[OSList] Canada Connundrum... What do YOU Think?

John Watkins johnw536 at mac.com
Sun Feb 13 15:07:25 PST 2022

The problem is that most of the folks “protesting” in Canada right now were in fact “sold on or bossed into accepting someone else's plans,” namely far right wing and conspiracy theory and dark money groups that are funding and cynically manipulating the truckers and others into participating in these protests. This was made clear by an interview on NPR yesterday with a woman who has been studying far right and white supremacist groups in Canada for a number of years. And those are not the people who are showing up to participate in some kind of open space event. They are just trying to create chaos and disrupt economic recovery. 

John W

Sent from John's iPhone

> On Feb 13, 2022, at 12:42 PM, Tony Budak via OSList <oslist at lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> "First, when thinking about strategies for organizational change, we need to remember: Participation is not a choice. We have no choice but to invite people into the process of rethinking, redesigning, restructuring the organization. We ignore people's need to participate at our own peril. If they're involved, they will create a future that already has them in it. We won't have to engage in the impossible and exhausting tasks of "selling" them the solution, getting them "to enroll," or figuring out the incentives that might bribe them into compliant behaviors. For the past fifty years a great bit of wisdom has circulated in the field of organizational behavior: People support what they create. In observing how life organizes, we would restate this maxim as: People only support what they create. Life insists on its freedom to participate and can never be sold on or bossed into accepting someone else's plans", 
> From: 
> Bringing Life to Organizational Change
> Journal for Strategic Performance Measurement, April/May 1998
> Margaret J. Wheatley & Myron Kellner-Rogers
> On 2/12/2022 12:25 PM, Mark Carmel via OSList wrote:
>> The protestors say, ...We stand for Freedom!... What does Canada's leader stand for?  Authoritarianism? Maybe they will need to build a lot of prisons to lock up the protestors. Or maybe the Leader should call Harrison Owen to facilitate an Open Space Technology meeting for Canada and the world to have a conversation.  What do you think my brothers and sisters?
>> MC
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> Stay Safe and Well, Tony Budak 
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