[OSList] how can open space connect with the greatest learning generation?

christopher macrae via OSList oslist at lists.openspacetech.org
Fri Sep 30 05:00:46 PDT 2016

May I share: 1 a question, 2 a request, and 3 a point of clarification (please dont read this longer section unless it interests you because mathematically its quite scary and I dont want controversy to distract from potential actions around 1 and 2 )
1 question - do alumni of harrison owen have one communal hashtag on twitter when we are aiming to sustain sharing of an innovation (or call for further action) generated by open space  -eg is #openspace   #openspacetech   #openspacetechnology -all 3 give different foci to openspace knowhow
2 request - if you have ever open spaced and found an action for education that you are still trying to connect - please will you tweet #learninggeneration together with a bookmark to the innovation and whichever is our #identity for open space - reasoning for request ten days ago 30 national leaders agreed in front of 500 world citizens at the UN to use #learninggeneration in attempt to transform education to making 2015-2030 the greatest learning generation - i only noticed one open space practitioner there but fortunately she shares the same nationality as that taking #learninggeneration most seriously because she is one of their 0,7 billion youth who want to be sustainable

3 clarification: for 20 years of my life (to about 1995) i made a living from conducting some of the world's largest market research and modeling surveys; one of the dirty little problems of this industry is what used to be called the survey coding frame; in the jargon surveys have 2 kinds of question- closed ie multichoice, and open where the interviewee gives the answer in their own words - eg what did you like about this new product?; the coding frame problem is how do you take 1000 interviews and analyse open questions in way that eg big businessmen have attention time to learn from - the ugly truth in most of the industry: assign the coding frame to lowly paid clerics because otherwise the cost of reporting would go up (and sadly in my view market research is a sector that has been driven by computing blindly bringing down cost regardless if how much intelligence is lost) -  you might think that the skill of hash-coding would be one taught from 5th grade up on whenever it is we expect children to be in the middle of connecting learning let alone twittering - i have not yet found any such practical curriculum - though if you know of one tell me chris.macrae at yahoo.co.uk as I am trying to work out how we the people can actively help Home | the Education Commission   turn the impossible dream into reality of uniting youth -and teachers!-  around the goal of 2016-2030 being the greatest learning generation-- around  which a lot of humanity (at local and global community levels) if not the value of technology/science depends -what JMA my favorite educator  in the world class putting love Q (love quotient) not just money into the future of education
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