[OSList] This is London - broadcasting from WOSonOS?

Harold Shinsato harold at shinsato.com
Fri Sep 28 15:13:56 PDT 2012

Hi Phelim,

Will be great to have reports go up to the D&D site for those who can't 
make it but care deeply. I'm always amazed at how a twitter stream can 
help gauge the temperature and ambiance even for those there in person.

When I was at a couple of Peggy's Journalism That Matters conferences, 
the amount of live streaming was truly amazing. WOSonOS isn't a 
journalism conference, but as Peggy's work has shown to me profoundly - 
we're all journalists now even if there's a critical place for full time 
professionals. These days the real "Record" isn't just the official 
proceedings - but all the blogs, tweets, uploaded pics, video, and 
audio. The echos of a resonant event can go on and on and on.


On 9/28/12 12:30 PM, Phelim McDermott wrote:
> Harold,
> I think that we will probably aim to use the D&D site for reports 
> during Wosonos putting up Wosonos as an event there means that reports 
> will go up online straight away and can be automatically tweeted with 
> the #wosonos hashtag and they can be commented upon live and shared.
> It's also possible to post images and video on the site as well so 
> that can be a way to connect the noise in the room to the outside 
> world. it's been working really well on the roadshow and the D&D 
> hashtag has trended twice!
> We aim to create a final book of proceedings that will go up on the 
> wosonos website after the event however trying out posting live for 
> the wosonos event seems like a worthwhile experiment don't you think.
> Best
> Phelim X

Harold Shinsato
harold at shinsato.com <mailto:harold at shinsato.com>
twitter: @hajush <http://twitter.com/hajush>
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