[OSList] french OS facilitator needed.

Karolina Iwa karolina.iwa at gmail.com
Wed May 29 01:39:30 PDT 2013

hello there,

for a colleague of mine in france i am searching for a local OS
facilitator. since i do not know anybody from the world map who is listed
in france, i decided to ask you if you could recommend me somebody.

below a very brief and informal description ot the issue, from an email by
"It is for a project of platform which is composed of local authorities,
cultural agencies, cultural workers and they would like to integrate
enterprises, banks etc. in the project. It should support cultural actors
to build european projects, but I think they really need a method to make
it clearer and to learn how to work together as they all have different
issues and visions."

please get back to me at: karolina at track2facilitation.com

have a lovely day everybody.



karolina iwa
creativity & self-organisation
track2: training - facilitation - consulting
D: +49 15774 932193   PL: +48 880 747578

karolina at track2facilitation.com
facebook: track2
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