) that we all live in Retaliation Nation.  Where good people
are retaliated against, smeared, called racist and every other horrible
name in the book, for having an opinion, or position, or even asking a
simple question that goes against the grain in the beliefs of others.  The
otherwise compassionate people who reside here have become momentary haters
in my book by embracing this behavior, when facing an issue or opportunity
that does not fit with their narrative beliefs (that they likely were given
by our not so impartial press).  In this way, you have become the best
teachers. Retaliation Nation has arrived on the list and we can all learn
from it.  If it can happen to me, here, on this list, it can happen to you
and to your participants in Open Space, and in life.  That is why I call
for leadership loyalty to ensure the invitation does not invite people into
the Tiger's Den (which I have stepped in here too many times).

Can anyone imagine an OST facilitator over-reacting to a participant
comment by attacking them so unmercifully as we have seen here?  In my
humble opinion, to do so would break oneself against the Law of Two Feet,
Open Space, and Peacemaking. May We Be careful what we believe and how we
then behave, based on our favorite news source...?  Perhaps the co-author
of the American Constitution, Thomas Jefferson said it best, way back when
while sitting as President:  ...It is a melancholy truth, that a
suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of
its benefits, than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood.
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.  Truth itself
becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle...
As I have said, we have a hyper divisive (fake) news delivery system that
is the real culprit in causing the division, hate, and intolerance we see.
Another US President also said it best, Harry Truman, who was really
talking about the Law of Two Feet.  Truman said  ...If you cannot take the
heat, (use your two feet) stay out of the kitchen...


All the best to my brothers and sisters,

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