[OSList] A few words...

Thomas Herrmann thomas at openspaceconsulting.com
Sat Sep 29 12:09:44 PDT 2012

Great video – txs HO!



Från: oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org
[mailto:oslist-bounces at lists.openspacetech.org] För Harrison Owen
Skickat: den 28 september 2012 21:05
Till: 'World wide Open Space Technology email list'
Ämne: [OSList] A few words...


Recently I spoke to the Agile Software folks in New York. Seems like they
have now figured out that “Unconferences” are really Open Space – so why not
do the “real thing?” Anyhow they asked me to say a few words, and made the
mistake of giving me 45 minutes. Needless to say I took the whole thing, but
I (at least) did have fun. They seemed to (have fun) as well, and maybe you
will too
 Go to –






Harrison Owen

7808 River Falls Dr.

Potomac, MD 20854



189 Beaucaire Ave. (summer)

Camden, Maine 20854


Phone 301-365-2093

(summer)  207-763-3261



www.ho-image.com (Personal Website)

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