[OSList] WOSonOS 2022 in Bilbao, (26-27+) 28-30 September_Invitation_Open Space and Celebrate life!_Aurrera GiGi Mundiala!

WilbaOS WilbaOS at protonmail.com
Sun Feb 20 13:44:48 PST 2022

Complex times? Open space and celebrate life!

We happily invite you to re-connect and go deep into open space at the

28th World Open Space on Open Space
Bilbao, Basque Country; Wednesday, September 28 to Friday, September 30, 2022

This is the annual “gathering of the tribe”. All who are in touch with Open Space Technology: sponsors, facilitators, participants, clients, scientists… with extra space for the unexpected guests!

[The company as an organism"](https://www.flickr.com/photos/38075047@N00/5429335563)by [dgray_xplane](https://www.flickr.com/photos/38075047@N00)is licensed under
Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0

Just before the WOSonOS there will be an
Open Space event, on Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27 on
“Complex times: how do we go ahead in collaborative ways?”

(The facilitation team of this pre-WOSonOS event is open to Wosonos participants that want to learn/improve/share by practice)


Singing, dance, stories, laughter, tears or silence will all be, surely, visiting the space!

More detailed information below.


Contact:WilbaOS at protonmail.com(+0034) 638.733.223

Where?In [Bilbao](https://www.flickr.com/photos/72746018@N00/3475116499) (Basque Country / [Zabalgune Eraikina](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zabalgune+Eraikina/@43.2640364,-2.9309395,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf7a71a76aaddbeb9!8m2!3d43.2640673!4d-2.9310812))

Overall agenda

> 2022/9/26-27 “Complex times: how do we go ahead in collaborative ways?” (Open Space)
> 2022/9/28 Reception at 19:00
> 2022/9/29-30 28th World Open Space on Open Space (WOSonOS)

We will send detailed agendas for both events as they come closer.

How to get to Bilbao?
Look [here](https://www.euskoguide.com/spain/bilbao/how-to-get-to-bilbao/)for complete information on planes, train, bus or car. Some are already planning to come through the Pyrenees by motorbike!

Let us know if you want to share your travel to Bilbao with other participants so that we can try to connect you.

Do you need help with getting a Visa? Let us know well in advance, please!

Where to stay in Bilbao?
We are asking different hostels and hotels ([Iturrienea](https://iturrieneaostatua.com//es_ES/);[LaTroupe Bilbao](https://www.latroupe.com/es/hostel-la-granja/hostel/?gclid=CjwKCAiA9aKQBhBREiwAyGP5lRdRuQ2he6m4U65bNDdTLbF4yje5LbaRE9Z6ukxv6Gd-OfUG2woQqhoCK5MQAvD_BwE),... ) for special offers. We will also ask our friends in Bilbao to host at home for free (ask us or [fill in this sheet soon](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lviZE3OTDEg7WhpAyBW0gw_T-s-_0kxU/view?usp=sharing), please, and we’ll find you a place). Other possibilities include:[CouchSurfing](https://www.couchsurfing.com/places/bilbao--biscay--spain), [Home Exchange](https://www.homeexchange.com/search-v2/Bilbao%2C%20Vizcaya%2C%20Basque%20Country%2C%20Spain?location_id=NT_WppM73U2X-1yEzIOyWv.tC&place_id=false) and [Airbnb](https://www.airbnb.es/s/Bilbao--Vizcaya/homes?tab_id=home_tab&refinement_paths%5B%5D=%2Fhomes&flexible_trip_dates%5B%5D=february&flexible_trip_dates%5B%5D=march&flexible_trip_lengths%5B%5D=weekend_trip&date_picker_type=calendar&query=Bilbao%2C%20Vizcaya&place_id=ChIJqQ4YZitOTg0R0J7Lc4L1BAQ&checkin=2022-09-25&checkout=2022-10-02&source=structured_search_input_header&search_type=autocomplete_click).

We encourage you to pre-register right now so that we can supply you with information and also send you the official registration form once it is ready. Send your pre-registration to WilbaOS at protonmail.com

What are the costs?
It takes 290 € per participant to cover all costs. If you can contribute more,to help us help colleagues with less income attend, we welcome it.If you can contribute less or anything over zero,register anyway andpay what you can. That’s ok. Open Space is about bringing together those who want to contribute, learn and share.

If we have a surplus at the end it will go to a resource pool for future gatherings.

In addition to the reception dinner on Wednesday, September 28, we’ll supply breakfast and lunch for both the pre-WOSonOS event, and WOSonOS 2022.

How to transfer contributions?
Please use this account at the [Triodos Bank](https://www.triodos.com/)

> Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain
> IBAN: ES97 1491 0001 2930 0014 7148

We’ll soon add other ways (PayPal, Stripe,...) to contribute. You can also hand over your contribution at the event.

Do you have other questions?
If you have dietary, mobility, childcare or any other needs, contact us by email: WilbaOS at protonmail.com

Who is the convener for WOSonOS 2022?
The convener and organizer is [Gune Irekiaren Lagunak (Open Space Friends from the Basque Country)](http://guneirekiarenlagunak.weebly.com/): a dedicated group of professional facilitators and other people interested in Open Space. We have been meeting and working with Open Space since 2010, convening local OSonOS's and hosting an open space e-mail group with about 300 participants.

We are happy to reconnect and celebrate Open Space and life after two years of uncertainty and disconnection! Aurrera GiGi Mundiala ;-)!
Join us in Bilbao and thank you for spreading the word!

Peru Calabaza Sabán; Idoia Azkorra; Iñigo Retolaza; Unai Gaztelu; Diego Aldasoro; and Gentza Eleder Aurtenetxe on behalf of[Gune Irekiaren Lagunak](http://guneirekiarenlagunak.weebly.com/)

WilbaOS at protonmail.com(+0034) 638.733.223
We are very grateful to
Lisa Heft ([http://www.openingspace.net](http://www.openingspace.net/)); Juan Luis Walker ([https://www.espacioabierto.net](https://www.espacioabierto.net/)); Harold Shinsato ([https://shinsato.com](https://shinsato.com/)); Open Space Institute - U.S. ([https://osius.org](https://osius.org/)); Karolina Iwa ([http://karolinaiwa.com](http://karolinaiwa.com/));Thomas Herrmann ([https://openspaceconsulting.com](https://openspaceconsulting.com/)); Jo Töpfer (https://www.boscop.org/en/boscop/jo-toepfer); André Baken; Mark Carmel; Tonnie Van der Zouwen ([www.tonnievanderzouwen.co](http://www.tonnievanderzouwen.com/)m); Gerardo de Lutzemberger (https://www.loci.it/genius-loci/deluz); Michael M Pannwitz (mmp; https://www.openspaceworldmap.org/worker/michael-m-pannwitz); Cecilia Soriano; Peggy Holman ([https://peggyholman.com](https://peggyholman.com/)); Allie Middleton ([https://alliemiddleton.com](https://alliemiddleton.com/2021/05/initiating-creation-stories/)) ; Carol Daniel Kasbari; April Jefferson (https://openspacemindset.substack.com/); Christine Koehler ([http://christine-koehler.fr](http://christine-koehler.fr/)): Raffi Aftandelian; Eugenio Moliní (https://molini.eu); André Baken; Tova Averbuch ([www.tovaaverbuch.com](mailto:tova at tovaaverbuch.com))  and many more colleagues forhelping us designing Wosonos 2022 and spreading the word all over the world!

Want to dig deeper into OST? We recommend these paths:

> 1. Read this wonderful book: “Open Space Tehcnology: a user’s guide” (Harrison Owen) and visit www.openspaceworld.org
> 2. Take part in an OS, to live the experience of a full-length, self-organized long meeting, such as the one we are promoting on the 26th and 27th September
> 3. Join, explore and use the [OSLIST](https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/oslist/), a wondertul continuous on-line WOSonOS.
> 4. Facilitate OS in your community or work.
> 5. Join [Wosonos this September 2022 in Bilbao](https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/osonos-bilbao/)[this September 2022 in Bilbao](https://openspaceworld.org/wp2/osonos-bilbao/), or any other osonos encounters in the future, to go deeper as you meet OS facilitors around the world.
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